//【原型模式】--重写原型对象prototype的影响 2014-12-12
function Person() { }
Person.prototype = {
    name: "wede",
    age: 29,
    job: "SoftWare",
    say: function () {
        alert("Hello,I'm " + this.name + "," + this.age + " years old,i'm a " + this.job);
document.write(Person.prototype.constructor + "<br/>"); //function Object() { [native code] }

var person = new Person();
document.write(person.constructor + "<br/>"); //function Object() { [native code] },其实这里我们期望的是Person
document.write(person instanceof Person); //true

Person.prototype = {
    constructor: Person, //重新指定其constructor属性
    name: "wede",
    age: 29,
    job: "SoftWare",
    say: function () {
        alert("Hello,I'm " + this.name + "," + this.age + " years old,i'm a " + this.job);

document.write(Person.prototype.constructor + "<br/>"); //function Person() { }
document.write(person.constructor + "<br/>"); //function Person() { }
document.write(person instanceof Person); //true

for (var prop in Person.prototype) {
    document.write(prop + ","); //constructor,name,age,job,say,
for (var prop in person) {
    document.write(prop + ","); //constructor,name,age,job,say,
//目前只有针对ECMAScript 5的解决方案:即通过Object.definProperty()方法重新设置原型中的constructor属性。《高三》P156



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