Kill the monster

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1241    Accepted Submission(s): 846

Problem Description
There is a mountain near yifenfei’s hometown. On the mountain lived a big monster. As a hero in hometown, yifenfei wants to kill it.
Now we know yifenfei have n spells, and the monster have m HP, when HP <= 0 meaning monster be killed. Yifenfei’s spells have different effect if used in different time. now tell you each spells’s effects , expressed (A ,M). A show the spell can cost A HP to monster in the common time. M show that when the monster’s HP <= M, using this spell can get double effect.
The input contains multiple test cases.
Each test case include, first two integers n, m (2<n<10, 1<m<10^7), express how many spells yifenfei has.
Next n line , each line express one spell. (Ai, Mi).(0<Ai,Mi<=m).
For each test case output one integer that how many spells yifenfei should use at least. If yifenfei can not kill the monster output -1.
Sample Input
3 100
10 20
45 89
5 40

3 100
10 20
45 90
5 40

3 100
10 20
45 84
5 40

Sample Output
using namespace std;
int mapp[11][2];
int vis[11];
int minn,n,m,flag;
void dfs(int bloor,int time)
 int i,j;
 // cout<<".."<<endl;
  if(minn>time) minn=time;
 // cout<<maxx<<endl;
 if(time>=minn) return ;//  当次数比以前走过的次数多的时候 剪去
  if(vis[i]==1) continue;
 // cout<<".."<<endl;
  // cout<<".."<<endl;
  // cout<<".."<<endl;
int main()
 int i,j;
   scanf("%d %d",&mapp[i][0],&mapp[i][1]);
  // cout<<mapp[i][0]<<mapp[i][1]<<endl;
  if(flag==0) printf("-1\n");
  else printf("%d\n",minn);
 return 0;


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