R12.1: How To Generate SOA Log For Debugging SOA Provider Issues (文档 ID 828753.1) 转到底部

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Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway - Version 12.1.1 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle EBusiness Suite Integrated SOA Gateway - Version: 12.1.1


How to generate SOA log for debugging any issues with SOA Provider in Integrated SOA Gateway,12.1.1?  This log file is helpful when there are errors during Service Generation/Deployment or in cases where the call to Native Services fails.


SOA Logs can be generated either from the back end or the front end UI:

1. From the Front End :

  • Log on to Oracle Applications with the username that has the System Administrator responsibility access privilege.
  • Select the System Administrator responsibility from the Navigator and choose Oracle Applications Manager > Logs.
  • Click Log Setup to open the Java System Property Settings page.
  • Click the Site link and enable log for 
    Midtier Log File Name: Enter the file name that one would like on the middletier, for example, '/tmp/SOALog.log'. 
    Module=Enter an appropriate module name, for example, 'fnd/soa%'.
  • Ask the System Administrator to bounce the oafm container.
  • Perform any SOA specific action, such as generation of any API.

Look for logs in the file specified in the Middle tier Log File Name field. In case one is not able to get the logs using this method try method2 of getting the log from back end.

2. From the Back End :

  • Telnet to environment and in $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/oc4j.properties 
    Add following property at the end of the file: 
  • Bounce oafm container using script $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adoafmctl.sh.
  • Perform any SOA specific action like generate.

SOA specific log would be created at : $INST_TOP/soa/SOALog.log


Enable ASADMIN user using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user name sysadmin.
  2. Select the User Management responsibility in the Navigator.
  3. Click the Users link from the navigation menu to open the User Maintenance window.
  4. Locate 'ASADMIN' user by entering information in the search area to retrieve the 'ASADMIN' user.
  5. Click the Update icon next to the ASADMIN user to open the Update User window.
  6. Remove the Active To date field and click Apply.
  7. Click the Reset Password icon next to the ASADMIN user to open the Reset Password window.
  8. Enter new password twice and click Submit.
  9. After activating the ASADMIN user, verify if the ASADMIN user has the 'Apps Schema Connect Role' (UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT) role in wf_user_roles.

    If the 'Apps Schema Connect Role' role is not present in the wf_user_roles for the ASADMIN user, then run the 'Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation' concurrent program to grant the role.

  10. Reset the 'ASADMIN' password in the file system.
    After 'ASADMIN' user is enabled from Oracle E-Business Suite, update the file 
    $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/system-jazn-data.xml as shown below to reset the password:

    <display-name>Default Apps SOA User</display-name> 
    <description>Used by SOAProvider for DB connection</description> 
    <credentials>!<NEW PASSWORD></credentials> 
    Note: The password should be preceded by a '!' (Exclamation) so that when OAFM is started, it gets encrypted. For example, if your password is 'welcome', then you should write it in the above file as "!welcome".
  11. Bounce the middle tier


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