
ba01 C3 C4
ba02 C3 C4
ba03 C3 C4
ba04 C3 C4
ba05 C1 CP2
ba06 FC3 FC4
ba07 P1 P2
ba08 F1 F2
ba09 AF3 AF4
ba10 FP1 FP2
ba11 AF7 FPz
ba17 O1 O2
ba18 O1 O2
ba19 PO7 PO4
ba20 FT9 FT10
ba21 T7 T8
ba22 T7 T8
ba23 Pz Pz
ba24 F1 F2
ba31 Pz Pz
ba32 F1 AFz
ba37 P7 P8
ba38 FT9 FT10
ba39 P5 P6
ba40 CP3 CP4
ba41 C5 T8
ba42 T7 C6
ba45   F8
ba46 AF7 F6
ba47 F7 F8

* limited to SKIL Brodmann montage areas

- Closest Brodmann area to each 10-10 electrode 

FP1 ba10L
FPz ba10L
FP2 ba10R
AF7 ba46L
AF3 ba09L
AFz ba09L
AF4 ba09R
AF8 ba46R
F7 ba47L
F5 ba46L
F3 ba08L
F1 ba08L
Fz ba08L
F2 ba08R
F4 ba08R
F6 ba46R
F8 ba45R
FT9 ba20L
FT7 ba47L
FC3 ba06L
FC1 ba06L
FCz ba06R
FC2 ba06R
FC4 ba06R
FC6 ba44R
FT8 ba47R
FT10 ba20R
T7 ba42L
C5 ba42L
C3 ba02L
C1 ba05L
Cz ba05L
C2 ba05R
C4 ba01R
C6 ba41R
T8 ba21R
TP7 ba21L
CP5 ba40L
CP3 ba02L
CP1 ba05L
CPz ba05R
CP2 ba05R
CP4 ba40R
CP6 ba40R
TP8 ba21R
P9 ba20L
P7 ba37L
P5 ba39L
P3 ba39L
P1 ba07L
Pz ba07R
P2 ba07R
P4 ba39R
P6 ba39R
P8 ba37R
P10 ba37R
PO7 ba19L
PO3 ba19L
POz ba17L
PO4 ba19R
PO8 ba19R
O1 ba18L
Oz ba17R
O2 ba18R

* limited to SKIL Brodmann montage areas

- The anatomical gyral names of the various Brodmann areas

Recall that there is a Brodmann area in both left and right hemisphere, the homologues.

Gyrus (Functional name)

1-3 – intermediate, caudal, and rostral postcentral (Primary Somatosensory Cortex) 
4 - gigantopyramidal (Primary Motor Cortex) 
5 - preparietal (Somatosensory Association Cortex) 
6 - agranular frontal (Premotor cortex and Supplementary Motor Cortex) 
7 - superior parietal (Somatosensory Association Cortex) 
8 - intermediate frontal (includes Frontal eye fields) 
9 - granular frontal (Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, DLFC)
10 - frontopolar (DLFC) 
11 - prefrontal (Orbitofrontal) 
12 - prefrontal (Orbitofrontal) 
17 - striate (Primary visual cortex, V1) 
18 - parastriate (Secondary visual cortex, V2) 
19 - peristriate (Tertiary or Associative visual cortex, V3) 
20 - inferior temporal 
21 - middle temporal 
22 - superior temporal (caudal section considered Wernicke's area by most) 
23 - ventral posterior cingulate 
24 - ventral anterior cingulate 
31 - dorsal posterior cingulate 
32 - dorsal anterior cingulate 
37 - occipitotemporal 
38 - temporopolar (temporal pole) 
39 – angular 
40 - supramarginal 
41-42 – ant. & posterior transverse temporal 
44 - opercular (part of Broca's area on left hemisphere) 
45 - triangular (part of Broca's area on left hemisphere) 
46 - middle frontal 
47 - orbital

- EXCLUDED FROM SKIL BRODMANN MONTAGE due to small size and distance from scalp 
13 - insular 
25 - subgenual 
26 - ectosplenial 
28 - entorhinal 
29 - granular retrolimbic 
30 - agranular retrolimbic 
33 - pregenual 
34 - dorsal entorhinal 
35 - perirhinal 
36 - ectorhinal 
43 - subcentral 
48 - retrosubicular 
52 - parainsular

14, 15, 16, 27, 49, 50, 51 - monkey only Distance in mm. If you have a finding at an electrode, this table tells you which BA is closest

- 2nd table: If you have a BA you want to change, here is the electrode which is closest, distance in mm.

