DTCoreText 从HTML文档中创建富文本


注意哦亲,DTRichTextEditor 这个组件是收费的,不贵,才650美元而已^_^。


This project aims to duplicate the methods present on Mac OSX which allow creation of NSAttributedString from HTML code on iOS.

这个项目旨在复制 Mac OSX 中允许直接从 HTML 的代码中创建富文本功能,让其能在 iOS 上使用。

The project covers two broad areas:


  1. Layouting - Interfacing with CoreText, generating attributed strings from HTML code Layouting - CoreText 的接口,用来从 HTML 代码中生成富文本布局
  2. User Interface - UI-related classes render these objects, specifically DTAttributedTextView,DTAttributedLabel and DTAttributedTextCell. UI - UI 相关的类用来渲染这些对象,尤其是 DTAttributedTextView,DTAttributedLabel 和 DTAttributedTextCell.

This is useful for drawing simple rich text like any HTML document without having to use a UIWebView. For text selection and highlighting (as you might need for an Editor or Reader) there is the commercial DTRichTextEditor component which can be purchased in the Cocoanetics Parts Store.

对于从 HTML 文档中绘制简单的富文本而不使用 UIWebView 将非常有用。对于需要选择或者高亮(如果你需要一个编辑器或者阅读器),这有一个商业化的组件 DTRichTextEditor 可以使用,你可以在 Cocoanetics Parts Store 中购买。


Documentation can be browsed online or installed in your Xcode Organizer via the Atom Feed URL.

你可以直接在网络上看文档或者是安装到 Xcode 上。

Q&A answers some frequently asked questions.


Changelog: GitHub Releases


There is also a Programming Guide with a set of solutions to common problems.



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