

Process and ProcessThread objects have a ProcessorAffinity property of IntPtr type that can be directly manipulated to read/change affinity for up to 64 processors:

using System.Diagnostics;
Process Proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
long AffinityMask = (long)Proc.ProcessorAffinity;
AffinityMask &= 0x000F; // use only any of the first 4 available processors
Proc.ProcessorAffinity = (IntPtr)AffinityMask; ProcessThread Thread = Proc.Threads[0];
AffinityMask = 0x0002; // use only the second processor, despite availability
Thread.ProcessorAffinity = (IntPtr)AffinityMask;

You can also use the thread's IdealProcessor property to allow the scheduler to prefer running the thread on a specified processor (without guarantee).



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