FP1 10L,9L,46L,11L,32L
FPz 10L,10R,9L,9R,11R
FP2 10R,9R,46R,11R,45R
AF7 46L,10L,45L,9L,11L
AF3 9L,46L,8L,10L,45L
AFz 9L,9R,32R,32L,8L
AF4 9R,46R,8R,10R,45R
AF8 46R,10R,45R,9R,47R
F7 45L,47L,46L,44L,38L
F5 45L,46L,44L,47L,9L
F3 8L,6L,44L,45L,46L
F1 8L,6L,9L,32L,24L
Fz 8L,8R,32L,24L,6R
F2 8R,6R,9R,32R,24R
F4 8R,9R,6R,44R,46R
F6 46R,44R,45R,9R,8R
F8 45R,47R,46R,44R,38R
FT9 38L,20L,21L,47L,22L
FT7 44L,47L,22L,38L,21L
FC5 44L,45L,22L,42L,41L
FC3 6L,4L,3L,44L,2L
FC1 6L,4L,5L,1L,2L
FCz 6R,5L,6L,4L,5R
FC2 6R,4R,8R,2R,1R
FC4 6R,4R,44R,3R,2R
FC6 44R,45R,41R,22R,42R
FT8 47R,38R,44R,21R,22R
FT10 38R,20R,21R,47R,22R
T7 21L,42L,22L,41L,20L
C5 42L,41L,22L,40L,3L
C3 2L,4L,1L,3L,40L
C1 5L,2L,4L,1L,6L
Cz 5L,5R,1R,1L,4L
C2 5R,1R,2R,4R,6R
C4 4R,2R,1R,3R,40R
C6 42R,41R,22R,3R,40R
T8 21R,22R,41R,42R,20R
TP7 21L,42L,22L,37L,41L
CP5 40L,39L,41L,42L,22L
CP3 40L,2L,1L,7L,3L
CP1 5L,7L,2L,1L,31L
CPz 5L,5R,7R,7L,31L
CP2 5R,7R,1R,2R,40R
CP4 40R,1R,2R,5R,3R
CP6 40R,42R,39R,22R,41R
TP8 37R,21R,22R,42R,20R
P9 20L,37L,21L,22L,42L
P7 37L,39L,19L,21L,41L
P5 39L,19L,37L,40L,41L
P3 39L,7L,19L,40L,2L
P1 7L,31L,5L,7R,39L
Pz 7R,7L,31R,31L,5R
P2 7R,31R,5R,19R,39R
P4 39R,40R,7R,19R,1R
P6 39R,19R,37R,40R,42R
P8 37R,39R,19R,42R,22R
P10 20R,37R,21R,22R,41R
PO7 19L,18L,37L,39L,17L
PO3 19L,39L,18L,17L,7L
POz 17R,17L,18R,18L,7R
PO4 19R,39R,18R,17R,7R
PO8 19R,18R,39R,37R,17R
O1 18L,17L,19L,17R,39L
Oz 17R,17L,18L,18R,19R
O2 18R,17R,19R,17L,39R
1L C3,C1,CP3,CP1,FC3
2L C3,CP3,C1,CP1,FC3
3L C3,C5,CP3,FC3,FC5
4L C3,FC3,C1,FC1,CP3
5L C1,CP1,CPz,Cz,C3
6L FC3,FC1,F3,F1,C3
7L P1,CP1,P3,Pz,CP3
8L F1,F3,AF3,Fz,AFz
9L AF3,AFz,FP1,AF7,F3
10L FP1,AF7,FPz,AF3,AFz
11L AF7,F7,FP1,FPz,AF3
17L Oz,O1,POz,PO3,PO7
18L O1,Oz,PO7,PO3,POz
19L PO7,PO3,P5,O1,P7
20L FT9,T7,P9,TP7,FT7
21L T7,TP7,FT7,C5,CP5
22L T7,C5,TP7,FT7,CP5
23L Pz,P1,CP1,POz,P3
24L F1,Fz,F3,AFz,F2
31L Pz,CP1,P1,CPz,CP3
32L AFz,F1,Fz,AF3,F3
37L P7,TP7,PO7,P5,P9
38L FT9,FT7,F7,T7,F5
39L P5,CP5,P3,P7,PO3
40L CP3,CP5,C3,C5,P3
41L C5,CP5,T7,TP7,FC5
42L T7,C5,TP7,CP5,FT7
44L FC5,F5,FT7,F7,F3
45L F5,F7,AF7,FC5,FT7
46L AF7,F5,F7,AF3,F3
47L F7,FT7,AF7,F5,FT9
1R C4,C2,CP4,CP2,FC2
2R C4,C2,CP4,CP2,FC4
3R C4,C6,CP4,FC4,CP6
4R C4,FC4,C2,FC2,C6
5R CP2,C2,CP4,CPz,C4
6R FC2,FC4,F2,F4,C4
7R P2,Pz,CP2,P4,CPz
8R F2,F4,AF4,Fz,F6
9R AF4,AFz,F4,FP2,AF8
10R FP2,AF8,FPz,AF4,F8
11R FPz,FP2,AF8,F8,FP1
17R Oz,O2,POz,PO4,PO8
18R O2,Oz,PO8,PO4,POz
19R PO4,PO8,P6,O2,P4
20R T8,FT10,TP8,P10,FT8
21R T8,TP8,FT8,FT10,C6
22R T8,C6,TP8,CP6,FT8
23R Pz,P2,POz,CP2,P1
24R F2,Fz,F4,AFz,F1
31R Pz,P2,CP2,POz,CPz
32R AFz,F2,Fz,AF4,FPz
37R P8,TP8,PO8,P6,P10
38R FT10,FT8,F8,T8,F6
39R P6,PO4,P4,P8,PO8
40R CP4,CP6,C4,P4,C6
41R T8,C6,CP6,TP8,FT8
42R C6,CP6,T8,TP8,FC6
44R FC6,F6,F8,FC4,FT8
45R F8,F6,AF8,FT8,AF4
46R F6,AF8,F8,AF4,F4
47R F8,FT8,AF8,FT10,F6
FP1 ba10L 14 ba09L 28 ba46L 37 ba11L 38 ba32L 47
FPz ba10L 25 ba10R 27 ba09L 34 ba09R 36 ba11R 38
FP2 ba10R 16 ba09R 29 ba46R 35 ba11R 39 ba45R 43
AF7 ba46L 16 ba10L 22 ba45L 28 ba09L 29 ba11L 32
AF3 ba09L 15 ba46L 23 ba08L 25 ba10L 30 ba45L 32
AFz ba09L 26 ba09R 27 ba32R 33 ba32L 33 ba08L 34
AF4 ba09R 14 ba46R 21 ba08R 27 ba10R 29 ba45R 32
AF8 ba46R 18 ba10R 20 ba45R 26 ba09R 29 ba47R 35
F7 ba45L 13 ba47L 15 ba46L 17 ba44L 27 ba38L 32
F5 ba45L 13 ba46L 17 ba44L 19 ba47L 33 ba09L 36
F3 ba08L 21 ba06L 26 ba44L 30 ba45L 31 ba46L 32
F1 ba08L 13 ba06L 28 ba09L 32 ba32L 36 ba24L 36
Fz ba08L 27 ba08R 32 ba32L 37 ba24L 38 ba06R 38
F2 ba08R 16 ba06R 27 ba09R 31 ba32R 38 ba24R 39
F4 ba08R 18 ba09R 28 ba06R 28 ba44R 28 ba46R 28
F6 ba46R 16 ba44R 19 ba45R 19 ba09R 32 ba08R 32
F8 ba45R 14 ba47R 16 ba46R 19 ba44R 27 ba38R 30
FT9 ba38L 22 ba20L 26 ba21L 35 ba47L 37 ba22L 41
FT7 ba44L 26 ba47L 29 ba22L 29 ba38L 29 ba21L 30
FC5 ba44L 13 ba45L 29 ba22L 34 ba42L 34 ba41L 34
FC3 ba06L 19 ba04L 21 ba03L 31 ba44L 31 ba02L 34
FC1 ba06L 24 ba04L 24 ba05L 34 ba01L 35 ba02L 36
FCz ba06R 37 ba05L 41 ba06L 42 ba04L 44 ba05R 44
FC2 ba06R 20 ba04R 29 ba08R 36 ba02R 36 ba01R 37
FC4 ba06R 21 ba04R 21 ba44R 28 ba03R 33 ba02R 34
FC6 ba44R 12 ba45R 33 ba41R 33 ba22R 34 ba42R 34
FT8 ba47R 25 ba38R 27 ba44R 28 ba21R 28 ba22R 31
FT10 ba38R 24 ba20R 27 ba21R 30 ba47R 36 ba22R 43
T7 ba21L 14 ba42L 15 ba22L 16 ba41L 25 ba20L 27
C5 ba42L 19 ba41L 20 ba22L 22 ba40L 25 ba03L 27
C3 ba02L 16 ba04L 17 ba01L 20 ba03L 21 ba40L 25
C1 ba05L 16 ba02L 23 ba04L 23 ba01L 23 ba06L 37
Cz ba05L 29 ba05R 32 ba01R 43 ba01L 44 ba04L 45
C2 ba05R 18 ba01R 23 ba02R 25 ba04R 28 ba06R 34
C4 ba04R 17 ba02R 19 ba01R 22 ba03R 22 ba40R 26
C6 ba42R 19 ba41R 22 ba22R 23 ba03R 28 ba40R 29
T8 ba21R 13 ba22R 18 ba41R 21 ba42R 23 ba20R 26
TP7 ba21L 20 ba42L 23 ba22L 25 ba37L 25 ba41L 28
CP5 ba40L 20 ba39L 21 ba41L 23 ba42L 25 ba22L 29
CP3 ba40L 19 ba02L 20 ba01L 24 ba07L 28 ba03L 30
CP1 ba05L 19 ba07L 20 ba02L 26 ba01L 28 ba31L 37
CPz ba05L 29 ba05R 30 ba07R 31 ba07L 34 ba31L 39
CP2 ba05R 15 ba07R 23 ba01R 26 ba02R 30 ba40R 38
CP4 ba40R 15 ba01R 25 ba02R 25 ba05R 29 ba03R 30
CP6 ba40R 20 ba42R 22 ba39R 28 ba22R 28 ba41R 29
TP8 ba37R 22 ba21R 24 ba22R 27 ba42R 27 ba20R 28
P9 ba20L 29 ba37L 35 ba21L 42 ba22L 52 ba42L 53
P7 ba37L 17 ba39L 24 ba19L 27 ba21L 39 ba41L 40
P5 ba39L 9 ba19L 21 ba37L 29 ba40L 34 ba41L 40
P3 ba39L 23 ba07L 24 ba19L 31 ba40L 33 ba02L 39
P1 ba07L 15 ba31L 38 ba05L 40 ba07R 41 ba39L 41
Pz ba07R 21 ba07L 26 ba31R 33 ba31L 36 ba05R 41
P2 ba07R 15 ba31R 35 ba05R 36 ba19R 38 ba39R 39
P4 ba39R 22 ba40R 28 ba07R 29 ba19R 30 ba01R 39
P6 ba39R 10 ba19R 24 ba37R 29 ba40R 32 ba42R 39
P8 ba37R 16 ba39R 24 ba19R 31 ba42R 40 ba22R 42
P10 ba20R 32 ba37R 32 ba21R 42 ba22R 54 ba41R 56
PO7 ba19L 18 ba18L 25 ba37L 26 ba39L 29 ba17L 35
PO3 ba19L 19 ba39L 28 ba18L 28 ba17L 31 ba07L 37
POz ba17R 30 ba17L 30 ba18R 36 ba18L 36 ba07R 37
PO4 ba19R 15 ba39R 20 ba18R 28 ba17R 33 ba07R 37
PO8 ba19R 22 ba18R 24 ba39R 26 ba37R 27 ba17R 34
O1 ba18L 12 ba17L 15 ba19L 23 ba17R 37 ba39L 41
Oz ba17R 12 ba17L 13 ba18L 24 ba18R 24 ba19R 40
O2 ba18R 12 ba17R 15 ba19R 26 ba17L 36 ba39R 38

