
# coding:utf-8
import time
import MySQLdb
# import traceback
# import sys conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', port=3306, user='root', passwd='root', db='dev', charset="utf8", )
cur = conn.cursor()
# cur.execute("SET NAMES utf8") try:
sql = "create table mytest1("
sql = sql + "id int(11) not null auto_increment,"
sql = sql + "channelcode varchar(100) null,"
sql = sql + "systemcode varchar(100) not null,"
sql = sql + "systemname varchar(100) not null,"
sql = sql + "primary key(id))"
print sql;
except Exception, e:
print Exception, ":", e try:
cur.execute("insert into mytest1(systemcode,systemname) values('test','测试')")
print 'insert new mytest1.'
except Exception, e:
print Exception, ":", e
# traceback.print_exc()
# except:
# info=sys.exc_info()
# print info[0],":",info[1] try:
cur.execute("update mytest1 set systemname='测试" + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + "' where systemcode='test'");
except Exception, e:
print Exception, ":", e try:
itsystem = cur.execute("select * from mytest1");
print 'count:' + str(itsystem);
info = cur.fetchmany(itsystem)
for ii in info:
# if print ii,chinese string will print it's unicode with u\####
print str(ii[0]) + ',' + (ii[1] == None and str(None) or ii[1]) + ',' + ii[2] + ',' + ii[3]
except Exception, e:
print Exception, ":", e try:
cur.execute("delete from itsystem where systemcode='test'");
conn.commit() cur.execute("drop table mytest1");
except Exception, e:
print Exception, ":", e


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