

  AngularJS拥有内建的依赖注入(dependeny injection,DI)引擎,职责如下:

  • 理解对象对其协作对象的需求。
  • 找到所需的协作对象。
  • 连接协作对象,以形成功能完备的应用。







  2.1 值


// 定义一个模块
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []); // 创建 value 对象 "defaultInput" 并传递数据
mainApp.value("defaultInput", );
... // 将 "defaultInput" 注入到控制器
mainApp.controller('CalcController', function($scope, CalcService, defaultInput) {
$scope.number = defaultInput;
$scope.result = CalcService.square($scope.number); $scope.square = function() {
$scope.result = CalcService.square($scope.number);

  2.2 服务


//define a module
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
//create a service which defines a method square to return square of a number.
mainApp.service('CalcService', function(MathService){
this.square = function(a) {
return MathService.multiply(a,a);
//inject the service "CalcService" into the controller
mainApp.controller('CalcController', function($scope, CalcService, defaultInput) {
$scope.number = defaultInput;
$scope.result = CalcService.square($scope.number); $scope.square = function() {
$scope.result = CalcService.square($scope.number);

  2.3 Factory

//define a module
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
//create a factory "MathService" which provides a method multiply to return multiplication of two numbers
mainApp.factory('MathService', function() {
var factory = {};
factory.multiply = function(a, b) {
return a * b
return factory;
}); //inject the factory "MathService" in a service to utilize the multiply method of factory.
mainApp.service('CalcService', function(MathService){
this.square = function(a) {
return MathService.multiply(a,a);

  2.4 常量

mainApp.constant("configParam", "constant value");

  2.5 Provider

//define a module
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
//create a service using provider which defines a method square to return square of a number.
mainApp.config(function($provide) {
$provide.provider('MathService', function() {
this.$get = function() {
var factory = {};
factory.multiply = function(a, b) {
return a * b;
return factory;



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