1 #coding:utf-8
  3 """
  5 Created on 2015-9-17
  9 @author: huangxie
 11 """
 13 import time,math,os,re,urllib,urllib2,cookielib 
 15 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 17 import time  
 19 import re
 21 import uuid
 23 import json
 25 from threading import Thread
 27 from Queue import Queue 
 29 import MySQLdb as mdb
 31 import sys
 33 import threading
 35 import utils
 37 import imitate_browser
 39 from MySQLdb.constants.REFRESH import STATUS
 41 reload(sys)
 43 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
 47 DB_HOST = ''
 49 DB_USER = 'root'
 51 DB_PASS = 'root'
 53 proxy = {u'http':u''}
 55 TOP_URL="http://image.baidu.com/i?tn=resultjsonavatarnew&ie=utf-8&word={word}&pn={pn}&rn={rn}"
 57 KEYWORD_URL="https://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&tn=baidu&wd={wd}"
 61 """
 63 i_headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
 65               'Accept':'json;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
 67               'Accept-Charset':'utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
 69               'Accept-Encoding':'gzip',
 71               'Connection':'close',
 73               'Referer':None #注意如果依然不能抓取的话,这里可以设置抓取网站的host
 75             }
 77 """
 79 i_headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.48'}
 83 def GetDateString():
 85     x = time.localtime(time.time())
 87     foldername = str(x.__getattribute__("tm_year"))+"-"+str(x.__getattribute__("tm_mon"))+"-"+str(x.__getattribute__("tm_mday"))
 89     return foldername 
 93 class BaiduImage(threading.Thread):     
 97     def __init__(self):
 99         Thread.__init__(self)
         #self.key_word_queue.put((("动态图", 0, 24)))
         self.mutex = threading.RLock() #可重入锁,使单线程可以再次获得已经获得的锁
         self.next_proxy_set = set()
         self.dbconn = mdb.connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, 'sosogif', charset='utf8')
         self.dbcurr = self.dbconn.cursor()
         self.dbcurr.execute('SET NAMES utf8')
     def run(self):
         while True:
     def work(self,item):
         print "start thread",item
         while True: #MAX_REQUEST条以上则等待
     def format_keyword_url(self,keyword):
         return KEYWORD_URL.format(wd=keyword).encode('utf-8') 
     def generateSeed(self,url):
         html = self.browser.openurl(url).read()
         if html:
                 soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
                 trs = soup.find('div', id='rs').find('table').find_all('tr') #获得所有行
                 for tr in trs:
                     for th in ths:
                         if "动态图" in keyword or "gif" in keyword:
                             print "keyword",keyword
                             self.dbcurr.execute('select id from info where word=%s',(keyword))
                             y = self.dbcurr.fetchone()
                             if not y:
                                 self.dbcurr.execute('INSERT INTO info(word,status,page_num,left_num,how_many) VALUES(%s,0,0,0,0)',(keyword))
     def prepare_request(self):
         self.dbcurr.execute('select * from info where status=0')
         result = self.dbcurr.fetchone()
         if result:
             if page_num==0 and left_num==0 and how_many==0:
                     url=self.format_top_url(word, page_num, 24)
                     html = self.browser.openurl(url).read()
                 except Exception as err:
                     print "err",err
                 if html!="":
                     print "how_many",how_many
                     if how_many==None:
                     t=math.ceil(how_many/24*100) #只要前1/100即可
                     num = int(t)
                     for i  in xrange(0,num-1):
                         self.dbcurr.execute('INSERT INTO info(word,status,page_num,left_num,how_many) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(word,0,i*24,num-i,how_many))
                     self.dbcurr.execute('update info SET status=1 WHERE id=%s',(id)) #置为已经访问
     def start_work(self,req_max):
         for item in xrange(req_max):
             t = threading.Thread(target=self.work, args=(item,))
     def lock(self): #加锁
     def unlock(self): #解锁
     def get_para(self,url,key):
         values = url.split('?')[-1]
         for key_value in values.split('&'):
             if value[0]==key:
                 return value[1]
         return None  
     def makeDateFolder( self,par,child):
         if os.path.isdir( par ):
             path=par + '//' + GetDateString()
             newFolderName = path+'//'+child
             if not os.path.isdir(path):
             if not os.path.isdir( newFolderName ):
                 os.mkdir( newFolderName )
             return newFolderName
             return par 
     def parse_json(self,data):
         ipdata = json.loads(data)
             if ipdata['imgs']:  
                 for n in ipdata['imgs']: #data子项 
                     if n['objURL']:  
                             proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxy)
                             opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support)
                             #print "proxy",proxy
                             self.dbcurr.execute('select ID from pic_info where objURL=%s', (n['objURL']))
                             y = self.dbcurr.fetchone()
                             #print "y=",y
                             if y:
