1、使用默认的TreeMap 构造函数,其中key值需要有比较规则。

2、使用默认的TreeMap 构造函数,Key中添加自定义类型,自定义类型必须继承Comparator。



public class Demo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//1、使用默认的TreeMap 构造函数,其中key值需要有比较规则

TreeMap<Integer, String> map =new TreeMap<>();

map.put(new Integer(2), "BB");

map.put(new Integer(1), "AA");

map.put(new Integer(5), "EE");

map.put(new Integer(3), "CC");

map.put(new Integer(4), "DD");

map.put(new Integer(2), "AA");   //验证重复key是否能够插入


for(Entry<Integer, String> entry:map.entrySet()){

System.out.println("Key:"+entry.getKey()+ " --- value:"+entry.getValue());


//2、使用默认的TreeMap 构造函数,Key中添加自定义类型,自定义类型必须继承Comparator

System.out.println("-------------------2、使用默认的TreeMap 构造函数,Key中添加自定义类型,自定义类型必须继承Comparator-----------------------");

TreeMap<person,String> mapPer=new TreeMap<>();

mapPer.put(new person("张三",22), "6K");

mapPer.put(new person("老王",35), "29K");

mapPer.put(new person("小张",31), "11K");

for(Entry<person, String> entry:mapPer.entrySet()){

System.out.println("Key:"+entry.getKey()+ " --- value:"+entry.getValue());




TreeMap<Book,String> mapBook =new TreeMap<>(new BookComparator());

mapBook.put(new Book("流浪地球",60),"200页");

mapBook.put(new Book("三体",100),"400页");

mapBook.put(new Book("大秦帝国",180),"900页");

for(Entry<Book, String> entry:mapBook.entrySet()){

System.out.println("Key:"+entry.getKey()+ " --- value:"+entry.getValue());


}   }


class person implements Comparable<person> {

String name;  int age;

public person(String name,int age) {


this.age=age;  }


public String toString() {

return "姓名:"+this.name +" 年龄:" +this.age;



public int compareTo(person o) {

if(o.age>this.age) {

return 1;

} else if(o.age<this.age) {

return -1;


return 0;

}  }


class Book {

String name;

double price;

public Book(String name,double price) {


this.price=price;  }


public String toString() {

return "书名:"+this.name+" 价格:"+this.price;

}  }


class BookComparator implements Comparator<Book>{


public int compare(Book o1, Book o2) {

if(o1.price>o2.price) {

return 1;

} else if(o1.price<o2.price) {

return -1;


return 0;

}  }


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