






select * from ods_account where cst_id='A';


 select * from ods_account where eff_date<='' and end_date>'';


 select * from ods_account where eff_date<='' and end_date>'';


use edw;

drop table if exists src_account;
create table if not exists src_account(
cst_id varchar(64) comment '客户唯一编号',
bal float comment '余额',
date_id varchar(16) comment '日期'
alter table src_account add primary key(cst_id,date_id); drop table if exists delta_account;
create table if not exists delta_account(
cst_id varchar(64) comment '客户唯一编号',
bal float comment '余额',
etl_flag varchar(16) comment 'ETL标记'
alter table delta_account add primary key(cst_id,etl_flag); drop table if exists odshis_account;
create table if not exists odshis_account(
cst_id varchar(64) comment '客户唯一编号',
bal float comment '余额',
eff_date varchar(16) comment '生效日期',
end_date varchar(16) comment '失效日期',
job_seq_id varchar(16) comment '批次号',
new_job_seq_id varchar(16) comment '最新批次号'
alter table odshis_account add primary key(cst_id,new_job_seq_id); drop table if exists ods_account;
create table if not exists ods_account(
cst_id varchar(64) comment '客户唯一编号',
bal float comment '余额',
eff_date varchar(16) comment '生效日期',
end_date varchar(16) comment '失效日期',
job_seq_id varchar(16) comment '批次号'
alter table ods_account add primary key(cst_id,eff_date,end_date);


delete from src_account;
insert into src_account values('A','','');
insert into src_account values('B','','');
insert into src_account values('C','','');
insert into src_account values('D','',''); insert into src_account values('A','','');
insert into src_account values('B','','');
insert into src_account values('D','','');
insert into src_account values('E','',''); insert into src_account values('A','','');
insert into src_account values('B','','');
insert into src_account values('C','','');
insert into src_account values('D','',''); insert into src_account values('A','','');
insert into src_account values('B','','');
insert into src_account values('C','','');
insert into src_account values('D','','');
insert into src_account values('E','','');
insert into src_account values('F','','');
insert into src_account values('G','','');


truncate delta_account;
insert into delta_account
select t1.cst_id,t1.bal,'I' as etl_flag from
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${job_date_id}') t1
left join
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${before_job_date_id}') t2
on t1.cst_id = t2.cst_id where t2.cst_id is null; #加载增量数据(删除)
insert into delta_account
select t1.cst_id,t1.bal,'D' as etl_flag from
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${before_job_date_id}') t1
left join
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${job_date_id}') t2
on t1.cst_id = t2.cst_id where t2.cst_id is null; #加载增量数据(变更前)
insert into delta_account
select t1.cst_id,t1.bal,'A' as etl_flag from
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${job_date_id}') t1
left join
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${before_job_date_id}') t2
on t1.cst_id = t2.cst_id where t2.cst_id is not null
and t1.bal <> t2.bal; #加载增量数据(变更后)
insert into delta_account
select t1.cst_id,t2.bal,'B' as etl_flag from
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${job_date_id}') t1
left join
(select * from src_account where date_id = '${before_job_date_id}') t2
on t1.cst_id = t2.cst_id where t2.cst_id is not null
and t1.bal <> t2.bal; #1.重跑:删除已跑入数据
delete from ods_account where job_seq_id = '${job_date_id}'; #2.重跑:从历史表恢复数据
insert into ods_account(cst_id,bal,eff_date,end_date,job_seq_id)
select cst_id,bal,eff_date,end_date,job_seq_id from odshis_account
where new_job_seq_id = '${job_date_id}'; #3.重跑:删除已跑入历史数据
delete from odshis_account where new_job_seq_id = '${job_date_id}'; #4.备份数据到历史表
insert into odshis_account(cst_id,bal,eff_date,end_date,job_seq_id,new_job_seq_id)
select cst_id,bal,eff_date,end_date,job_seq_id,'${job_date_id}'
from ods_account t
where t.end_date='' and exists ( select 1 from delta_account s
where t.cst_id=s.cst_id ); #5.断链
update ods_account t set end_date='${job_date_id}',job_seq_id = '${job_date_id}' where t.end_date='' and exists ( select 1 from delta_account s where etl_flag in ('I','D','A') and t.cst_id=s.cst_id ); #6.加链
insert into ods_account(cst_id,bal,eff_date,end_date,job_seq_id)
select cst_id,bal,'${job_date_id}' as eff_date,'' as end_date,'${job_date_id}' as job_seq_id from delta_account where etl_flag in ('A','I'); #7.保持数据完整性
insert into ods_account (cst_id,bal,eff_date,end_date,job_seq_id)
select t.cst_id,t.bal,'${job_date_id}','${job_date_id}' as end_date,'${job_date_id}' as job_seq_id from delta_account t where etl_flag = 'D' and not exists (select 1 from ods_account s
where t.cst_id=s.cst_id)


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