e.g. i.e. etc. et al. w.r.t. i.i.d.

用法:, e.g., || , i.e., || , etc. || et al., || w.r.t. || i.i.d.

e.g. 拉丁文exempli gratia的缩写,意思是“举个例子,比如,例如…..”。Popular pets, e.g. , cats and dogs.

i.e. 源于拉丁语id est的缩写,意思是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于“that is, in other words, namely”。The basic essentials of life, i.e. , housing, food and water.

etc. et cetera的缩写,意思是“等等”,相当于“and so on”,用于列举事物。We talked about the contract, pay, etc.

et al. 源于拉丁语et alibi的缩写,意思是“等等”,相当于“and others”,用于列举人。Research by West et al., 1996.

w.r.t. with repect to缩写,“关于”;“谈及”;“谈到”。Their PDFs are differentiable almost everywhere w.r.t. both sigma and z.

i.i.d. independent and identically distributed 缩写 "独立同分布"。Dataset X={x_i, i = 1...N} consisting of N i.i.d. samples of some continuous or discrete variable x.


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