有时,当你只想为触屏划动添加事件时,很多人可能会想到,Jquery mobile,但就这么个功能就把人家这么高大上的东西引用进来就有点大才小用了,WipeTouch是国外某程序员写的针对触屏划动的jquery 插件,足够用了

// jQuery WipeTouch 1.2.0
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Developed and maintained by Igor Ramadas
// http://aboutigor.com
// http://devv.com
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $(selector).wipetouch(config);
// The wipe events should expect the result object with the following properties:
// speed - the wipe speed from 1 to 5
// x - how many pixels moved on the horizontal axis
// y - how many pixels moved on the vertical axis
// source - the element which triggered the wipe gesture
// $(document).wipetouch({
// allowDiagonal: true,
// wipeLeft: function(result) { alert("Left on speed " + result.speed) },
// wipeTopLeft: function(result) { alert("Top left on speed " + result.speed) },
// wipeBottomLeft: function(result) { alert("Bottom left on speed " + result.speed) }
// });
// More details at http://wipetouch.codeplex.com/
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.2.0
// - New: wipeMove event, triggered while moving the mouse/finger.
// - New: added "source" to the result object.
// - Bug fix: sometimes vertical wipe events would not trigger correctly.
// - Bug fix: improved tapToClick handler.
// - General code refactoring.
// - Windows Phone 7 is not supported, yet! Its behaviour is completely broken and would require some special tricks to make it work. Maybe in the future...
// 1.1.0
// - New: tapToClick, if true will identify taps and and trigger a click on the touched element. Default is false.
// - Changed: events wipeBottom*** and wipeTop*** renamed to wipeDown*** and wipeUp***.
// - Changed: better touch speed calculation (was always too fast before).
// - Changed: speed will be an integer now (instead of float).
// - Changed: better wipe detection (if Y movement is more than X, do a vertical wipe instead of horizontal).
// - Bug fix: added preventDefault to touchStart and touchEnd internal events (this was missing).
// - Other general tweaks to the code.
// The minified version of WipeTouch can be generated using Jasc: http://jasc.codeplex.com (function ($)
$.fn.wipetouch = function (settings)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ var config = { // Variables and options
moveX: 40, // minimum amount of horizontal pixels to trigger a wipe event
moveY: 40, // minimum amount of vertical pixels to trigger a wipe event
tapToClick: false, // if user taps the screen it will fire a click event on the touched element
preventDefault: true, // if true, prevents default events (click for example)
allowDiagonal: false, // if false, will trigger horizontal and vertical movements so wipeUpLeft, wipeDownLeft, wipeUpRight, wipeDownRight are ignored // Wipe events
wipeLeft: false, // called on wipe left gesture
wipeRight: false, // called on wipe right gesture
wipeUp: false, // called on wipe up gesture
wipeDown: false, // called on wipe down gesture
wipeUpLeft: false, // called on wipe top and left gesture
wipeDownLeft: false, // called on wipe bottom and left gesture
wipeUpRight: false, // called on wipe top and right gesture
wipeDownRight: false, // called on wipe bottom and right gesture
wipeMove: false, // triggered whenever touchMove acts // DEPRECATED EVENTS
wipeTopLeft: false, // USE WIPEUPLEFT
wipeBottomLeft: false, // USE WIPEDOWNLEFT
wipeTopRight: false, // USE WIPEUPRIGHT
wipeBottomRight: false // USE WIPEDOWNRIGHT
}; if (settings)
$.extend(config, settings);
} this.each(function ()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ var startX; // where touch has started, left
var startY; // where touch has started, top
var startDate = false; // used to calculate timing and aprox. acceleration
var curX; // keeps touch X position while moving on the screen
var curY; // keeps touch Y position while moving on the screen
var isMoving = false; // is user touching and moving?
var touchedElement = false; // element which user has touched // These are for non-touch devices!
var useMouseEvents = false; // force using the mouse events to simulate touch
var clickEvent = false; // holds the click event of the target, when used hasn't clicked // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Called when user touches the screen.
function onTouchStart(e)
var start = useMouseEvents || (e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 0); if (!isMoving && start)
if (config.preventDefault)
} // Temporary fix for deprecated events, these will be removed on next version!
