
CCLabelTTF::create(const char *label, const char *fontName, float fontSize)

来创建label的时候,const char* 参数要求是utf-8编码的字符串,如果传入一个非utf-8编码的字符串,那么创建的label显示就会有些不正常。


使用VS C++开发,如果硬要解决这个问题,可以将文件保存为"无签名的UTF-8"编码。

但是在VS C++中使用"无签名的UTF-8"又会带来新的问题

#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  const char str[] = "退出";
  return ;


1>: warning C4819: 该文件包含不能在当前代码页(936)中表示的字符。请将该文件保存为 Unicode 格式以防止数据丢失
1>: error C2001: 常量中有换行符
1>: error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“return”的前面)


The compiler when faced with a source file that does not have a BOM the compiler reads ahead a certain distance into the file to see if it can detect any Unicode characters - it specifically looks for UTF-16 and UTF-16BE - if it doesn't find either then it assumes that it has MBCS. I suspect that in this case that in this case it falls back to MBCS and this is what is causing the problem.




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