examples come from native speaker

Put john in the loop about this. He will have good advice.

Why have I been cut out of the loop? I need to know about this stuff.

Who all is 'in the know'? I need to be sure I know so I do not talk to someone out of the loop by mistake.


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  5. java 代理的三种实现方式
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  7. SharePoint 使用PowerShell恢复误删的网站集
  8. 按照需要分别率长宽比导出图片(python 3)
  9. select2美化下拉单
  10. sql时间段算法
  11. EXP-00056: ORACLE error 6550 encountered报错;
  12. redis 手册
  13. DB2中时间格式化
  14. Android ToggleButton使用介绍
  15. Js 网页版扫雷游戏代码实现
  16. 关于PHP 采集类
  17. 我博客上的围棋js程序
  18. 【Alpha版本】冲刺阶段——Day3
  19. 模块之 logging, shelve, sys 模块
  20. WPF开发ArcGis系统时的异常信息: ArcGIS product not specified. You must first bind to an ArcGIS version prior to using any ArcGIS components.


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