

[DllImport("libclient.so", EntryPoint = "readFifo")]
private static extern int readFifo(int clientFd);



If you have control over the library name, keep the above naming conventions in mind and don’t use a platform-specific library name in the DllImport statement. Instead, just use the library name itself, without any prefixes or suffixes, and rely on the runtime to find the appropriate library at runtime. For example:

 [DllImport ("MyLibrary")]
private static extern void Frobnicate ();
Then, you just need to provide MyLibrary.dll for Windows platforms, libMyLibrary.so for Unix platforms, and libMyLibrary.dylib for Mac OS X platforms.

翻译过来就是不用对每个平台使用DLLIMPORT的时候使用不同的DLL名字,只需要使用DLL库本身的名字,不加任何的前缀或者后缀,系统会自动根据DLL名字和平台去搜索。比如:"MyLibrary" 在windows平台需要MyLibrary.dll , 在Android中需要libMyLibrary.so,在IOS中需要libMyLibrary.dylib . 


[DllImport("client", EntryPoint = "readFifo")]
private static extern int readFifo(int clientFd);
细雨标记: unity dll



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