
 package org.appfuse.service;

 import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List; /**
* Generic Manager that talks to GenericDao to CRUD POJOs.
* <p>Extend this interface if you want typesafe (no casting necessary) managers
* for your domain objects.
* @author <a href="mailto:matt@raibledesigns.com">Matt Raible</a>
* Updated by jgarcia: added full text search + reindexing
* @param <T> a type variable
* @param <PK> the primary key for that type
public interface GenericManager<T, PK extends Serializable> { /**
* Generic method used to get all objects of a particular type. This
* is the same as lookup up all rows in a table.
* @return List of populated objects
List<T> getAll(); /**
* Generic method to get an object based on class and identifier. An
* ObjectRetrievalFailureException Runtime Exception is thrown if
* nothing is found.
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to get
* @return a populated object
* @see org.springframework.orm.ObjectRetrievalFailureException
T get(PK id); /**
* Checks for existence of an object of type T using the id arg.
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to get
* @return - true if it exists, false if it doesn't
boolean exists(PK id); /**
* Generic method to save an object - handles both update and insert.
* @param object the object to save
* @return the updated object
T save(T object); /**
* Generic method to delete an object
* @param object the object to remove
void remove(T object); /**
* Generic method to delete an object based on class and id
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to remove
void remove(PK id); /**
* Generic method to search for an object.
* @param searchTerm the search term
* @param clazz type of class to search for.
* @return a list of matched objects
List<T> search(String searchTerm, Class clazz);
* Generic method to regenerate full text index of the persistent class T
void reindex(); /**
* Generic method to regenerate full text index of all indexed classes
* @param async
* true to perform the reindexing asynchronously
void reindexAll(boolean async);


通常我们用getAll()访问表中所有的数据,可惜无排序;用search(String searchTerm, Class clazz)来过滤数据,可惜不能自定义条件,只能全字段搜索。


1. 自定义排序的getAll

  public List<T> getAll(String order) {
Session sess = getSession();
Criteria criteria = sess.createCriteria(persistentClass);
return criteria.list();


2. 自定义HQL语句的查询

  public List<T> selectDataByHql(String hql) {
Session session = getSession();
Query query=session.createQuery(hql);
List<T> allClasses = query.list();
return allClasses;


3. 根据某一列字段精确匹配的数据,并可排序,比如State=1

 public List<T> search(String property,Object value,String order) throws SearchException {
Session sess = getSession();
Criteria cri= sess.createCriteria(persistentClass);
return cri.list();


4. 自定义条件的查询

 public List<T> search(Criterion query,String order) throws SearchException {
Session sess = getSession();
Criteria cri= sess.createCriteria(persistentClass);
return cri.list();




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