ba01L C3 20 C1 23 CP3 24 CP1 28 FC3 34
ba02L C3 16 CP3 20 C1 23 CP1 26 FC3 34
ba03L C3 21 C5 27 CP3 30 FC3 31 FC5 34
ba04L C3 17 FC3 21 C1 23 FC1 24 CP3 36
ba05L C1 16 CP1 19 CPz 29 Cz 29 C3 32
ba06L FC3 19 FC1 24 F3 26 F1 28 C3 32
ba07L P1 15 CP1 20 P3 24 Pz 26 CP3 28
ba08L F1 13 F3 21 AF3 25 Fz 27 AFz 34
ba09L AF3 15 AFz 26 FP1 28 AF7 29 F3 32
ba10L FP1 14 AF7 22 FPz 25 AF3 30 AFz 39
ba11L AF7 32 F7 34 FP1 38 FPz 46 AF3 49
ba17L Oz 13 O1 15 POz 30 PO3 31 PO7 35
ba18L O1 12 Oz 24 PO7 25 PO3 28 POz 36
ba19L PO7 18 PO3 19 P5 21 O1 23 P7 27
ba20L FT9 26 T7 27 P9 29 TP7 30 FT7 37
ba21L T7 14 TP7 20 FT7 30 C5 32 CP5 34
ba22L T7 16 C5 22 TP7 25 FT7 29 CP5 29
ba23L Pz 43 P1 45 CP1 47 POz 47 P3 49
ba24L F1 36 Fz 38 F3 41 AFz 44 F2 44
ba31L Pz 36 CP1 37 P1 38 CPz 39 CP3 44
ba32L AFz 33 F1 36 Fz 37 AF3 38 F3 41
ba37L P7 17 TP7 25 PO7 26 P5 29 P9 35
ba38L FT9 22 FT7 29 F7 32 T7 45 F5 50
ba39L P5 9 CP5 21 P3 23 P7 24 PO3 28
ba40L CP3 19 CP5 20 C3 25 C5 25 P3 33
ba41L C5 20 CP5 23 T7 25 TP7 28 FC5 34
ba42L T7 15 C5 19 TP7 23 CP5 25 FT7 31
ba44L FC5 13 F5 19 FT7 26 F7 27 F3 30
ba45L F5 13 F7 13 AF7 28 FC5 29 FT7 31
ba46L AF7 16 F5 17 F7 17 AF3 23 F3 32
ba47L F7 15 FT7 29 AF7 32 F5 33 FT9 37
ba01R C4 22 C2 23 CP4 25 CP2 26 FC2 37
ba02R C4 19 C2 25 CP4 25 CP2 30 FC4 34
ba03R C4 22 C6 28 CP4 30 FC4 33 CP6 34
ba04R C4 17 FC4 21 C2 28 FC2 29 C6 35
ba05R CP2 15 C2 18 CP4 29 CPz 30 C4 32
ba06R FC2 20 FC4 21 F2 27 F4 28 C4 33
ba07R P2 15 Pz 21 CP2 23 P4 29 CPz 31
ba08R F2 16 F4 18 AF4 27 Fz 32 F6 32
ba09R AF4 14 AFz 27 F4 28 FP2 29 AF8 29
ba10R FP2 16 AF8 20 FPz 27 AF4 29 F8 38
ba11R FPz 38 FP2 39 AF8 41 F8 46 FP1 51
ba17R Oz 12 O2 15 POz 30 PO4 33 PO8 34
ba18R O2 12 Oz 24 PO8 24 PO4 28 POz 36
ba19R PO4 15 PO8 22 P6 24 O2 26 P4 30
ba20R T8 26 FT10 27 TP8 28 P10 32 FT8 38
ba21R T8 13 TP8 24 FT8 28 FT10 30 C6 36
ba22R T8 18 C6 23 TP8 27 CP6 28 FT8 31
ba23R Pz 45 P2 47 POz 47 CP2 49 P1 50
ba24R F2 39 Fz 39 F4 43 AFz 43 F1 44
ba31R Pz 33 P2 35 CP2 39 POz 40 CPz 41
ba32R AFz 33 F2 38 Fz 39 AF4 40 FPz 41
ba37R P8 16 TP8 22 PO8 27 P6 29 P10 32
ba38R FT10 24 FT8 27 F8 30 T8 44 F6 49
ba39R P6 10 PO4 20 P4 22 P8 24 PO8 26
ba40R CP4 15 CP6 20 C4 26 P4 28 C6 29
ba41R T8 21 C6 22 CP6 29 TP8 30 FT8 31
ba42R C6 19 CP6 22 T8 23 TP8 27 FC6 34
ba44R FC6 12 F6 19 F8 27 FC4 28 FT8 28
ba45R F8 14 F6 19 AF8 26 FT8 32 AF4 32
ba46R F6 16 AF8 18 F8 19 AF4 21 F4 28
ba47R F8 16 FT8 25 AF8 35 FT10 36 F6 36
left	ba01=right thumb activity (WOEXP: 497)!!
left ba02= Active right middle finger movement versus rest (WOEXP: 268)
left ba03=imitating symbolic finger movements (WOEXP: 145)
left ba04=
left ba05=
left ba06=
left ba07=
left ba08= Judge basic elements of reading ( Lower/upper case v. syllable WOEXP: 553)
left ba09=
left ba10=
left ba11=
left ba17= Visual exploration versus saccades (WOEXP: 6)
left ba18= Verbal numerical notation (WOEXP: 23)
left ba19=Visual motion (WOEXP: 430)!
left ba20=Visual categorization (WOEXP: 4)!!
left ba21=Visual meaningfulness (WOEXP: 164)
left ba22=
left ba23=Answering self-reflective v. semantic questions -w/anterior site (WOEXP: 62)
left ba24=part of pain sensitivity network (WOEXP: 238)
left ba31=
left ba32=Early phase heat pain (WOEXP: 298)
left ba37=
left ba38=
left ba39=Motion verb sentences versus static sentences (WOEXP: 534) !
left ba40=
left ba41=
left ba42=
left ba44=
left ba45=Word generation (WOEXP: 32)
left ba46=
left ba47=
right ba01=imperceptible electric finger stimulation (WOEXP: 278)
right ba02=
right ba03=
right ba04=
right ba05=
right ba06=
right ba07=Mental rotation of figures versus object determination or dots counting (WOEXP: 86)
right ba08= Sensorimotor willed action (WOEXP: 13)
right ba09=
right ba10=
right ba11=
right ba17=Large line patterns (WOEXP: 101) !!
right ba18=Verbal numerical notation (WOEXP: 23) !
right ba19=
right ba20=Negative interaction between predictable tones and button press (WOEXP: 261) !!
right ba21=Spatial neglect (WOEXP: 185) !!
right ba22=
right ba23=Task-related episodic retrieval versus semantic (WOEXP: 565)
right ba24=
right ba31=Correlation with pain intensity (WOEXP: 248) !! Decreases in heat pain in left forearm (WOEXP: 363)
right ba32=
right ba37=
right ba38=
right ba39=Biological visual motion (WOEXP: 111) !
right ba40=
right ba41=Auditory change (WOEXP: 454) ! Chords (WOEXP: 22) !!
right ba42=
right ba44= sole right side of network involved in Response competition (WOEXP: 134)
right ba45=
right ba46= Decreases during 100 Hz vibration on left forearm (WOEXP: 365)
right ba47= =====
Lloyd table 1.3 >8% normalized only, EEG accessible L 3 13.3 Action.Motor Learning
L 4 11.4 Action.Motor Learning
L 6 8.6 Cognition.Time
L 7 8.3 Action.Motor Learning
L 9 8.0 Cognition.Time
L 17 12.0 Perception.Vision.Color
L 21 12.0 Action.Motor Learning
L 37 9.6 Emotion.Anxiety
L 47 8.9 Cognition.Time
R 1 8.2 Perception.Audition
R 6 8.2 Action.Observation
R 9 9.6 Action.Motor Learning
R 17 8.0 Perception.Vision.Color
R 22 8.0 Perception.Olfaction
R 24 13.3 Action.Motor Learning
R 37 8.6 Perception.Vision.Color
R 38 9.4 Interoception.Sexuality
R 40 9.2 Action.Motor Learning
R 43 17.1 Interoception.Hunger
R 47 9.6 Perception.Olfaction cytoarchitecture and neurotransmitter-binding site distributions divide BA 4 into anterior and posterior sites voluntary movements differently modulate the somatosensory functions of SMA and SM1 (Mima et al., 1999)

