

2.new / delete

3.new[] / delete[]







  • mutable是为了突破const函数的限制而设计的
  • mutable成员变量将永远处于可改变的状态
  • mutable在实际的项目开发中被严禁滥用


  • mutable成员变量破坏了只读对象的内部状态
  • const成员函数保证只读对象的状态不变性
  • mutable成员变量的出现无法保证状态不变性


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Test
int m_value;
mutable int m_count;
Test(int value = 0)
m_value = value;
m_count = 0;
} int getValue() const
m_count++; return m_value;
} void setValue(int value)
m_value = value;
} int getCount() const
return m_count;
}; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Test t; t.setValue(100); // 满足普通对象 cout << "t.m_value = " << t.getValue() << endl;
cout << "t.m_count = " << t.getCount() << endl; const Test ct(200); // 满足只读对象 cout << "ct.m_value = " << ct.getValue() << endl;
cout << "ct.m_count = " << ct.getCount() << endl; return 0;


[root@bogon Desktop]# g++ test.cpp
[root@bogon Desktop]# ./a.out
t.m_value = 100
t.m_count = 2
ct.m_value = 200
ct.m_count = 1


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Test
int m_value;
int * const m_pCount;
/* mutable int m_count; */
Test(int value = 0) : m_pCount(new int(0))
m_value = value;
/* m_count = 0; */
} int getValue() const
/* m_count++; */
*m_pCount = *m_pCount + 1;
return m_value;
} void setValue(int value)
/* m_count++; */
*m_pCount = *m_pCount + 1;
m_value = value;
} int getCount() const
/* return m_count; */
return *m_pCount;
} ~Test()
delete m_pCount;
}; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Test t; t.setValue(100); // 满足普通对象 cout << "t.m_value = " << t.getValue() << endl;
cout << "t.m_count = " << t.getCount() << endl; const Test ct(200); // 满足只读对象 cout << "ct.m_value = " << ct.getValue() << endl;
cout << "ct.m_count = " << ct.getCount() << endl; return 0;


[root@bogon Desktop]# g++ test.cpp
[root@bogon Desktop]# ./a.out
t.m_value = 100
t.m_count = 2
ct.m_value = 200
ct.m_count = 1

2.new / delete




new / delete的本质是C++预定义的操作符


  • new:

    1. 获取足够大的内存空间(默认为堆空间)
    2. 在获取的空间中调用构造函数创建对象
  • delete:
    1. 调用析构函数销毁对象
    2. 归还对象所占用的空间(默认为堆空间)

在C++中能够重载new / delete操作符:

  • 全局重载(不推荐)
  • 局部重载(针对具体类进行重载)

重载new / delete的意义在于改变动态对象创建时的内存分配方式

new / delete 的重载方式:



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Test
static const unsigned int COUNT = 4;
static char c_buffer[];
static char c_map[]; int m_value;
void* operator new (unsigned long size)
void* ret = NULL; for(int i=0; i<COUNT; i++)
if( !c_map[i] )
c_map[i] = 1; ret = c_buffer + i * sizeof(Test); cout << "succeed to allocate memory: " << ret << endl; break;
} return ret;
} void operator delete (void* p)
if( p != NULL )
char* mem = reinterpret_cast<char*>(p);
int index = (mem - c_buffer) / sizeof(Test);
int flag = (mem - c_buffer) % sizeof(Test); if( (flag == 0) && (0 <= index) && (index < COUNT) )
c_map[index] = 0; cout << "succeed to free memory: " << p << endl;
}; char Test::c_buffer[sizeof(Test) * Test::COUNT] = {0};
char Test::c_map[Test::COUNT] = {0}; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Test* pt = new Test; delete pt; return 0;


[root@bogon Desktop]# g++ test.cpp
[root@bogon Desktop]# ./a.out
succeed to allocate memory: 0x601380
succeed to free memory: 0x601380



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cout << "===== Test Single Object =====" << endl; Test* pt = new Test; delete pt; cout << "===== Test Object Array =====" << endl; Test* pa[5] = {0}; for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
pa[i] = new Test; cout << "pa[" << i << "] = " << pa[i] << endl;
} for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
cout << "delete " << pa[i] << endl; delete pa[i];
} return 0;


[root@bogon Desktop]# g++ test.cpp
[root@bogon Desktop]# ./a.out
===== Test Single Object =====
succeed to allocate memory: 0x6013a0
succeed to free memory: 0x6013a0
===== Test Object Array =====
succeed to allocate memory: 0x6013a0
pa[0] = 0x6013a0
succeed to allocate memory: 0x6013a4
pa[1] = 0x6013a4
succeed to allocate memory: 0x6013a8
pa[2] = 0x6013a8
succeed to allocate memory: 0x6013ac
pa[3] = 0x6013ac
pa[4] = 0
delete 0x6013a0
succeed to free memory: 0x6013a0
delete 0x6013a4
succeed to free memory: 0x6013a4
delete 0x6013a8
succeed to free memory: 0x6013a8
delete 0x6013ac
succeed to free memory: 0x6013ac
delete 0






