关于配置文件的目录:[Asp.net 5] Configuration-新一代的配置文件



public class ComplexOptions
public ComplexOptions()
Virtual = "complex";
public int Integer { get; set; }
public bool Boolean { get; set; }
public virtual string Virtual { get; set; }
} public class Test
public IConfiguration BuildConfiguration()
var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Integer", "-2"},
{"Boolean", "TRUe"},
{"Nested:Integer", ""}
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder(new MemoryConfigurationSource(dic));
return config = builder.Build();
public void BinderTest()
var config = BuildConfiguration();
var options = ConfigurationBinder.Bind<ComplexOptions>(config);
Assert.Equal(-, options.Integer);




 public static class ConfigurationBinder
public static TModel Bind<TModel>(IConfiguration configuration) where TModel : new()
var model = new TModel();
Bind(model, configuration);
return model;
} public static void Bind(object model, IConfiguration configuration)
if (model == null)
} BindObjectProperties(model, configuration);
} private static void BindObjectProperties(object obj, IConfiguration configuration)
foreach (var property in GetAllProperties(obj.GetType().GetTypeInfo()))
BindProperty(property, obj, configuration);
} private static void BindProperty(PropertyInfo property, object propertyOwner, IConfiguration configuration)
configuration = configuration.GetConfigurationSection(property.Name); if (property.GetMethod == null || !property.GetMethod.IsPublic)
// We don't support set only properties
} var propertyValue = property.GetValue(propertyOwner);
var hasPublicSetter = property.SetMethod != null && property.SetMethod.IsPublic; if (propertyValue == null && !hasPublicSetter)
// Property doesn't have a value and we cannot set it so there is no
// point in going further down the graph
} propertyValue = BindType(
configuration); if (propertyValue != null && hasPublicSetter)
property.SetValue(propertyOwner, propertyValue);
} private static object BindType(Type type, object typeInstance, IConfiguration configuration)
var configValue = configuration.Get(null);
var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo(); if (configValue != null)
// Leaf nodes are always reinitialized
return CreateValueFromConfiguration(type, configValue, configuration);
var subkeys = configuration.GetConfigurationSections();
if (subkeys.Count() != )
if (typeInstance == null)
if (typeInfo.IsInterface || typeInfo.IsAbstract)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatError_CannotActivateAbstractOrInterface(type));
} bool hasParameterlessConstructor = typeInfo.DeclaredConstructors.Any(ctor => ctor.IsPublic && ctor.GetParameters().Length == );
if (!hasParameterlessConstructor)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatError_MissingParameterlessConstructor(type));
} try
typeInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatError_FailedToActivate(type), ex);
} var collectionInterface = GetGenericOpenInterfaceImplementation(typeof(IDictionary<,>), type);
if (collectionInterface != null)
// Dictionary
BindDictionary(typeInstance, collectionInterface, configuration);
collectionInterface = GetGenericOpenInterfaceImplementation(typeof(ICollection<>), type);
if (collectionInterface != null)
// ICollection
BindCollection(typeInstance, collectionInterface, configuration);
// Something else
BindObjectProperties(typeInstance, configuration);
return typeInstance;
} private static void BindDictionary(object dictionary, Type iDictionaryType, IConfiguration configuration)
var iDictionaryTypeInfo = iDictionaryType.GetTypeInfo(); // It is guaranteed to have a two and only two parameters
// because this is an IDictionary<K,V>
var keyType = iDictionaryTypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments[];
var valueType = iDictionaryTypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments[]; if (keyType != typeof(string))
// We only support string keys
} var addMethod = iDictionaryTypeInfo.GetDeclaredMethod("Add");
var subkeys = configuration.GetConfigurationSections().ToList(); foreach (var keyProperty in subkeys)
var keyConfiguration = keyProperty.Value; var item = BindType(
type: valueType,
typeInstance: null,
configuration: keyConfiguration);
if (item != null)
addMethod.Invoke(dictionary, new[] { keyProperty.Key, item });
} private static void BindCollection(object collection, Type iCollectionType, IConfiguration configuration)
var iCollectionTypeInfo = iCollectionType.GetTypeInfo(); // It is guaranteed to have a one and only one parameter
// because this is an ICollection<T>
var itemType = iCollectionTypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments[]; var addMethod = iCollectionTypeInfo.GetDeclaredMethod("Add");
var subkeys = configuration.GetConfigurationSections().ToList(); foreach (var keyProperty in subkeys)
var keyConfiguration = keyProperty.Value; try
var item = BindType(
type: itemType,
typeInstance: null,
configuration: keyConfiguration);
if (item != null)
addMethod.Invoke(collection, new[] { item });
} private static object CreateValueFromConfiguration(Type type, string value, IConfiguration configuration)
var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo(); if (typeInfo.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
return CreateValueFromConfiguration(Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type), value, configuration);
} var configurationValue = configuration.Get(key: null); try
if (typeInfo.IsEnum)
return Enum.Parse(type, configurationValue);
return Convert.ChangeType(configurationValue, type);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatError_FailedBinding(configurationValue, type), ex);
} private static Type GetGenericOpenInterfaceImplementation(Type expectedOpenGeneric, Type actual)
var interfaces = actual.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces;
foreach (var interfaceType in interfaces)
if (interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType &&
interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == expectedOpenGeneric)
return interfaceType;
} return null;
} private static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetAllProperties(TypeInfo type)
var allProperties = new List<PropertyInfo>(); do
type = type.BaseType.GetTypeInfo();
while (type != typeof(object).GetTypeInfo()); return allProperties;



  • GetAllProperties。系统获取属性的时候,不光要获取当前类的属性也要获取基类的属性。
  • 绑定属性时,将需要被绑定的对象作为参数传入进去,由于是引用类型,所以不用返回值也能更改其属性、类似的还有ArrayList等。
    • BindProperty(PropertyInfo property, object propertyOwner, IConfiguration configuration)。此处的propertyOwner值会被调用方法中修改。
  • 将字符串转换成枚举的方法:
    • Enum.Parse(type, configurationValue);、
  • 将对象转变类型的方法:
    • Convert.ChangeType(configurationValue, type);
  • 判断泛型的方法

      private static Type GetGenericOpenInterfaceImplementation(Type expectedOpenGeneric, Type actual)
      var interfaces = actual.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces;
      foreach (var interfaceType in interfaces)
      if (interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType &&
      interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == expectedOpenGeneric)
      return interfaceType;
      } return null;


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