======================================= - Brodmann's Interactive Atlas
Function: Brodmann's Areas

.. Motor
Primary motor: 4, 1, 2, 3
Secondary motor: 6, 8
Motor planning: 6, 13-16; 24, 32-33; 40
Motor Imagery: 5, 7, 4, 6, 8; 24, 32-33
Motor Learning: 4, 1-3, 6, 8; 23, 26, 29-31
Saccadic movements: 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 17, 18, 19, 46
Inhibition of blinking: 4 .. Sensory
Proprioception: 1-3, 4, 8
Touch, temperature, vibration: 1-3, 4, 5, 7, 13-16
Somatosensory integration: 40 .. Auditory
Basic processing: 41, 42
Complex sounds processing: 21, 22
Auditory Imagery: 8, 9, 10
Familiar voices: 38 .. Visual
Light intensity / patterns: 17, 18, 19
Color discrimination: 17
Visual integration: 20
Visual motion processing: 37

.. Olfaction
General olfaction: 11
Familiar odors: 9, 10; 24, 32-33; 44, 45, 47

.. Language
Comprehension: 22, 20, 21, 37, 39, 40, 5, 7, 6, 9, 10, 23, 26, 29-31, 38, 43, 44, 45,47
Expression: 44, 45, 46, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13-16, 21; 24, 32-33; 47
Prosody comprehension: 22
Reading: 6, 39
Writting: 40 .. Memory
Working Memory: 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 20; 24, 32-33; 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47; (27-28, 34-36, 48)
Episodic memory: 6, 44, 45, 47
Retrieval: 8, 9, 10,; 26, 29, 29-31; 24, 32-33; 38, 40
Encoding: (27-28, 34-36, 48); 9, 10; 24, 32-33; 37, 46
Topokinetic: 23, 26, 29-31 .. Attention
Visual: 17, 18, 37
Visuomotor: 5, 7, 6, 8
Visuospatial: 6, 8; 39, 24, 32-33; 45
Selective to sounds: 6, 9, 10,; 24, 32-33
To speech: 20, 22,; 23, 26, 29-31; 38, 47

.. Executive
Planning: 6, 8, 9, 10
Behavioral inhibition: 6, 8, 9, 10, 13-16; 24, 32-33; 39, 40, 44 , 46, 47
Motor inhibition: 24, 32-33, 44, 45, 47

.. Emotion
Experiencing / processing emotion: 38, 46; (27-28, 34-36, 48)
Related to language: 23, 26, 29-31; 25
Emotional stimuli: 9, 10; 24, 32-33
Fear response: 13-16

Pain processing: 13-16; 24, 32-33, 5, 7

.. Others
Calculation: 39, 40, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13-16, 46
Theory of mind: 38, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 37, 47
Face recognition: 37
Mental time-keeping: 24, 32-33
Sexual arousal: 24, 32-33
Humor comprehension: 38
Music performance: 40
Music enjoyment: 44, 45, 46
Navegational skills: (27-28, 34-36, 48)
Novelty discrimination: (27-28, 34-36, 48) ========================================== ---WOEXP: 4. ----
Neuropsychologia. 2000;38(13):1693-703.