                                 print "database exist"
                                 self.unlock() #continue 前解锁
                                 req = urllib2.Request(n['objURL'],headers=i_headers)
                                 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req,None,5)
                                 if len(real_extension)>4:
                                 if real_extension==".gif":
                                     filename  =self.makeDateFolder("E://sosogif", "d"+str(self.count % 60))+"//"+name+"-www.sosogif.com-搜搜gif贡献"+real_extension
                                     filename  =self.makeDateFolder("E://sosogif", "o"+str(self.count % 20))+"//"+name+"-www.sosogif.com-搜搜gif贡献"+real_extension
                                 if len(real_extension)>4:
                                 filename  =self.makeDateFolder("E://sosogif", "d"+str(self.count % 60))+"//"+name+"-www.sosogif.com-搜搜gif贡献"+real_extension
                                     if not os.path.exists(filename): 
                                         file_object = open(filename,'w+b')  
                                         self.anaylis_info(n,filename,real_extension) #入库操作
                                         print "file exist" 
                                 except IOError,e1:  
                                     print "e1=",e1
                         except IOError,e2:  
                             #print "e2=",e2 
         except Exception as parse_error:
             print "parse_error",parse_error
     def title_dealwith(self,title):
         #print "title",title
         return (temp1+temp2+temp3).strip()
     def anaylis_info(self,n,filename,real_extension):
         print "success."
         #if self.wait_ana_queue.qsize()!=0:
         objURL=n['objURL'] #图片地址
         fromURLHost=n['fromURLHost'] #来源网站
         width=n['width']  #宽度
         height=n['height'] #高度
         di=n['di'] #用来唯一标识
         type=n['type'] #格式
         fromPageTitle=n['fromPageTitle'] #来自网站
         cs=n['cs'] #未知
         os=n['os'] #未知
         temp = time.time()
         x = time.localtime(float(temp))
         acTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",x) #爬取时间
         self.dbcurr.execute('select ID from pic_info where cs=%s', (cs))
         y = self.dbcurr.fetchone()
         if not y:
             print 'add pic',filename
             self.dbcurr.execute('INSERT INTO pic_info(objURL,fromURLHost,width,height,di,type,keyword,cs,os,acTime,filename,real_extension) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(objURL,fromURLHost,width,height,di,type,keyword,cs,os,acTime,filename,real_extension))
             if self.commit_count==10:
     def format_top_url(self,word,pn,rn):
         url = TOP_URL.format(word=word, pn=pn,rn=rn).encode('utf-8') 
         return url
     def how_many(self,data):
             ipdata = json.loads(data)
             if ipdata['displayNum']>0:
                 return int(how_many)
                 return 0
         except Exception as e:
     def get_pic(self):
         if self.key_word_queue.qsize()!=0:
         global proxy
         if url:
                     req = urllib2.Request(url,headers=i_headers)
                     response = urllib2.urlopen(req, None,5)
                     #print "url",url
                     html = self.browser.openurl(url).read()
                 except Exception as err:
                     print "err",err
                 if html:
                     print "how_many",how_many
                     num = int(t)
                     for item  in xrange(0,num-1):
             global proxy
             print "size of queue",self.request_queue.qsize()
             if self.request_queue.qsize()!=0:
                 id,word,page_num = self.request_queue.get()            
                 self.dbcurr.execute('update info SET status=1 WHERE id=%s',(id))
                 if self.chance >0 or self.chance1>1: #任何一个出问题都给换代理
                     if self.ID % 100==0:
                         self.dbcurr.execute("select count(*) from proxy")
                         for r in self.dbcurr:
                         if self.ID>count:
                     self.dbcurr.execute("select * from proxy where ID=%s",(self.ID))
                     results = self.dbcurr.fetchall()
                     for r in results:
                         if pro not in self.next_proxy_set:
                 proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxy)
                 opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support)
                     req = urllib2.Request(u,headers=i_headers)
                     #print "u=",u
                     response = urllib2.urlopen(req, None,5)
                     html = response.read()
                     if html:
                         #print "html",type(html)
                 except Exception as ex1:
                     #print "error=",ex1
                     if self.chance>0 or self.chance1>1:
                         if len(self.next_proxy_set)>0:
                             proxy= {protocol:socket}
                             print "change proxy finished<<",proxy,self.ID
         except Exception as e:
             print "error1",e
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     app = BaiduImage() 
     while 1:


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