When you are transferring multiple files to your destination, 'mput' or 'mget' will be the one command used. Well, if we don't have ftp application at that time. Especially, more than 50 files need to be transferred ? confirmation would be hassle.

The prompt feature of the mput command can be disabled by invoking ftp with the -i option. In this instance, all file names that match the pattern in your mput command will be transferred
without confirmation.

Here is the way to avoid the hassle.

when you login, use '-i' option

ex) ftp -i ftp.test.com
ftp>cd [taget directory]
ftp>mput *

and try 'mput' or 'mget'

Now, ftpd won't ask a confirmation.

Another way:

    ftp> prompt
    Interactive mode off.
    ftp> prompt
    Interactive mode on.


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