Categorization and category effects in normal object recognition: a PET study.
Gerlach C, Law I, Gade A, Paulson OB. To investigate the neural correlates of the structural and semantic stages of visual object recognition and to see whether any effects of category could be found at these stages, we compared the rCBF associated with two categorization tasks (subjects decided whether pictures represented artefacts or natural objects), and two object decision tasks (subjects decided whether pictures represented real objects or nonobjects). The categorization tasks differed from each other in that the items presented in the critical scan window were drawn primarily from the category of artefacts in the one task and from the category of natural objects in the other. The same was true for the object decision tasks. The experiment thus comprised a two-by-two factorial design. The factors were Task Type with two levels (object decision vs. categorization) and Category also with two levels (natural objects vs. artefacts). The object decision tasks were associated with activation of areas involved in structural processing (fusiform gyri, right inferior frontal gyrus). In contrast, the categorization tasks were associated with activation of the left inferior temporal gyrus, a structure believed to be involved in semantic processing. In addition, activation of the left premotor cortex was found during the categorization of artefacts compared with both the categorization of natural objects and object decision to artefacts. These findings suggest that the structural and semantic stages are dissociable and that the categorization of artefacts, as opposed to the categorization of natural objects, is based, in part, on action knowledge mediated by the left premotor cortex. However, because artefacts and natural objects often caused activation in the same regions within tasks, processing of these categories is not totally segregated. Rather, the categories differ in their weight on different forms of knowledge in particular tasks. ---164---
Brain. 1997 Oct;120 ( Pt 10):1763-77. Brain activity during observation of actions. Influence of action content and subject's strategy.
Decety J, Grèzes J, Costes N, Perani D, Jeannerod M, Procyk E, Grassi F, Fazio F. Processus mentaux et activation cérébrale, Inserm Unit, Bron, France. PET was used to map brain regions that are associated with the observation of meaningful and meaningless hand actions. Subjects were scanned under four conditions which consisted of visually presented actions. In each of the four experimental conditions, they were instructed to watch the actions with one of two aims: to be able to recognize or to imitate them later. We found that differences in the meaning of the action, irrespective of the strategy used during observation, lead to different patterns of brain activity and clear left/right asymmetries. Meaningful actions strongly engaged the left hemisphere in frontal and temporal regions while meaningless actions involved mainly the right occipitoparietal pathway. Observing with the intent to recognize activated memory-encoding structures. In contrast, observation with the intent to imitate was associated with activation in the regions involved in the planning and in the generation of actions. Thus, the pattern of brain activation during observation of actions is dependent both on the nature of the required executive processing and the type of the extrinsic properties of the action presented. Observation of meaningful action in order to recognize versus observation of meaningless action. Observation of hand and arm meaningful action such as "opening a bottle", "drawing a line", "sewing a button" showed on a video for later recognition. WOEXP: 164. ---62---
Brain. 2002 Aug;125(Pt 8):1808-14. Neural correlates of self-reflection.
Johnson SC, Baxter LC, Wilder LS, Pipe JG, Heiserman JE, Prigatano GP. Department of Clinical Neuropsychology, Barrow Neurological Institute, St Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ 85013, USA. The capacity to reflect on one's sense of self is an important component of self-awareness. In this paper, we investigate some of the neurocognitive processes underlying reflection on the self using functional MRI. Eleven healthy volunteers were scanned with echoplanar imaging using the blood oxygen level-dependent contrast method. The task consisted of aurally delivered statements requiring a yes-no decision. In the experimental condition, participants responded to a variety of statements requiring knowledge of and reflection on their own abilities, traits and attitudes (e.g. 'I forget important things', 'I'm a good friend', 'I have a quick temper'). In the control condition, participants responded to statements requiring a basic level of semantic knowledge (e.g. 'Ten seconds is more than a minute', 'You need water to live'). The latter condition was intended to control for auditory comprehension, attentional demands, decision-making, the motoric response, and any common retrieval processes. Individual analyses revealed consistent anterior medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate activation for all participants. The overall activity for the group, using a random-effects model, occurred in anterior medial prefrontal cortex (t = 13.0, corrected P = 0.05; x, y, z, 0, 54, 8, respectively) and the posterior cingulate (t = 14.7, P = 0.02; x, y, z, -2, -62, 32, respectively; 967 voxel extent). These data are consistent with lesion studies of impaired awareness, and suggest that the medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortex are part of a neural system subserving self-reflective thought. ---238---
Anesthesiology. 2000 May;92(5):1257-67. Neural mechanisms of antinociceptive effects of hypnosis.
Faymonville ME, Laureys S, Degueldre C, DelFiore G, Luxen A, Franck G, Lamy M, Maquet P. Departments of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine and Neurology, and the Cyclotron Research Centre, University Hospital of Liège, Liège, Belgium. BACKGROUND: The neural mechanisms underlying the modulation of pain perception by hypnosis remain obscure. In this study, we used positron emission tomography in 11 healthy volunteers to identify the brain areas in which hypnosis modulates cerebral responses to a noxious stimulus. METHODS: The protocol used a factorial design with two factors: state (hypnotic state, resting state, mental imagery) and stimulation (warm non-noxious vs. hot noxious stimuli applied to right thenar eminence). Two cerebral blood flow scans were obtained with the 15O-water technique during each condition. After each scan, the subject was asked to rate pain sensation and unpleasantness. Statistical parametric mapping was used to determine the main effects of noxious stimulation and hypnotic state as well as state-by-stimulation interactions (i.e., brain areas that would be more or less activated in hypnosis than in control conditions, under noxious stimulation). RESULTS: Hypnosis decreased both pain sensation and the unpleasantness of noxious stimuli. Noxious stimulation caused an increase in regional cerebral blood flow in the thalamic nuclei and anterior cingulate and insular cortices. The hypnotic state induced a significant activation of a right-sided extrastriate area and the anterior cingulate cortex. The interaction analysis showed that the activity in the anterior (mid-)cingulate cortex was related to pain perception and unpleasantness differently in the hypnotic state than in control situations. CONCLUSIONS: Both intensity and unpleasantness of the noxious stimuli are reduced during the hypnotic state. In addition, hypnotic modulation of pain is mediated by the anterior cingulate cortex. ---32---
Neuroreport. 1997 Jan 20;8(2):561-5. FMRI of the prefrontal cortex during overt verbal fluency.
Phelps EA, Hyder F, Blamire AM, Shulman RG. Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. Verbal fluency is known to be associated with activity in the left prefrontal cortex. Recent positron emission tomography (PET) results confirmed this finding. In the present study, high resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to further localize activity in the prefrontal cortex related to verbal fluency. Activation was observed in three behavioral tasks: (1) Repeat-subjects repeated words, (2) Opposite-subjects produced the antonym of words, and (3) Generate-subjects generated words beginning with a given letter. When comparing Generate with both Repeat and Opposite, we observed small areas of activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate, similar to the centers of mass reported using PET. We also found additional activation around the superior frontal sulcus. -----278--- Science. 2003 Mar 21;299(5614):1864. Imperceptible stimuli and sensory processing impediment.
Blankenburg F, Taskin B, Ruben J, Moosmann M, Ritter P, Curio G, Villringer A. Decrease during imperceptible electric finger stimulation. Left index finger 7Hz electric pulse subliminal stimulation versus no stimulation. WOEXP: 278. ---86---
