If you have more than two nodes in the cluster, you can specify the destination node with the following syntax:


move-ClusterGroup –node NodeName

where NodeName is where you want to move the group.

Command Line:

cluster group “Cluster Group” /Move:NodeName

where NodeName is where you want to move the group.



The Current Host Server value listed is actually the current owner of the Cluster Group (also known as the Cluster Core Resources group).
This group contains the cluster IP address, Network Name and Witness Disk.

If you want to see this more clearly, open a command prompt and type 'cluster group'. This should list something like:

C:\>cluster group
Listing status for all available resource groups:
Group                Node            Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
Available Storage    Node1        Offline
Cluster Group        Node1        Online
Virtual Machine      Node2        Online

You can also change ownership of this group from the command line using a 'cluster group "cluster group" /move' command.
Once the Cluster Group moves to the other node, the Current Host Server value should also change.



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