SQL Server 没有类似于Oracle START WITH NAME='xx' CONNECT BY PRIOR ID=PARENT_ID这样的语句,但是可以通过自定义标准函数+With语句实现,速度也是杠杠的

ALTER FUNCTION  [dbo].[RecursionSysLocation]
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@ParentId nvarchar(36)
with temp ( [Id], [parentid])
select Id, ParentId
from SysLocation
where ParentId = @ParentId
union all
select a.Id, a.ParentId
from SysLocation a
inner join temp on a.ParentId = temp.[Id]
) select s.Id, s.ParentId from SysLocation s where Id=@ParentId
union all
select * from temp


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