Neuroimage. 2001 Jan;13(1):143-52. Cortical activations during the mental rotation of different visual objects.
Jordan K, Heinze HJ, Lutz K, Kanowski M, Jäncke L. Institute of General Psychology, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, D-39106, Germany. Whole-head functional magnetic resonance imaging was applied to nine healthy right-handed subjects while they were performing three different mental rotation tasks and two visual control tasks. The mental rotation tasks comprised stimuli pairs derived from the "classical" 3D cube figures first used by R. N. Shepard and J. Metzler (1971, Science 171, 701-703), pairs of letters, and pairs of abstract figures developed by J. Hochberg and L. Gellmann (1977, Memory Cognit. 5, 23-26). In some cases, the paired objects were identical except that they were rotated in a certain plane. In other cases, the two objects were incongruent. Subjects were shown one pair of objects at a time and asked to judge whether the two were the same. In line with previous studies we found that decision times increased linearly with the degree of separation between the two objects. Cortical activation converged to demonstrate bilateral core regions in the superior and inferior parietal lobe (centered on the intraparietal sulcus), which were similarly activated during all three mental rotation tasks. Thus, our results suggest that different kinds of stimuli used for mental rotation tasks did not inevitably evoke activations outside the parietal core regions. For example we did not find any activation in brain areas known to be involved in lexical or verbal processing nor activations in cortical regions known to be involved in object identification or classification. SPECIFICALLY Mental rotation of figures versus object determination or dots counting. Deciding whether visual stimuli were the same or mirrored indicating by pressing one of two buttons with the index or the middle finger of their right hand. WOEXP: 86. ---13---
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Jun 24;94(13):6989-94. "Willed action": a functional MRI study of the human prefrontal cortex during a sensorimotor task.
Hyder F, Phelps EA, Wiggins CJ, Labar KS, Blamire AM, Shulman RG. Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06510, USA. Functional MRI (fMRI) was used to examine human brain activity within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during a sensorimotor task that had been proposed to require selection between several responses, a cognitive concept termed "willed action" in a positron emission tomography (PET) study by Frith et al. [Frith, C. D., Friston, K., Liddle, P. F. & Frackowiak, R. S. J. (1991) Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B 244, 241-246]. We repeated their sensorimotor task, in which the subject chooses to move either of two fingers after a stimulus, by fMRI experiments in a 2.1-T imaging spectrometer. Echo-planar images were acquired from four coronal slices in the prefrontal cortex from nine healthy subjects. Slices were 5 mm thick, centers separated by 7 mm, with nominal in-plane spatial resolution of 9.6 x 5.0 mm2 for mean data. Our mean results are in agreement with the PET results in that we saw similar bilateral activations. The present results are compared with our previously published fMRI study of a verbal fluency task, which had also been proposed by Frith et al. to elicit a "willed action" response. We find a clear separation of activation foci in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for the sensorimotor (Brodmann area 46) and verbal fluency (Brodmann area 45) tasks. Hence, assigning a particular activated region to "willed action" is not supported by the fMRI data when examined closely because identical regions are not activated with different modalities. Similar modality linked activations can be observed in the original PET study but the greater resolution of the fMRI data makes the modality linkages more definite. --EGNER---
Egner, T., Hirsch, J. (2005). Cognitive control mechanisms resolve conflict
through cortical amplification of task-relevant information.
Nature Neuroscience, 8 (12), 1784-1790. --101---
J Cogn Neurosci. 2000 Sep;12(5):763-74. Brain activation during mental transformation of size.
Larsen A, Bundesen C, Kyllingsbaek S, Paulson OB, Law I. Center for Visual Cognition, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Visual comparison between different-sized objects with respect to shape can be done by encoding one of the objects as a mental image, transforming the image to the size format of the other object, and then testing for a match (Bundesen, C., & Larsen, A. [1975]. Visual transformation of size. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1, 214-220). To identify the brain structures implicated in mental transformation of size, we measured the distribution of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) by positron emission tomography (PET) in 12 normal subjects who compared random stimulus patterns with respect to shape regardless of variations in size in a one-back match-to-sample paradigm. Each subject was PET-scanned 12 times during repetitive injections of H(2)(15)O. In one condition (three scans), all stimulus patterns were small. In a second condition (three scans), all stimuli were large. In the third condition (six scans), the stimuli alternated between small and large. Mental transformation of size should occur in the alternating-size condition but not in the fixed-size conditions. As expected, behavioral measures (reaction time [RT], d', beta) were nearly the same for the two fixed-size conditions but mean RT was longer and d' smaller in the alternating-size condition. Changes in rCBF specific to mental transformation of size were estimated by contrasting the alternating-size with the fixed-size conditions by use of statistical parametric mapping (SPM96) at a threshold of p <. 05 corrected for multiple comparisons. The detected brain structures implicated in mental transformation of size were primarily located in the dorsal pathways, comprising structures in the occipital, parietal, and temporal transition zone (predominantly in the left hemisphere), posterior parietal cortex (bilaterally), area MT/V5 (left), and vermis (bilaterally). Contrasts between the two fixed-size conditions showed significant effects in only the occipital cortex. Large line patterns. One-back match-to-sample task with large line patterns versus small line patterns. WOEXP: 101. --23---previous ---261---
Negative interaction between predictable tones and button press. Negative interaction between predictable tones and self-paced button presses versus no button presses and random tones with button press. WOEXP: 261. Neuropsychologia. 1998 Jun;36(6):521-9. How do we predict the consequences of our actions? A functional imaging study.
Blakemore SJ, Rees G, Frith CD. Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, London. Humans are readily able to distinguish expected and unexpected sensory events. Whether a single mechanism underlies this ability is unknown. The most common type of expected sensory events are those generated as a consequence of self-generated actions. Using H2 15O PET, we studied brain responses to such predictable sensory events (tones) and to similar unpredictable events and especially how the processing of predictable sensory events is modified by the context of a causative self-generated action. Increases in activity when the tones were unpredictable were seen in the inferior and superior temporal lobe bilaterally, the right parahippocampal gyrus and right parietal cortex. Self-generated actions produced activity in a number of motor and premotor areas, including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We observed an interaction between the predictability of stimuli and self-generated actions in several areas, including the medial posterior cingulate cortex, left insula, dorsomedial thalamus, superior colliculus and right inferior temporal cortex. This modulation of activity associated with stimulus predictability in the context of self-generated actions implies that these areas may be involved in self-monitoring processes. Detection of expected stimuli and the detection of the sensory consequences of self-generated actions appear to be functionally distinct processes, and are carried out in different cortical areas. These observations support theoretical approaches to cognition that postulate the existence of a self-monitoring system. ---185---
Nature. 2001 Jun 21;411(6840):950-3. Spatial awareness is a function of the temporal not the posterior parietal lobe.
