


2、一个B维的向量,网络为每个位置预测了B个bounding boxes,每个bounding boxes都有一个“分数”,表示该box与真正的物体框的IOU,也可以理解成该bounding box含有物体的概率。这里的“分数”和1中的每个类别的分数相乘就是每个框含有每一类物体的概率;

3、一个B*4维的向量。前两个数是bbox的中心点坐标,坐标值是在7X7的尺度下,相对于feature map当前位置的偏移量,范围为[0, 1],当前位置坐标和偏移量相加即为实际的中心点坐标。这个中心点坐标的范围实际上就在以当前位置为左上角顶点的grid cell内。




l.delta[box_index+0] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + 0] - l.output[box_index + 0]);
l.delta[box_index+1] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + 1] - l.output[box_index + 1]);
l.delta[box_index+2] = l.coord_scale*(sqrt(net.truth[tbox_index + 2]) - l.output[box_index + 2]);
l.delta[box_index+3] = l.coord_scale*(sqrt(net.truth[tbox_index + 3]) - l.output[box_index + 3]);
l.delta[p_index] = l.object_scale * (iou - l.output[p_index]);
l.delta[p_index] = l.noobject_scale*(0 - l.output[p_index]);
l.delta[class_index+j] = l.class_scale * (net.truth[truth_index+1+j] - l.output[class_index+j]);
void forward_detection_layer(const detection_layer l, network net)
int locations = l.side*l.side;
int i,j;
memcpy(l.output, net.input, l.outputs*l.batch*sizeof(float));
//if(l.reorg) reorg(l.output, l.w*l.h, size*l.n, l.batch, 1);
int b;
// l.softmax=0
if (l.softmax){
for(b = ; b < l.batch; ++b){
int index = b*l.inputs;
for (i = ; i < locations; ++i) {
int offset = i*l.classes;
softmax(l.output + index + offset, l.classes, , ,
l.output + index + offset);
float avg_iou = ;
float avg_cat = ;
float avg_allcat = ;
float avg_obj = ;
float avg_anyobj = ;
int count = ;
*(l.cost) = ;
int size = l.inputs * l.batch;
memset(l.delta, , size * sizeof(float));
for (b = ; b < l.batch; ++b){
int index = b*l.inputs;
for (i = ; i < locations; ++i) {
int truth_index = (b*locations + i)*(+l.coords+l.classes);
int is_obj = net.truth[truth_index];
for (j = ; j < l.n; ++j) {
int p_index = index + locations*l.classes + i*l.n + j;
// l.noobject_scale=0.5
l.delta[p_index] = l.noobject_scale*( - l.output[p_index]);
*(l.cost) += l.noobject_scale*pow(l.output[p_index], );
avg_anyobj += l.output[p_index];
if (!is_obj){
} // l.class_scale=1
int class_index = index + i*l.classes;
for(j = ; j < l.classes; ++j) {
l.delta[class_index+j] = l.class_scale * (net.truth[truth_index++j] - l.output[class_index+j]);
*(l.cost) += l.class_scale * pow(net.truth[truth_index++j] - l.output[class_index+j], );
if(net.truth[truth_index + + j]) avg_cat += l.output[class_index+j];
avg_allcat += l.output[class_index+j];
int best_index = -;
float best_iou = ;
float best_rmse = ;
int row = i / l.side;
int col = i % l.side;
box truth = float_to_box(net.truth + truth_index + + l.classes, );
truth.x = (truth.x + col) / l.side;
truth.y = (truth.y + row) / l.side;
for(j = ; j < l.n; ++j){
int box_index = index + locations*(l.classes + l.n) + (i*l.n + j) * l.coords;
box out = float_to_box(l.output + box_index, );
out.x = (out.x + col) / l.side;
out.y = (out.y + row) / l.side;
// l.sqrt=1
if (l.sqrt){
out.w = out.w*out.w;
out.h = out.h*out.h;
float iou = box_iou(out, truth);
float rmse = box_rmse(out, truth);
if(best_iou > || iou > ){
if(iou > best_iou){
best_iou = iou;
best_index = j;
if(rmse < best_rmse){
best_rmse = rmse;
best_index = j;
// l.forced=0
if(truth.w*truth.h < .){
best_index = ;
best_index = ;
// l.random=0
if(l.random && *(net.seen) < ){
best_index = rand()%l.n;
} int box_index = index + locations*(l.classes + l.n) + (i*l.n + best_index) * l.coords;
int tbox_index = truth_index + + l.classes;
box out = float_to_box(l.output + box_index, );
out.x = (out.x + col) / l.side;
out.y = (out.y + row) / l.side;
if (l.sqrt) {
out.w = out.w*out.w;
out.h = out.h*out.h;
float iou = box_iou(out, truth);
// l.noobject_scale=0.5, l.object_scale=1
int p_index = index + locations*l.classes + i*l.n + best_index;
*(l.cost) -= l.noobject_scale * pow(l.output[p_index], );
*(l.cost) += l.object_scale * pow(-l.output[p_index], );
avg_obj += l.output[p_index];
l.delta[p_index] = l.object_scale * (.-l.output[p_index]);
// l.rescore=1
l.delta[p_index] = l.object_scale * (iou - l.output[p_index]);
// l.coord_scale=5
l.delta[box_index+] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + ] - l.output[box_index + ]);
l.delta[box_index+] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + ] - l.output[box_index + ]);
l.delta[box_index+] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + ] - l.output[box_index + ]);
l.delta[box_index+] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + ] - l.output[box_index + ]);
l.delta[box_index+] = l.coord_scale*(sqrt(net.truth[tbox_index + ]) - l.output[box_index + ]);
l.delta[box_index+] = l.coord_scale*(sqrt(net.truth[tbox_index + ]) - l.output[box_index + ]);
} *(l.cost) += pow(-iou, );
avg_iou += iou;
*(l.cost) = pow(mag_array(l.delta, l.outputs * l.batch), );
printf("Detection Avg IOU: %f, Pos Cat: %f, All Cat: %f, Pos Obj: %f, Any Obj: %f, count: %d\n", avg_iou/count, avg_cat/count, avg_allcat/(count*l.classes), avg_obj/count, avg_anyobj/(l.batch*locations*l.n), count);
//if(l.reorg) reorg(l.delta, l.w*l.h, size*l.n, l.batch, 0);
} void backward_detection_layer(const detection_layer l, network net)
axpy_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, , l.delta, , net.delta, );


