ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_GET_BestPrice_Web]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@InventoryGUID char(32),
@CustomerGUID char(32),
@Quantity int,
@SelectBestPrice tinyint, --0= false just get the CCP price for this customer,1 = true get best price.
@BasePrice money,
@PricingBandGUID char(32)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Declare the return variable here
DECLARE @SpecialPrice money
IF @SelectBestPrice = 1
IF @Quantity = 1
SET @Quantity = 0 -- equivalent abd some pricing use 0 to indicate no qty breaks
-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here
SELECT @SpecialPrice = SpecialPrice from (Select Top 1 dbo.FN_CalcSpecialPrice(@BasePrice,AdjustmentMode,CASE WHEN AdjustmentMode = 1 THEN Percentage WHEN AdjustmentMode =3 THEN FixedPrice ELSE DollarAmount END)as SpecialPrice FROM Pricing where Pricing.ActiveStatus = 0
and Pricing.InventoryItemGUID = @InventoryGUID and @Quantity>=QuantityBreak and (Pricing.EntityGUID = @CustomerGUID or (Pricing.PricingBandGUID = @PricingBandGUID and Pricing.EntityGUID='00000000000000000000000000000000') or (PricingBandGUID='00000000000000000000000000000000' and EntityGUID='00000000000000000000000000000000')) order by SpecialPrice) as InventoryPrices
ELSE -- only get CCP price, ignore others
SELECT @SpecialPrice = SpecialPrice from (Select dbo.FN_CalcSpecialPrice(@BasePrice,AdjustmentMode,CASE WHEN AdjustmentMode = 1 THEN Percentage WHEN AdjustmentMode =3 THEN FixedPrice ELSE DollarAmount END) as SpecialPrice FROM Pricing where Pricing.ActiveStatus = 0
and Pricing.EntityGUID = @CustomerGUID and Pricing.InventoryItemGUID = @InventoryGUID) as InventoryPrices END
--Return our special price
If @SpecialPrice is NULL or @SpecialPrice = 0
SET @SpecialPrice = @BasePrice RETURN @SpecialPrice


StoredProcedure sp = SPs.SpGetBestPriceWeb(inventoryItemGUID, customerGUID, 1, 1, item.ItmExTaxPrice, "0000000000");
sp.Execute(); string spResult = sp.Command.Parameters.Find(delegate(QueryParameter qp)
return qp.Mode == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
}).ParameterValue.ToString(); decimal specialPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(spResult);


using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using SubSonic;
using SubSonic.Utilities;
// <auto-generated />
namespace Southwind{
public partial class SPs{ /// <summary>
/// Creates an object wrapper for the CustOrderHist Procedure
/// </summary>
public static StoredProcedure CustOrderHist()
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = new SubSonic.StoredProcedure("CustOrderHist", DataService.GetInstance("Southwind"), ""); return sp;
} /// <summary>
/// Creates an object wrapper for the CustOrdersDetail Procedure
/// </summary>
public static StoredProcedure CustOrdersDetail()
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = new SubSonic.StoredProcedure("CustOrdersDetail", DataService.GetInstance("Southwind"), ""); return sp;
} /// <summary>
/// Creates an object wrapper for the CustOrdersOrders Procedure
/// </summary>
public static StoredProcedure CustOrdersOrders()
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = new SubSonic.StoredProcedure("CustOrdersOrders", DataService.GetInstance("Southwind"), ""); return sp;
} /// <summary>
/// Creates an object wrapper for the Employee Sales By Country Procedure
/// </summary>
public static StoredProcedure EmployeeSalesByCountry()
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = new SubSonic.StoredProcedure("Employee Sales By Country", DataService.GetInstance("Southwind"), ""); return sp;
} /// <summary>
/// Creates an object wrapper for the Sales by Year Procedure
/// </summary>
public static StoredProcedure SalesByYear()
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = new SubSonic.StoredProcedure("Sales by Year", DataService.GetInstance("Southwind"), ""); return sp;
} /// <summary>
/// Creates an object wrapper for the Ten Most Expensive Products Procedure
/// </summary>
public static StoredProcedure TenMostExpensiveProducts()
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = new SubSonic.StoredProcedure("Ten Most Expensive Products", DataService.GetInstance("Southwind"), ""); return sp;
} } }



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