if (config.allowDiagonal)
if (!config.wipeDownLeft)
config.wipeDownLeft = config.wipeBottomLeft;
} if (!config.wipeDownRight)
config.wipeDownRight = config.wipeBottomRight;
} if (!config.wipeUpLeft)
config.wipeUpLeft = config.wipeTopLeft;
} if (!config.wipeUpRight)
config.wipeUpRight = config.wipeTopRight;
} // When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
if (useMouseEvents)
startX = e.pageX;
startY = e.pageY; $(this).bind("mousemove", onTouchMove);
$(this).one("mouseup", onTouchEnd);
startX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
startY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY; $(this).bind("touchmove", onTouchMove);
} // Set the start date and current X/Y.
startDate = new Date().getTime();
curX = startX;
curY = startY;
isMoving = true; touchedElement = $(e.target);
} // Called when user untouches the screen.
function onTouchEnd(e)
if (config.preventDefault)
} // When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
if (useMouseEvents)
$(this).unbind("mousemove", onTouchMove);
$(this).unbind("touchmove", onTouchMove);
} // If is moving then calculate the touch results, otherwise reset it.
if (isMoving)
} // Called when user is touching and moving on the screen.
function onTouchMove(e)
if (config.preventDefault)
} if (useMouseEvents && !isMoving)
} if (isMoving)
if (useMouseEvents)
curX = e.pageX;
curY = e.pageY;
curX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
curY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
} // If there's a wipeMove event, call it passing
// current X and Y position (curX and curY).
if (config.wipeMove)
triggerEvent(config.wipeMove, {
curX: curX,
curY: curY
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function touchCalculate(e)
var endDate = new Date().getTime(); // current date to calculate timing
var ms = startDate - endDate; // duration of touch in milliseconds var x = curX; // current left position
var y = curY; // current top position
var dx = x - startX; // diff of current left to starting left
var dy = y - startY; // diff of current top to starting top
var ax = Math.abs(dx); // amount of horizontal movement
var ay = Math.abs(dy); // amount of vertical movement // If moved less than 15 pixels, touch duration is less than 100ms,
// and tapToClick is true then trigger a click event and stop processing.
if (ax < 15 && ay < 15 && ms < 100)
clickEvent = false; if (config.preventDefault)
resetTouch(); touchedElement.trigger("click");
// When touch events are not present, use mouse events.
else if (useMouseEvents)
var evts = touchedElement.data("events"); if (evts)
// Save click event to the temp clickEvent variable.
var clicks = evts.click; if (clicks && clicks.length > 0)
$.each(clicks, function (i, f)
clickEvent = f;
}); touchedElement.unbind("click");
} // Is it moving to the right or left, top or bottom?
var toright = dx > 0;
var tobottom = dy > 0; // Calculate speed from 1 to 5, 1 being slower and 5 faster.
var s = ((ax + ay) * 60) / ((ms) / 6 * (ms)); if (s < 1) s = 1;
if (s > 5) s = 5; var result = {
speed: parseInt(s),
x: ax,
y: ay,
source: touchedElement
}; if (ax >= config.moveX)
// Check if it's allowed and trigger diagonal wipe events.
if (config.allowDiagonal && ay >= config.moveY)
if (toright && tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeDownRight, result);
else if (toright && !tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeUpRight, result);
else if (!toright && tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeDownLeft, result);
triggerEvent(config.wipeUpLeft, result);
// Otherwise trigger horizontal events if X > Y.
else if (ax >= ay)
if (toright)
triggerEvent(config.wipeRight, result);
triggerEvent(config.wipeLeft, result);
// If Y > X and no diagonal, trigger vertical events.
else if (ay >= config.moveY && ay > ax)
if (tobottom)
triggerEvent(config.wipeDown, result);
triggerEvent(config.wipeUp, result);
} resetTouch();
} // Resets the cached variables.
function resetTouch()
startX = false;
startY = false;
startDate = false;
isMoving = false; // If there's a click event, bind after a few miliseconds.
if (clickEvent)
window.setTimeout(function ()
touchedElement.bind("click", clickEvent);
clickEvent = false;
}, 50);
} // Trigger a wipe event passing a result object with
// speed from 1 to 5, x / y movement amount in pixels,
// and the source element.
function triggerEvent(wipeEvent, result)
if (wipeEvent)
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)
$(this).bind("touchstart", onTouchStart);
$(this).bind("touchend", onTouchEnd);
useMouseEvents = true; $(this).bind("mousedown", onTouchStart);
$(this).bind("mouseout", onTouchEnd);
}); return this;


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