客户度连接nginx超时, 建议5s内

接收客户端header超时, 默认60s, 如果60s内没有收到完整的http包头, 返回408

Syntax: client_header_timeout time;
client_header_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server
Defines a timeout for reading client request header. If a client does not transmit the entire header within this time,
the (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client.

接收客户端body超时, 默认60s, 如果连续的60s内没有收到客户端的1个字节, 返回408

Syntax: client_body_timeout time;
client_body_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server, location
Defines a timeout for reading client request body. The timeout is set only for a period between two successive read operations, not for the transmission of the whole request body.
If a client does not transmit anything within this time,
the (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client.


Syntax: keepalive_timeout timeout [header_timeout];
keepalive_timeout 75s;
Context: http, server, location
The first parameter sets a timeout during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open on the server side. The zero value disables keep-alive client connections.
The optional second parameter sets a value in the “Keep-Alive: timeout=time” response header field. Two parameters may differ.
The “Keep-Alive: timeout=time” header field is recognized by Mozilla and Konqueror. MSIE closes keep-alive connections by itself in about 60 seconds.


Syntax: lingering_timeout time;
lingering_timeout 5s;
Context: http, server, location
When lingering_close is in effect, this directive specifies the maximum waiting time for more client data to arrive. If data are not received during this time,
the connection is closed. Otherwise, the data are read and ignored, and nginx starts waiting for more data again.
The “wait-read-ignore” cycle is repeated, but no longer than specified by the lingering_time directive.


Syntax: resolver_timeout time;
resolver_timeout 30s;
Context: http, server, location
Sets a timeout for name resolution, for example: resolver_timeout 5s;

发送数据至客户端超时, 默认60s, 如果连续的60s内客户端没有收到1个字节, 连接关闭

Syntax: send_timeout time;
send_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server, location
Sets a timeout for transmitting a response to the client. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations,
not for the transmission of the whole response. If the client does not receive anything within this time, the connection is closed.

nginx与upstream server的连接超时时间

Syntax: proxy_connect_timeout time;
proxy_connect_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server, location
Defines a timeout for establishing a connection with a proxied server. It should be noted that this timeout cannot usually exceed seconds.

nginx接收upstream server数据超时, 默认60s, 如果连续的60s内没有收到1个字节, 连接关闭

Syntax: proxy_read_timeout time;
proxy_read_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server, location
Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive read operations,
not for the transmission of the whole response. If the proxied server does not transmit anything within this time, the connection is closed.

nginx发送数据至upstream server超时, 默认60s, 如果连续的60s内没有发送1个字节, 连接关闭

Syntax: proxy_send_timeout time;
proxy_send_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server, location
Sets a timeout for transmitting a request to the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations,
not for the transmission of the whole request. If the proxied server does not receive anything.




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