最近研究了prometheus+grafana的系统监控,使用grafana的报警功能,grafana支持很多种通知渠道,下文记录使用到的几种notification channels,分别是email,kafka和webhook

官网文档 http://docs.grafana.org/alerting/notifications/

  • 发送邮件


enabled = true #开户email发送配置
host = smtp.xxx.com:25 #此处需要加上端口号
user =username@xxx.com #邮箱账号
# If the password contains # or ; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;"""
password =1234567890 #邮箱密码
cert_file =
key_file =
skip_verify = true #跳过校验
from_address = admin@grafana.localhost
from_name = Grafana
ehlo_identity =

  • kafka

向kafka发送消息,需要kafka REST proxy,我使用的中间件是confluent,安装过程没什么特别之外,配置(confluent_home/etc/kafka-rest/kafka-rest.properties)如下



bin/kafka-rest-start ../etc/kafka-rest/kafka-rest.properties

添加notification channels

点击 “send test”按钮,浏览kafka-rest服务,alert-gateway-test-1已经在kafka topic里了,开发者可消费kafka的消息,进行后续(自定义)处理

  • webhook(推荐)


"title": "My alert",
"ruleId": 1,
"ruleName": "Load peaking!",
"ruleUrl": "http://url.to.grafana/db/dashboard/my_dashboard?panelId=2",
"state": "alerting",
"imageUrl": "http://s3.image.url",
"message": "Load is peaking. Make sure the traffic is real and spin up more webfronts",
"evalMatches": [
"metric": "requests",
"tags": {},
"value": 122



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