

package sample;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; /**
* Dfa 状态
* @author liufengkai
* Created by liufengkai on 16/7/10.
public class DfaState implements Comparable<DfaState> { private static int DFA_ID_COUNT = 0;
* state id
private int stateId;
* transition set
* char / set of dfaState
private Map<Integer, DfaState> transitionSet; private DfaState parentState; private Integer parentInput; /**
* 构造方法
* @param input 输入串
* @param parentState 父节点
public DfaState(Integer input, DfaState parentState) {
this.parentInput = input;
this.parentState = parentState;
this.stateId = DFA_ID_COUNT++;
this.transitionSet = new HashMap<>();
} /**
* 添加一条转移语句
* @param input 输入字符
* @param state 下一个状态
* @return 返回添加状态
public DfaState addTransition(int input, DfaState state) { if (!transitionSet.containsKey(input)) {
transitionSet.put(input, state);
} return state;
} public DfaState getTransitionInput(int input) {
return getTransitionSet().get(input);
} public int getStateId() {
return stateId;
} public static int getTotalNumber() {
return DFA_ID_COUNT;
} public Map<Integer, DfaState> getTransitionSet() {
return transitionSet;
} public DfaState getParentState() {
return parentState;
} @Override
public int compareTo(DfaState o) {
return 0;
} public int getParentInput() {
return parentInput;
} /**
* 打印状态
public void printState() {
System.out.println("state : " + getStateId());
for (Integer integer : transitionSet.keySet()) {
System.out.println("symbol: " +
(char) integer.intValue() + " to :" +
} /**
* 返回结束状态
* @param list 传入结束状态
public void returnEndList(ArrayList<DfaState> list) {
for (Integer key : transitionSet.keySet()) {
DfaState cur = transitionSet.get(key);
if (cur.getTransitionSet().isEmpty()) {
} else {



package sample;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap; /**
* Created by liufengkai on 16/7/10.
public class DfaBuilder {
* NFA 状态机的起始状态
public DfaState startState = null;
* 状态机的当前状态
public DfaState currentState = null;
* 接受状态
public HashMap<Integer, DfaState> acceptState; private static final int RETURN_ID = 13; private static final int CHANGE_LINE_ID = 10; private static final int TAB_ID = 9; private static final int SPACE_ID = 32; private ArrayList<Integer> endIdList; private DfaCallBack dfaCallBack = null; public DfaBuilder() {
// parent is null
this(new DfaState(null, null));
} public DfaBuilder(DfaState startState) {
this.startState = startState;
this.currentState = startState;
} /**
* 添加接受状态
public void addAcceptState(int input, DfaState accept) {
if (!acceptState.containsKey(input)) {
acceptState.put(input, accept);
} private void initial() {
this.acceptState = new HashMap<>();
this.endIdList = new ArrayList<>();
} private void initialEndIdList() {
} public DfaState input(int input) {
// parser 了所有特殊情况 对于单词的提示
// 一个单词内是不会出现空格制表符和换行的
// System.out.println(input + "sss");
if (endIdList.contains(input)) {
this.currentState = startState;
return null;
} // 处理了当输入串还在起始状态的情况
if (currentState.getStateId() == startState.getStateId()) {
return startInput(input);
} // 说明状态不在起始状态
DfaState tempCurrent = currentState.getTransitionInput(input);
if (tempCurrent == null) {
tempCurrent = new DfaState(input, currentState);
currentState.addTransition(input, tempCurrent);
} else {
if (dfaCallBack != null) dfaCallBack.onMultipleSetBack(tempCurrent, tempCurrent.getTransitionSet());
currentState = tempCurrent;
return currentState;
} /**
* 处理还在输入串起始状态的情况
* @param input 输入
* @return current状态
public DfaState startInput(int input) {
DfaState current;
// 转入第一个起始状态
if (!acceptState.containsKey(input)) {
current = new DfaState(input, currentState);
this.addAcceptState(input, current);
} else {
current = acceptState.get(input);
if (dfaCallBack != null) dfaCallBack.onMultipleSetBack(current, current.getTransitionSet());
this.currentState = current;
return current;
} public void setDfaCallBack(DfaCallBack dfaCallBack) {
this.dfaCallBack = dfaCallBack;
} public void printDfa() {
for (Integer integer : acceptState.keySet()) {
System.out.println("接受状态 " + acceptState.get(integer).getStateId());
} /**
* 重设startState
public void resetStartState() {
this.currentState = startState;



    public DfaState input(int input) {
// parser 了所有特殊情况 对于单词的提示
// 一个单词内是不会出现空格制表符和换行的
// System.out.println(input + "sss");
if (endIdList.contains(input)) {
this.currentState = startState;
return null;
} // 处理了当输入串还在起始状态的情况
if (currentState.getStateId() == startState.getStateId()) {
return startInput(input);
} // 说明状态不在起始状态
DfaState tempCurrent = currentState.getTransitionInput(input);
if (tempCurrent == null) {
tempCurrent = new DfaState(input, currentState);
currentState.addTransition(input, tempCurrent);
} else {
if (dfaCallBack != null) dfaCallBack.onMultipleSetBack(tempCurrent, tempCurrent.getTransitionSet());
currentState = tempCurrent;
return currentState;


package sample;

import java.util.Map;

* Created by liufengkai on 16/7/10.
public interface DfaCallBack {
void onMultipleSetBack(DfaState current, Map<Integer, DfaState> states);


        DfaBuilder builder = new DfaBuilder();

        builder.setDfaCallBack((current, states) -> {

            System.out.println("current list " + getCurrentString(current));
ArrayList<DfaState> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer key : states.keySet()) {
} for (DfaState state : list) {
System.out.println("prediction list " + getCurrentString(state));
}); public static String getCurrentString(DfaState currentState) {
String tempString = "";
DfaState tempState = currentState;
while (tempState.getParentState() != null) {
tempString = (char) tempState.getParentInput() + tempString;
tempState = tempState.getParentState();
return tempString;





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