Karnath HO, Ferber S, Himmelbach M. Department of Cognitive Neurology, University of Tübingen, Germany. Comment in: Nature. 2001 Jun 21;411(6840):903-4. Our current understanding of spatial behaviour and parietal lobe function is largely based on the belief that spatial neglect in humans (a lack of awareness of space on the side of the body contralateral to a brain injury) is typically associated with lesions of the posterior parietal lobe. However, in monkeys, this disorder is observed after lesions of the superior temporal cortex, a puzzling discrepancy between the species. Here we show that, contrary to the widely accepted view, the superior temporal cortex is the neural substrate of spatial neglect in humans, as it is in monkeys. Unlike the monkey brain, spatial awareness in humans is a function largely confined to the right superior temporal cortex, a location topographically reminiscent of that for language on the left. Hence, the decisive phylogenetic transition from monkey to human brain seems to be a restriction of a formerly bilateral function to the right side, rather than a shift from the temporal to the parietal lobe. One may speculate that this lateralization of spatial awareness parallels the emergence of an elaborate representation for language on the left side. Patients with spatial neglect and right brain damage from infarct or hemorrhage versus right brain damage patients without spatial neglect. WOEXP: 185. ---565--- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Feb 16;96(4):1794-9. Task-related and item-related brain processes of memory retrieval.
Düzel E, Cabeza R, Picton TW, Yonelinas AP, Scheich H, Heinze HJ, Tulving E. Department of Neurology II, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Leipziger Strasse 44, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany. In all cognitive tasks, general task-related processes operate throughout a given task on all items, whereas specific item-related processes operate differentially on individual items. In typical functional neuroimaging experiments, these two sets of processes have usually been confounded. Herein we report a combined positron emission tomography and event-related potential (ERP) experiment that was designed to distinguish between neural correlates of task-related and item-related processes of memory retrieval. Two retrieval tasks, episodic and semantic, were crossed with episodic (old/new) and semantic (living/nonliving) properties of individual items to yield evidence of regional brain activity associated with task-related processes, item-related processes, and their interaction. The results showed that episodic retrieval task was associated with increased blood flow in right prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortex, as well as with a sustained right-frontopolar-positive ERP, but that the semantic retrieval task was associated with left frontal and temporal lobe activity. Retrieval of old items was associated with increased blood flow in the left medial temporal lobe and with a brief late positive ERP component. The results provide converging hemodynamic and electrophysiological evidence for the distinction of task- and item-related processes, show that they map onto spatially and temporally distinct patterns of brain activity, and clarify the hemispheric encoding/retrieval asymmetry (HERA) model of prefrontal encoding and retrieval asymmetry. Task-related episodic retrieval versus semantic. Episodic retrieval with a decision whether a visually presented word was presented in an encoding list with right hand button response versus semantic retrieval. WOEXP: 565. ---248--- Ann Neurol. 1999 Jan;45(1):40-7. Region-specific encoding of sensory and affective components of pain in the human brain: a positron emission tomography correlation analysis.
Tölle TR, Kaufmann T, Siessmeier T, Lautenbacher S, Berthele A, Munz F, Zieglgänsberger W, Willoch F, Schwaiger M, Conrad B, Bartenstein P. Department of Neurology, Technical University, Munich, Germany. Brain imaging with positron emission tomography has identified some of the principal cerebral structures of a central network activated by pain. To discover whether the different cortical and subcortical areas process different components of the multidimensional nature of pain, we performed a regression analysis between noxious heat-related regional blood flow increases and experimental pain parameters reflecting detection of pain, encoding of pain intensity, as well as pain unpleasantness. The results of our activation study indicate that different functions in pain processing can be attributed to different brain regions; ie, the gating function reflected by the pain threshold appeared to be related to anterior cingulate cortex, the frontal inferior cortex, and the thalamus, the coding of pain intensity to the periventricular gray as well as to the posterior cingulate cortex, and the encoding of pain unpleasantness to the posterior sector of the anterior cingulate cortex. Correlation with pain intensity. Correlation with subjective ratings of pain intensity with hot pain right volar forearm. WOEXP: 248. --363---
J Neurosci. 1994 Jul;14(7):4095-108. Distributed processing of pain and vibration by the human brain.
Coghill RC, Talbot JD, Evans AC, Meyer E, Gjedde A, Bushnell MC, Duncan GH. Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Pain is a diverse sensory and emotional experience that likely involves activation of numerous regions of the brain. Yet, many of these areas are also implicated in the processing of nonpainful somatosensory information. In order to better characterize the processing of pain within the human brain, activation produced by noxious stimuli was compared with that produced by robust innocuous stimuli. Painful heat (47-48 degrees C), nonpainful vibratory (110 Hz), and neutral control (34 degrees C) stimuli were applied to the left forearm of right-handed male subjects. Activation of regions within the diencephalon and telencephalon was evaluated by measuring regional cerebral blood flow using positron emission tomography (15O-water-bolus method). Painful stimulation produced contralateral activation in primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII), anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, the supplemental motor area of the frontal cortex, and thalamus. Vibrotactile stimulation produced activation in contralateral SI, and bilaterally in SII and posterior insular cortices. A direct comparison of pain and vibrotactile stimulation revealed that both stimuli produced activation in similar regions of SI and SII, regions long thought to be involved in basic somatosensory processing. In contrast, painful stimuli were significantly more effective in activating the anterior insula, a region heavily linked with both somatosensory and limbic systems. Such connections may provide one route through which nociceptive input may be integrated with memory in order to allow a full appreciation of the meaning and dangers of painful stimuli. These data reveal that pain-related activation, although predominantly contralateral in distribution, is more widely dispersed across both cortical and thalamic regions than that produced during innocuous vibrotactile stimulation. This distributed cerebral activation reflects the complex nature of pain, involving discriminative, affective, autonomic, and motoric components. Furthermore, the high degree of interconnectivity among activated regions may account for the difficulty of eliminating pathological pain with discrete CNS lesions. ---39---
J Cogn Neurosci. 2000 Sep;12(5):711-20. Brain areas involved in perception of biological motion.
Grossman E, Donnelly M, Price R, Pickens D, Morgan V, Neighbor G, Blake R. Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240, USA. These experiments use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to reveal neural activity uniquely associated with perception of biological motion. We isolated brain areas activated during the viewing of point-light figures, then compared those areas to regions known to be involved in coherent-motion perception and kinetic-boundary perception. Coherent motion activated a region matching previous reports of human MT/MST complex located on the temporo-parieto-occipital junction. Kinetic boundaries activated a region posterior and adjacent to human MT previously identified as the kinetic-occipital (KO) region or the lateral-occipital (LO) complex. The pattern of activation during viewing of biological motion was located within a small region on the ventral bank of the occipital extent of the superior-temporal sulcus (STS). This region is located lateral and anterior to human MT/MST, and anterior to KO. Among our observers, we localized this region more frequently in the right hemisphere than in the left. This was true regardless of whether the point-light figures were presented in the right or left hemifield. A small region in the medial cerebellum was also active when observers viewed biological-motion sequences. Consistent with earlier neuroimaging and single-unit studies, this pattern of results points to the existence of neural mechanisms specialized for analysis of the kinematics defining biological motion. Biological visual motion. Biological motion of dots versus scrambled motion of dots. WOEXP: 111. ----41---
Nat Neurosci. 2000 Mar;3(3):277-83. A multimodal cortical network for the detection of changes in the sensory environment.
