

关于Java的安装与环境配置,可以参考博文YUI Compressor for Sublime text2



-> cmd -> 命令行窗口

-> cd到jsdoc-toolkit所在目录(我的是G:\Workspace\jsdoc-toolkit)

-> windows:java -jar jsrun.jar app\run.js -a -t=templates\jsdoc myTest/myTest.js

Linux:$ java -jar jsrun.jar app/run.js -a -t=templates/jsdoc myTest/myTest.js

-> 运行后生成out(默认)目录

-> 完成自动化API文档。

当然myTest.js文件中的注释需要符合jsDoc规范。 如果我们不想使用默认目录out,可以通过-d命令来设置。


G:\Workspace\jsdoc-toolkit>java -jar jsrun.jar app\run.js --help
USAGE: java -jar jsrun.jar app/run.js [OPTIONS] <SRC_DIR> <SRC_FILE> ... OPTIONS:
-a or --allfunctions
Include all functions, even undocumented ones. -c or --conf
Load a configuration file. -d=<PATH> or --directory=<PATH>
Output to this directory (defaults to "out"). -D="myVar:My value" or --define="myVar:My value"
Multiple. Define a variable, available in JsDoc as JSDOC.opt.D.myVar. -e=<ENCODING> or --encoding=<ENCODING>
Use this encoding to read and write files. -E="REGEX" or --exclude="REGEX"
Multiple. Exclude files based on the supplied regex. -h or --help
Show this message and exit. -n or --nocode
Ignore all code, only document comments with @name tags. -o=<PATH> or --out=<PATH>
Print log messages to a file (defaults to stdout). -p or --private
Include symbols tagged as private, underscored and inner symbols. -q or --quiet
Do not output any messages, not even warnings. -r=<DEPTH> or --recurse=<DEPTH>
Descend into src directories. -s or --suppress
Suppress source code output. -S or --securemodules
Use Secure Modules mode to parse source code. -t=<PATH> or --template=<PATH>
Required. Use this template to format the output. -T or --test
Run all unit tests and exit. -u or --unique
Force file names to be unique, but not based on symbol names. -v or --verbose
Provide verbose feedback about what is happening. -x=<EXT>[,EXT]... or --ext=<EXT>[,EXT]...
Scan source files with the given extension/s (defaults to js).


本文标题:使用jsdoc-toolkit实现JS API文档自动化



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