You’ll get a zip file with a folder called “lib” and a file called greenworks.js. Put both of them on your project’s main folder. The JS file is the same regardless of which zip you downloaded, so you only need one copy if you downloaded multiple zips.

Next, download the version of the Steamworks SDK that your greenworks lib was compiled for (the greenworks download page should say what version it is. For greenworks 0.10, the best Steamworks SDK version is 1.40). You can find it for download on the steamworks site, if you log in with your steam account there.

On the steamworks SDK files, there will be a folder called redistributable_bin. Open it and copy the steam_api.dll file. Paste it inside the lib folder that you put on your project on the previous step.

With the newer versions of greenworks, there are several files that you have to copy and some that you have to rename, like this (you can ignore any OS/CPU you don’t care about):

Next, go to RPG Maker MV and deploy your game to any folder you want.

Go to the deployed folder and make sure that the lib folder and greenworks.js file are inside the www folder. Outside the www folder, delete everything except for the package.json file. We will replace those deleted files by a newer version of nw.js later.

Now create a file called steam_appid.txt on the same folder of the deleted files and put your game’s appid inside of it. You can find this ID on the Steamworks page (it usually ends with a zero). This file is only needed for testing purposes, when you send your game to steam’s servers, you don’t need to include it.

Finally, you’ll need to download nw.js. Once again, check the greenworks page to determine which version you should download (For greenworks 0.10, it is nw.js version 0.22.3). There are two different builds to choose from: Normal and SDK. In the SDK build, you can press the F12 key to open the console (good for testing). In the normal build, there’s no way to open the console (better for a final release). Place all of the nw.js files where you removed the old files earlier.

Everything should be ready now. Run the nw file and your steam status should indicate that you’re running your game. If it is, then everything is working.


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