Champions have the courage to keep turning the pages because they know a better chapter lies ahead.


There is an effect of acceleration for those winners, simply speaking, without a few exceptions, it is a case of winner takes all.

Continuous successes can continually consolidate their skills and their confidence, and broaden their fields of vision and widen their social connections, all these effects, in turn, can help them get the next success much more easily.

On the contrary, those who have experienced a series of failures may find that their life would become more and more difficult, their whole life are falling in a rapid pace.

But that doesn't mean there is no chance for them to win one or more times.

Just hold on to our dreams, even those failures can teach us a lot about how to win.

As our horizons expand, those new ideas and experiences can give a whole new meaning of our life.

Doubt whom you will, but never yourself.


From Christine Bovee.

When the situation is not favourable, we often begin to doubt ourselves:

Is the direction right? Is the method feasible? Are the efforts meaningful?

Sometimes, I really wonder if I am banging my head against a brick wall, because I feel all my efforts turned out be a losing battle.

Many things in my life just go by contraries.

But I never lose hope, I always think I can make my life better, make things go as I have wished.

I really intended to bring an end to such worthless training and divert into those fields that can be helpful to my career.

Then, I would change the contents of this cloumn, add some technical discussions about ROS and Opencv, and knowledges in other related fields.


  1. Python
  2. Python开发【十一章】:RabbitMQ队列
  3. Spark入门实战系列--7.Spark Streaming(下)--实时流计算Spark Streaming实战
  4. 实现a标签中的各种点击(onclick)事件的方法
  5. AC日记——与7无关的数 openjudge 1.5 39
  6. 在Dynamics CRM 2015中通过3CX插件(以及3CX windows phone)拨出电话
  7. Date() 及其 如何验证用户输入的日期是合法的
  8. Eclipse默认配色的恢复方法
  9. Linux设置日期
  10. php.ini 全站,和htaccess web目录 默认头部和尾部 auto_prepend_file
  11. Objective-c 数组对象
  12. webpack性能优化——DLL
  13. Spring学习笔记——02 Bean的命名及实例化
  14. 20170717_python爬虫之requests+cookie模拟登陆
  15. 7 Series GTP IP核使用总结 IP核配置篇
  16. C#中声明、调用和配置事件的演示源码
  17. 我的第三个开源库GuaJiangViewDemo——中文文档
  18. 4.Linux开机设置项
  19. Java远程通讯技术及原理分析
  20. Codeforces Round #511 (Div. 2)


  1. 【LeetCode题解】61_旋转链表(Rotate-List)
  2. 深入出不来nodejs源码-内置模块引入再探
  3. [转]Build beautiful, responsive sites with Bootstrap and ASP.NET Core
  4. 给RadioButtonList绑定Selected的值
  5. ASP.NET MVC加载ASCX之后,并为之赋值
  6. 【JVM】2、JVM调优总结
  7. Three.js开发指南---学习使用几何体(第五章)
  8. 【代码笔记】iOS-密码在进入后台1小时后重新设置
  9. Nginx的日志优化
  10. SQLServer 学习笔记之超详细基础SQL语句 Part 11