  • 在类中重载new / delete操作符
  • 在new的操作符重载函数中返回指定的地址
  • 在delete操作符重载中标记对应的地址可用


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> using namespace std; class Test
static unsigned int c_count;
static char* c_buffer;
static char* c_map; int m_value;
static bool SetMemorySource(char* memory, unsigned int size)
bool ret = false; c_count = size / sizeof(Test); ret = (c_count && (c_map = reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(c_count, sizeof(char))))); if( ret )
c_buffer = memory;
free(c_map); c_map = NULL;
c_buffer = NULL;
c_count = 0;
} return ret;
} void* operator new (unsigned long size)
void* ret = NULL; if( c_count > 0 )
for(int i=0; i<c_count; i++)
if( !c_map[i] )
c_map[i] = 1; ret = c_buffer + i * sizeof(Test); cout << "succeed to allocate memory: " << ret << endl; break;
ret = malloc(size);
} return ret;
} void operator delete (void* p)
if( p != NULL )
if( c_count > 0 )
char* mem = reinterpret_cast<char*>(p);
int index = (mem - c_buffer) / sizeof(Test);
int flag = (mem - c_buffer) % sizeof(Test); if( (flag == 0) && (0 <= index) && (index < c_count) )
c_map[index] = 0; cout << "succeed to free memory: " << p << endl;
}; unsigned int Test::c_count = 0;
char* Test::c_buffer = NULL;
char* Test::c_map = NULL; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buffer[12] = {0}; Test::SetMemorySource(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cout << "===== Test Single Object =====" << endl; Test* pt = new Test; delete pt; cout << "===== Test Object Array =====" << endl; Test* pa[5] = {0}; for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
pa[i] = new Test; cout << "pa[" << i << "] = " << pa[i] << endl;
} for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
cout << "delete " << pa[i] << endl; delete pa[i];
} return 0;


[root@bogon Desktop]# g++ test.cpp
[root@bogon Desktop]# ./a.out
===== Test Single Object =====
succeed to allocate memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d0
succeed to free memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d0
===== Test Object Array =====
succeed to allocate memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d0
pa[0] = 0x7ffc6b2823d0
succeed to allocate memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d4
pa[1] = 0x7ffc6b2823d4
succeed to allocate memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d8
pa[2] = 0x7ffc6b2823d8
pa[3] = 0
pa[4] = 0
delete 0x7ffc6b2823d0
succeed to free memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d0
delete 0x7ffc6b2823d4
succeed to free memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d4
delete 0x7ffc6b2823d8
succeed to free memory: 0x7ffc6b2823d8
delete 0
delete 0

3.new[] / delete[]

new[] / delete[] 与 new / delete 完全不同:

  • 动态对象数组创建通过 new[] 完成
  • 动态对象数组的销毁通过 delete[] 完成
  • new[] / delete[] 能够被重载,进而改变内存管理方式

new[] / delete[] 的重载方式:


  • new[]实际需要返回的内存空间可能比期望的要多
  • 对象数组占用的内存中需要保存数组信息
  • 数组信息用于确定构造函数析构函数的调用次数


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> using namespace std; class Test
int m_value;
m_value = 0;
} ~Test() { } void* operator new (unsigned long size)
cout << "operator new: " << size << endl; return malloc(size);
} void operator delete (void* p)
cout << "operator delete: " << p << endl; free(p);
} void* operator new[] (unsigned long size)
cout << "operator new[]: " << size << endl; return malloc(size);
} void operator delete[] (void* p)
cout << "operator delete[]: " << p << endl; free(p);
}; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Test* pt = NULL; pt = new Test; delete pt; pt = new Test[5]; delete[] pt; return 0;


[root@bogon Desktop]# g++ test.cpp
[root@bogon Desktop]# ./a.out
operator new: 4
operator delete: 0x150a010
operator new[]: 28
operator delete[]: 0x150a030


  • new / delete 的本质为操作符
  • 可以通过全局函数重载 new / delete (不推荐)
  • 可以针对具体的类重载 new / delete
  • new[] / delete[] 与 new / delete 完全不同
  • new[] / delete[] 也是可以被重载的操作符
  • new[] 返回的内存空间可能比期望的要多




  • C++ 98/03 标准在实际工程中的常用特性
  • 大多数企业的产品开发中需要使用的C++技能


  • C语言到C++的改进有哪些?
  • 面向对象的核心是什么?
  • 操作符重载的本质是什么?
  • 模板的核心意义是什么?
  • 异常处理的使用方式是什么?


  1. WPF之命令浅谈
  2. js的规范写法ES5(自己以后按照这样写)
  3. javascript跨域、iframe跨域访问
  4. 1_UILabel
  5. 百度图片爬虫-python版-如何爬取百度图片?
  6. POJ3162 Walking Race(树形DP+尺取法+单调队列)
  7. zw版【转发&#183;台湾nvp系列Delphi例程】HALCON color_fuses2
  8. 【转】Action 、 RenderAction 、 Partial 、 RenderPartial 区别
  9. cocos2d-x 读取.plist文件
  10. SRAM与SDRAM的比较(转)
  11. Azure VM Public IP设置
  12. iOS常用宏定义
  13. Python [目录]
  14. java SE 基础概念梳理(一)
  15. 11-TypeScript中的名称空间
  16. Linux学习笔记--vi
  17. 自动化测试-14.selenium加载FireFox配置
  18. Android 发展思路
  19. php常见问题-foreach和引用造成的问题。
  20. dropzone 上传插件


  1. 【MongoDB】NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 教程(基础篇)
  2. Drupal views 学习之初识
  3. git remote: error: hook declined to update
  4. python爬虫入门之URL
  5. mnist手写数字识别(神经网络)
  6. JSP整理
  7. MySQL事务、并发问题、锁机制
  8. OpenLDAP编译安装及配置
  9. AWS/阿里/Azure,云厂商价格大PK
  10. Python 内置函数介绍