


head [参数] [文件]


参数 备注
-q 不显示文件名的头信息
-v 总是显示文件名的头信息
-c <字节> 显示字节数
-n <行数> 显示的行数


  • 显示文件的前n行

    命令: **head -n 5 myFile **

[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]# cat myFile
this is line 1;
this is line 2;
this is line 3;
tihs is line 4;
this is line 5;
this is line 6;
this is line 7;
this is line 8;
this is line 9;
this is line 10;
this is line 11;
this is line 12;
this is line 13;
this is line 14;
[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]# head -n 5 myFile
this is line 1;
this is line 2;
this is line 3;
tihs is line 4;
this is line 5;
  • 显示文件前n个字节

    命令: **head -c 10 myFile **

[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]# head -c 10 myFile
this is li
[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]#
  • 文件的除了最后n个字节以外的内容

命令: **head -c -10 myFile **

root@VM_0_9_centos ~]# head -c 10 myFile
this is li[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]# head -c -10 myFile
this is line 1;
this is line 2;
this is line 3;
tihs is line 4;
this is line 5;
this is line 6;
this is line 7;
this is line 8;
this is line 9;
this is line 10;
this is line 11;
this is line 12;
this is line 13;
this is
[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]#
  • 输出文件除了最后n行的全部内容

    命令: **head -n -6 myFile **

[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]# head -n -10 myFile
this is line 1;
this is line 2;
this is line 3;
tihs is line 4;
[root@VM_0_9_centos ~]#



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