
美国市场营销协会(American Marketing Association,简称AMA)于1937年由市场营销企业界及学术界具有远见卓识的人士发起成立。如今,该协会已发展成为世界上规模最大的市场营销协会之一,拥有30,000多名会员,他们在世界各地从事着市场营销方面的工作、以及营销领域的教学与研究。

外文名:American Marketing Association
简    称:AMA
总    部:芝加哥






Marketing News
Marketing Insights
Marketing Health Services


Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing


美国市场营销协会中国顾问委员会(China Advisory Council, CAC)是美国市场营销协会为在中国地区的发展提供战略咨询和决策支持的志愿者团队。
成员中既有来自500强企业的CMO,也有顶尖商学院的知名教授。通过他们在各自领域中的丰富经验、战略视角以及敏锐的营销触觉,能为协会在中国地区的发展提供更好的战略咨询和指导。 [6] 
蒋炯文 中欧国际工商学院市场营销系系主任、市场营销学教授
唐锐涛 智威汤逊亚太区首席执行官
傅慧芬 对外经济贸易大学市场营销学教授、全球营销研究中心主任
蒋青云 复旦大学管理学院市场营销系系主任、市场营销学教授
李普庆 前人人公司全国营销策划中心总经理
Shakir Moin 可口可乐中国 副总裁、首席市场官
UmangPabaru 雅诗兰黛亚太区营销副总裁
彭泗清 北京大学光华管理学院市场营销系系主任、市场营销学教授
韩梅蕊 星巴克(中国)产品及市场推广部副总裁
魏江雷 联想集团副总裁、中国区首席市场官
须聪 麦当劳(中国)副总裁、首席市场官
周忆 IBM大中华区 副总裁、市场、品牌 公关与公众关系总经理


1915 - National Association of Teachers of Advertising (NATA) founded from the annual convention of the Association of Advertising Clubs of the World in Chicago (June)
1931 - American Marketing Society (AMS), comprised of marketing and marketing research practitioners, forms in New York
1933 - NATA becomes the National Association of Marketing Teachers (NAMT)
1936 - NAMT and the AMS work together to publish the first issue of Journal of Marketing
1937 - American Marketing Association (AMA) created from the merger of NAMT and AMS
1938 - Census Bureau asks AMA to participate in unifying the marketing definitions used in all government agencies
1940 - AMA has 817 members and 11 chapters
1942 - First AMA national member roster published
1945 - AMA membership grows to 1,557 members
1946 - Four-page Monthly News Bulletin published, predecessor of Marketing News
1947 - AMA welcomes Toronto as the 21st chapter; AMA's First Lady, Marguerite (Julian) Kent, is hired as first staff member; membership is 2,760
1948 - University of Illinois becomes first collegiate chapter; within months, 22 collegiate chapters are established
1949 - AMA leases its first office space and hires more staff 1950 - Membership tops 3,800
1953 - First AMA executive director hired; membership reaches 4,700
1956 - First president-elect; beginning of the elect-status system; AMA membership records are put on punch cards
1958 - AMA division councils formed 1959 - Membership surpasses 7,000
1964 - First issue of Journal of Marketing Research
1966 - First conference on Attitude Research; first AMA Doctoral Consortium; membership is at 12,250
1967 - First issue of Marketing News published which replaces Monthly News Bulletin
1970 - First Agribusiness Marketing Research Conference; first leadership conference; there are
18,380 members - 63 professional chapters and 190 collegiate chapters
1972 - New AMA flame of marketing knowledge logo adopted
1975 - First international study tour
1976 - Library/information center formalized including a budget
1977 - AMA Office of the President (now Office of the Chairman of the Board) formed
1979 - First Collegiate Marketing Conference; first in-house computer system; membership grows to 21,181
1981 - AMA launches Alpha Mu Alpha, a student honorary marketing society; first faculty consortium held; membership almost doubles to 43,000; there are 82 professional chapters and 368 collegiate chapters
1984 - Services Marketing Division formed
1985 - Global Marketing Division formed
1986 - Marketing in the Year 2000 study undertaken; AMA purchases Journal of Health Care Marketing
1989 - AMA launches its first magazine, Marketing Research
1990 - AMA purchases Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
1991 - Central and Eastern European Business Library Project initiated, providing up-to-date books to business libraries in countries with a shortage of material explaining free-market business theories and practices
1992 - AMA Foundation organized; AMA launches Marketing Management magazine
1994 - AMA goes online with its own Web site, ama .org
1995 - Marketing Management Division created, consolidating the following divisions: Services Marketing, Consumer Marketing, Global Marketing and Business Marketing
1996 - AMA hosts first global marketing leadership conference, with 19 countries represented, at which the World Marketing Association (WMA) is officially formed
1997 - Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation endows AMA Doctoral Consortium with a donation of $600,000 to the AMA Foundation to support the advancement of the marketing discipline; renamed AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium; AMA acquires Journal of International Marketing; AMA assists in the formation of the Latin American Marketing Federation; contested elections are part of a more strategically focused Board of Directors
1998 - AMA participates in the development of the WMA. AMA launches a Global Electronic Membership which allows members all over the world to access online benefits from the association
1999 - AMA Web site is redesigned and the members-only section is launched. The online JobBank becomes a growing career resource for marketers nationwide. Marketing News is redesigned with content focused on technology and global issues. A redesign of Marketing Management is also successfully completed
2000 - Adoption of new AMA mission and vision statements; several new professional development events are launched, including Marketing Bootcamp; online Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for practitioners are launched and enhanced; Marketing Research magazine is redesigned; AMA Foundation assets exceed $1 million
2001 - AMA launches several significant new initiatives: MarketingPower .com, marketing portal that replaces AMA Web site and provides AMA members and marketing community with comprehensive information and resources; Professional Certified Marketer (PCM), a professional certification program for marketers; corporate sponsorship program; Constitution and Bylaws are updated and approved; AMA Foundation assets exceed $1.5 million. Marketing News receives two journalistic excellence awards
2002 - Launch of new brand positioning and marcom materials including first brand brochure; AMA
introduces several new professional development events including first-ever non-profit conference; Marketing Health Services redesign is completed
2004 - AMA announces the new Definition of Marketing reflecting a focus on delivering value to customers and customer relationships; re-launched a code of ethics; Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Leader of the Year Award is developed to recognize someone who has been a member for a minimum of 5 years and has contributed to the local chapter and the AMA overall; All 4 AMA journals went online, providing free online versions with print from year 2000 onward
2005 - After 2 years of research and development, Board-in-a-Box? kit launched for AMA chapters, giving each the tools needed to create and manage a successful executive board; Inaugural year for the Marketing and Sales Effectiveness Conference, held annually at Rollins College
2006 - The first Mplanet? Event is held in Orlando, Florida. The one-of-a-kind marketing conference was the largest AMA event ever planned and was THE place to explore, engage, discover and energize
2007 Milestones
Marketing News undergoes a redesign - receiving a modern look and feel as well as a new content structure
AMA announces Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research will increase from 4 to 6 issues in 2008
AMA announces Mplanet? event to be held January 26-29, 2009 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando, Florida
2008 Milestones
AMA and AMA Foundation launch the Nonprofit Marketer of the Year award
AMA relaunches marketingpower .com, creating a more robust content and resource tool for marketers


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