

ssh root@

ssh root@

Type `help' to learn how to use Xshell prompt.
[c:\~]$ ?
Internal Commands:
new:      Creates a new session.
open:     Opens a session or the session dialog box.
edit:     Opens the Session Property dialog box for a session.
list:     Lists information of all available sessions.
cd:       Changes the current working directory.
pwd:      Shows the current working directory.
set:      Sets options.
clear:    Clears the screen/address/command history.
help:     Displays this help. '?' does the same.
quit:     Quits Local Shell. 'exit' does the same.
ssh:      Connects to a host using the SSH protocol.
telnet:   Connects to a host using the TELNET protocol.
rlogin:   Connects to a host using the RLOGIN protocol.
sftp:     Connects to a host to transfer files securely.
ftp:      Connects to a host to transfer files.
disconnect:    Closes connection of this session.
reconnect:     Reconnects this session.

For more information, type 'help command' for each command.
ex) help telnet
[c:\~]$ help
Internal Commands:
new:      Creates a new session.
open:     Opens a session or the session dialog box.
edit:     Opens the Session Property dialog box for a session.
list:     Lists information of all available sessions.
cd:       Changes the current working directory.
pwd:      Shows the current working directory.
set:      Sets options.
clear:    Clears the screen/address/command history.
help:     Displays this help. '?' does the same.
quit:     Quits Local Shell. 'exit' does the same.
ssh:      Connects to a host using the SSH protocol.
telnet:   Connects to a host using the TELNET protocol.
rlogin:   Connects to a host using the RLOGIN protocol.
sftp:     Connects to a host to transfer files securely.
ftp:      Connects to a host to transfer files.
disconnect:    Closes connection of this session.
reconnect:     Reconnects this session.

For more information, type 'help command' for each command.
ex) help telnet


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