void get_detection_detections(layer l, int w, int h, float thresh, detection *dets)
int i,j,n;
float *predictions = l.output;
//int per_cell = 5*num+classes;
for (i = ; i < l.side*l.side; ++i){
int row = i / l.side;
int col = i % l.side;
for(n = ; n < l.n; ++n){
int index = i*l.n + n;
int p_index = l.side*l.side*l.classes + i*l.n + n;
float scale = predictions[p_index];
int box_index = l.side*l.side*(l.classes + l.n) + (i*l.n + n)*;
box b;
// b.x = (predictions[box_index + 0] + col) / l.side * w;
// b.y = (predictions[box_index + 1] + row) / l.side * h;
// b.w = pow(predictions[box_index + 2], (l.sqrt?2:1)) * w;
// b.h = pow(predictions[box_index + 3], (l.sqrt?2:1)) * h;
b.x = (predictions[box_index + ] + col) / l.side;
b.y = (predictions[box_index + ] + row) / l.side;
b.w = pow(predictions[box_index + ], (l.sqrt?:));
b.h = pow(predictions[box_index + ], (l.sqrt?:));
dets[index].bbox = b;
dets[index].objectness = scale;
for(j = ; j < l.classes; ++j){
int class_index = i*l.classes;
float prob = scale*predictions[class_index+j];
dets[index].prob[j] = (prob > thresh) ? prob : ;


void fill_truth_region(char *path, float *truth, int classes, int num_boxes, int flip, float dx, float dy, float sx, float sy)
char labelpath[];
find_replace(path, "images", "labels", labelpath);
find_replace(labelpath, "JPEGImages", "labels", labelpath); find_replace(labelpath, ".jpg", ".txt", labelpath);
find_replace(labelpath, ".png", ".txt", labelpath);
find_replace(labelpath, ".JPG", ".txt", labelpath);
find_replace(labelpath, ".JPEG", ".txt", labelpath);
int count = ;
box_label *boxes = read_boxes(labelpath, &count);
randomize_boxes(boxes, count);
correct_boxes(boxes, count, dx, dy, sx, sy, flip);
float x,y,w,h;
int id;
int i; for (i = ; i < count; ++i) {
x = boxes[i].x;
y = boxes[i].y;
w = boxes[i].w;
h = boxes[i].h;
id = boxes[i].id; if (w < . || h < .) continue; // num_boxes is S in article, yolov1 divides the input image into SxS grid
int col = (int)(x*num_boxes);
int row = (int)(y*num_boxes); x = x*num_boxes - col;
y = y*num_boxes - row; int index = (col+row*num_boxes)*(+classes);
if (truth[index]) continue;
truth[index++] = ; if (id < classes) truth[index+id] = ;
index += classes; truth[index++] = x;
truth[index++] = y;
truth[index++] = w;
truth[index++] = h;


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