31. The New Bread Earners 挣钱养家的新军

① They call them the new bread earners.They are women,and they are set to take over.

② Women are beginning to rise steadily to the top in the workplace all over the developed world.New figures show that in almost a third of American household with a working wife,the women brings home more money than her husband and they now occupy half the country's "high-paying,executive,administrative and managerial occupations",compared with 34 percent 20 years ago.

③ The trend is caused by two main factors,experts say-a growing acceptance of men as househusbands and mass unemployment of male white-collar workers from the technology,finance and media industries in the last three years.

④ The university of Maryland has produced a report that shows women to be the chief earner in 11 percent of all US marriages.

⑤ Pushing a buggy on a sunny afternoon in New York's Central Park last week,Jonathan Blinderman,33,said,he was proud he had been able to see every moment of his daughter Lindsay's first six months of life while his wife,Sage,was out working.

⑥ It is a sign of these times of transition thatwhen he mentions his status at parties he is either praised as a saint or mocked as a slave-cum-freeloader.For the revolution is nowhere near complete.But Maria Cancian,an economist at the University of Wisconsin,said ambitious women were increasingly looking for househusbands.


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