1. you are unfamiliar with the subject area.
  2. you can read / understand the most fundamental aspects of the subject area.
  3. ability to implement small changes, understand basic principles and able to figure out additional details with minimal help.
  4. basic proficiency in a subject area without relying on help.
  5. you are comfortable with the subject area and all routine work on it:For software areas - ability to develop medium programs using all basic language features w/o book, awareness of more esoteric features (with book).For systems areas - understanding of many fundamentals of networking and systems administration, ability to run a small network of systems including recovery, debugging and nontrivial troubleshooting that relies on the knowledge of internals.
  6. an even lower degree of reliance on reference materials. Deeper skills in a field or specific technology in the subject area.
  7. ability to develop large programs and systems from scratch. Understanding of low level details and internals. Ability to design / deploy most large, distributed systems from scratch.
  8. you understand and make use of most lesser known language features, technologies, and associated internals. Ability to automate significant amounts of systems administration.
  9. deep understanding of corner cases, esoteric features, protocols and systems including "theory of operation". Demonstrated ability to design, deploy and own very critical or large infrastructure, build accompanying automation.
  10. could have written the book about the subject area but didn't; works with standards committees on defining new standards and methodologies.
  11. wrote the book on the subject area (there actually has to be a book). Recognized industry expert in the field, might have invented it.


  1. Entity Framework 6 Recipes 2nd Edition(10-6)译 -> TPT继承模型中使用存储过程
  2. 51nod1459(带权值的dijkstra)
  3. 纯代码TableView自适应高度(很老的使用方法)
  4. Elasticsearch搜索类型(query type)详解
  5. Qt学习之路(34): 国际化(下)
  6. Eclipse3.7默认字体修改-找回Courser-New字体
  7. ELK 之三:Kibana 使用与Tomcat、Nginx 日志格式处理
  8. uploadify,实际开发案例【选择完文件点击上传才上传】
  9. wget一个小技巧
  10. 如何javascript获取css中的样式
  11. redis的sentinel主从切换(failover)与Jedis线程池自动重连
  12. idea通过mapper快速定位到xml文件
  13. 使用Keras训练大规模数据集
  14. 可视化svg深入理解viewport、viewbox、preserveaspectradio
  15. echarts使用踩坑实录之气泡图
  16. stock1114
  17. C# 判断一个文本文件的编码格式(转载)
  18. VisualSVN Server 服务器搭建 和 TortoiseSVN的配置和使用方法
  19. mybatis Condition查询
  20. 安卓下junit测试


  1. ssh学习小记
  2. Jackson fasterxml跟codehaus的区别 (fasterxml vs. codehaus) -- 转载
  3. JDK、JRE、JVM三者间的关系
  4. window service 注册、启动、删除
  5. 使用my exclipse对数据库进行操作(3)
  6. Sublime Text 安装Emmet
  7. Spring mvc 中使用ftl引用共通文件出错 FreeMarker template error: Error reading included file "/WEB-INF/ftl/common/errormessage.ftl"
  8. 集成TBS(腾讯浏览服务)x5内核的webView
  9. STM32 使用DMA+DAC+TIMER 输出正弦波
  10. 黑马程序员_Java基础:网络编程总结