Downar J, Crawley AP, Mikulis DJ, Davis KD. Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, and Toronto Western Research Institute, MP14-322, 399 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2S8, Canada. Sensory stimuli undergoing sudden changes draw attention and preferentially enter our awareness. We used event-related functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify brain regions responsive to changes in visual, auditory and tactile stimuli. Unimodally responsive areas included visual, auditory and somatosensory association cortex. Multimodally responsive areas comprised a right-lateralized network including the temporoparietal junction, inferior frontal gyrus, insula and left cingulate and supplementary motor areas. These results reveal a distributed, multimodal network for involuntary attention to events in the sensory environment. This network contains areas thought to underlie the P300 event-related potential and closely corresponds to the set of cortical regions damaged in patients with hemineglect syndromes. ENVIRONMENTAL SOUNDS Auditory change. Change between two sounds, running water and croaking frogs versus change in visual or tactile stimuli. WOEXP: 454. ---22---
Hum Brain Mapp. 2000 Jun;10(2):74-9. Lateralized automatic auditory processing of phonetic versus musical information: a PET study.
Tervaniemi M, Medvedev SV, Alho K, Pakhomov SV, Roudas MS, Van Zuijen TL, Näätänen R. Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, Finland. Tervanie@Helsinki.Fi Previous positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies show that during attentive listening, processing of phonetic information is associated with higher activity in the left auditory cortex than in the right auditory cortex while the opposite is true for musical information. The present PET study determined whether automatically activated neural mechanisms for phonetic and musical information are lateralized. To this end, subjects engaged in a visual word classification task were presented with phonetic sound sequences consisting of frequent (P = 0.8) and infrequent (P = 0.2) phonemes and with musical sound sequences consisting of frequent (P = 0.8) and infrequent (P = 0.2) chords. The phonemes and chords were matched in spectral complexity as well as in the magnitude of frequency difference between the frequent and infrequent sounds (/e/ vs. /o/; A major vs. A minor). In addition, control sequences, consisting of either frequent (/e/; A major) or infrequent sounds (/o/; A minor) were employed in separate blocks. When sound sequences consisted of intermixed frequent and infrequent sounds, automatic phonetic processing was lateralized to the left hemisphere and musical to the right hemisphere. This lateralization, however, did not occur in control blocks with one type of sound (frequent or infrequent). The data thus indicate that automatic activation of lateralized neuronal circuits requires sound comparison based on short-term sound representations. Chords simulation: standard sequence versus deviant sequence. WOEXP: 22. ---134-- J Cogn Neurosci. 2000;12 Suppl 2:118-29. Neural activation during response competition.
Hazeltine E, Poldrack R, Gabrieli JD. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94305, USA. The flanker task, introduced by Eriksen and Eriksen [Eriksen, B. A., & Eriksen, C. W. (1974). Effects of noise letters upon the identification of a target letter in a nonsearch task. Perception & Psychophysics, 16, 143--149], provides a means to selectively manipulate the presence or absence of response competition while keeping other task demands constant. We measured brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during performance of the flanker task. In accordance with previous behavioral studies, trials in which the flanking stimuli indicated a different response than the central stimulus were performed significantly more slowly than trials in which all the stimuli indicated the same response. This reaction time effect was accompanied by increases in activity in four regions: the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, the supplementary motor area, the left superior parietal lobe, and the left anterior parietal cortex. The increases were not due to changes in stimulus complexity or the need to overcome previously learned associations between stimuli and responses. Correspondences between this study and other experiments manipulating response interference suggest that the frontal foci may be related to response inhibition processes whereas the posterior foci may be related to the activation of representations of the inappropriate responses. Response competition. Visual presentation of three colored circles with response by pressing of either of two buttons determined by the color of the center circle. Incongruent trials with flanking circles indicating a competing response versus congruent trials with flanking circles indicating the same response as the center circle. WOEXP: 134. ----365---
J Neurosci. 1994 Jul;14(7):4095-108. Distributed processing of pain and vibration by the human brain.
Coghill RC, Talbot JD, Evans AC, Meyer E, Gjedde A, Bushnell MC, Duncan GH. Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Pain is a diverse sensory and emotional experience that likely involves activation of numerous regions of the brain. Yet, many of these areas are also implicated in the processing of nonpainful somatosensory information. In order to better characterize the processing of pain within the human brain, activation produced by noxious stimuli was compared with that produced by robust innocuous stimuli. Painful heat (47-48 degrees C), nonpainful vibratory (110 Hz), and neutral control (34 degrees C) stimuli were applied to the left forearm of right-handed male subjects. Activation of regions within the diencephalon and telencephalon was evaluated by measuring regional cerebral blood flow using positron emission tomography (15O-water-bolus method). Painful stimulation produced contralateral activation in primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII), anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, the supplemental motor area of the frontal cortex, and thalamus. Vibrotactile stimulation produced activation in contralateral SI, and bilaterally in SII and posterior insular cortices. A direct comparison of pain and vibrotactile stimulation revealed that both stimuli produced activation in similar regions of SI and SII, regions long thought to be involved in basic somatosensory processing. In contrast, painful stimuli were significantly more effective in activating the anterior insula, a region heavily linked with both somatosensory and limbic systems. Such connections may provide one route through which nociceptive input may be integrated with memory in order to allow a full appreciation of the meaning and dangers of painful stimuli. These data reveal that pain-related activation, although predominantly contralateral in distribution, is more widely dispersed across both cortical and thalamic regions than that produced during innocuous vibrotactile stimulation. This distributed cerebral activation reflects the complex nature of pain, involving discriminative, affective, autonomic, and motoric components. Furthermore, the high degree of interconnectivity among activated regions may account for the difficulty of eliminating pathological pain with discrete CNS lesions. ----534--- Neuroreport. 2005 Apr 25;16(6):649-52. Motion verb sentences activate left posterior middle temporal cortex despite static context.
Wallentin M, Lund TE, Ostergaard S, Ostergaard L, Roepstorff A. Center for Semiotics, Aarhus University, Niels Juels Gade 84, 8200 Arhus N, Denmark. The left posterior middle temporal region, anterior to V5/MT, has been shown to be responsive both to images with implied motion, to simulated motion, and to motion verbs. In this study, we investigated whether sentence context alters the response of the left posterior middle temporal region. 'Fictive motion' sentences are sentences in which an inanimate subject noun, semantically incapable of self movement, is coupled with a motion verb, yielding an apparent semantic contradiction (e.g. 'The path comes into the garden.'). However, this context yields no less activation in the left posterior middle temporal region than sentences in which the motion can be applied to the subject noun. We speculate that the left posterior middle temporal region activity in fictive motion sentences reflects the fact that the hearer applies motion to the depicted scenario by scanning it egocentrically. The left posterior middle temporal region, anterior to V5/MT, has been shown to be responsive both to images with implied motion, to simulated motion, and to motion verbs


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  16. WPF 绕圈进度条(一)
  17. 数据增强(每10度进行旋转,进行一次增强,然后对每张图片进行扩充10张patch,最后得到原始图片数*37*10数量的图片)
  18. SQL Server 2016 中有外键的表无法被Truncate,只能被Delete
  19. python 基础部分重点复习整理--从意识那天开始进阶--已结
  20. str函数


  1. Android 下拉列表框、文本框、菜单
  2. 【Android】OPlayer升级Vitamio到4.1
  3. JSON解析方案
  4. 深入浅出Block的方方面面
  5. phpStydy配置memcache扩展
  6. Java 使用 JRegistry-1.8.1 读取和设置 windows 注册表
  7. HTTP状态码206和416
  8. 解析json格式数据
  9. iOS 内存错误调试(EXC_BAD_ACCESS)
  10. Containers Reserved yarn resourcemanager