
关于磁盘自检,如果是新手,肯定都会有不少疑惑,下面从这几个方面一一讲述,希望能解答你的疑惑。下面实验版本为Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7,请注意不同版本之间的区别。



现在的文件系统已经非常可靠,极少出现问题,但是总有意外或错误出现的概率,例如断电、硬件失败等,所以Linux会使用fsck来检查和修复文件系统。fsck命令(filesystem consistency check),意思是文件系统一致性检查。fsck能够安全、自动修复下面这5类问题:






通常情况下,硬盘在启动时使用fsck -p来进行检查,它将检查/etc/fstab中列出的所有本地文件系统。大多数系统设置为启动时自动运行fsck,希望任何错误在系统使用前被检测到,并得到修正。因为使用错误的文件系统可能使得问题变得更加糟糕。所以磁盘自检是有必要的,这也是为什么大多数系统将其设置为启动时自动运行fsck(有一定规律,不是每次启动都会做磁盘自检,取决于你的配置,下面阐述),所以没有特殊必要的话,最好不要取消磁盘自检。



上面所述,并不是每次重启都会做磁盘自检,那么磁盘自检的规律如何查看呢? 此时需要借助tune2fs命令

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -E "Maximum mount count|Check interval"

Maximum mount count:      -1

Check interval:           604800 (1 week)

[root@DB-Server ~]# 

如上所示,Check interval表示执行磁盘自检fsck的时间间隔,Maximum mount count表示强制自检的挂载次数,即达到最大挂载次数后,再次开机时就会强制自检。上面信息告诉我们,磁盘自检的时间间隔为一周,也就是7天。Maximum mount count 值为-1表示禁用这个功能。





[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      -1

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           604800 (1 week)

Next check after:         Sun Jan 11 21:34:24 2015

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -i 30 /dev/sda2

tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)

Setting interval between checks to 2592000 seconds

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      -1

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           2592000 (1 month)

Next check after:         Tue Feb  3 21:34:24 2015

[root@DB-Server ~]# 


[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      -1

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           2592000 (1 month)

Next check after:         Tue Feb  3 21:34:24 2015

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -c 2 /dev/sda2

tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)

Setting maximal mount count to 2

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      2

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           2592000 (1 month)

Next check after:         Tue Feb  3 21:34:24 2015

[root@DB-Server ~]# 


[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -i 60  -c 10 /dev/sda2

tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)

Setting maximal mount count to 10

Setting interval between checks to 5184000 seconds

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      10

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           5184000 (2 months)

Next check after:         Thu Mar  5 21:34:24 2015

[root@DB-Server ~]# 




1: 使用命令tune2fs -i 0 -c 0 取消磁盘自检,如下所示

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      10

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           5184000 (2 months)

Next check after:         Thu Mar  5 21:34:24 2015

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -i 0 -c 0 /dev/sda2

tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)

Setting maximal mount count to -1

Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds

[root@DB-Server ~]# 

[root@DB-Server ~]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda2 | grep -i -E 'mount|check'

Last mounted on:          <not available>

Default mount options:    user_xattr acl

Last mount time:          Mon Jul  4 11:30:54 2016

Mount count:              94

Maximum mount count:      -1

Last checked:             Sun Jan  4 21:34:24 2015

Check interval:           0 (<none>)

[root@DB-Server ~]# 



/etc/fstab分区表中第六列(pass):指明自检顺序。 (0为不自检,1或者2为要自检,如果是根分区要设为1,其他分区只能是2)

[root@DB-Server ~]# more /etc/fstab 

LABEL=/                 /                       ext3    defaults        1 1

LABEL=/boot             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2

tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0

/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00 /u02            ext3    defaults        0 2

/dev/VolGroup02/LogVol00   /u05                 ext3    defaults        1 2

#/dev/VolGroup03/LogVol00   /u06                 ext3    defaults        1 1

devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0

sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0

proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0

LABEL=SWAP-sda3         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

[root@DB-Server ~]# more /etc/fstab 

LABEL=/                 /                       ext3    defaults        1 0

LABEL=/boot             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 0

tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0

/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00 /u02            ext3    defaults        0 0

/dev/VolGroup02/LogVol00   /u05                 ext3    defaults        1 0

#/dev/VolGroup03/LogVol00   /u06                 ext3    defaults        1 0

devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0

sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0

proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0

LABEL=SWAP-sda3         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root@DB-Server ~]# 

关于这两者的优先级,我测试过,即使已经满足了Maximum mount count和Check interval里面的条件,如果在/etc/fstab里面关闭了磁盘自检,那么在重启时,并不会做磁盘自检,也就是说/etc/fstab设置里面的优先级要高一些。


3:使用参数-f 跳过自检

[root@DB-Server ~]# shutdown -rf now


4:在/boot/grub/grub.conf 中添加fastboot,如下所示

[root@DB-Server /]# cd /boot

[root@DB-Server boot]# ls

config-2.6.18-274.el5  grub  initrd-2.6.18-274.el5.img  lost+found  symvers-2.6.18-274.el5.gz  System.map-2.6.18-274.el5  vmlinuz-2.6.18-274.el5

[root@DB-Server boot]# cd grub/

[root@DB-Server grub]# ls

device.map     fat_stage1_5  grub.conf         jfs_stage1_5  minix_stage1_5     splash.xpm.gz  stage2         vstafs_stage1_5

e2fs_stage1_5  ffs_stage1_5  iso9660_stage1_5  menu.lst      reiserfs_stage1_5  stage1         ufs2_stage1_5  xfs_stage1_5

[root@DB-Server grub]# more grub.conf 

# grub.conf generated by anaconda


# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file

# NOTICE:  You have a /boot partition.  This means that

#          all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.

#          root (hd0,0)

#          kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda2

#          initrd /initrd-version.img






title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.18-274.el5)

        root (hd0,0)

        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-274.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet

        initrd /initrd-2.6.18-274.el5.img  fastboot

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root@DB-Server grub]# 

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-274.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet

initrd /initrd-2.6.18-274.el5.img fastboot





方法1: 使用tune2fs调整Maximum mount count和Check interval的值,使其下次重启时满足磁盘自检。

方法2:关于这个,在RHEL中,你可以在/etc/rc.sysinit 中看到如下代码(Debian or Ubuntu Linux下查看/etc/init.d/checkfs.sh)如下所示:


[root@DB-Server /]#  touch /forcefsck

[root@DB-Server /]# reboot


Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Mon Jul  4 14:33:59 2016):


The system is going down for reboot NOW!



[root@DB-Server /]# man shutdown

# shutdown -rF now






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