
//namespace gifCreator;

* Create an animated GIF from multiple images
class gifcreator
* @var string The gif string source (old: this->GIF)
private $gif; /**
* @var string Encoder version (old: this->VER)
private $version; /**
* @var boolean Check the image is build or not (old: this->IMG)
private $imgBuilt; /**
* @var array Frames string sources (old: this->BUF)
private $frameSources; /**
* @var integer Gif loop (old: this->LOP)
private $loop; /**
* @var integer Gif dis (old: this->DIS)
private $dis; /**
* @var integer Gif color (old: this->COL)
private $colour; /**
* @var array (old: this->ERR)
private $errors; // Methods
// =================================================================================== /**
* Constructor
public function __construct()
$this->reset(); // Static data
$this->version = 'GifCreator: Under development';
$this->errors = array(
'ERR00' => 'Does not supported function for only one image.',
'ERR01' => 'Source is not a GIF image.',
'ERR02' => 'You have to give resource image variables, image URL or image binary sources in $frames array.',
'ERR03' => 'Does not make animation from animated GIF source.',
} /**
* Create the GIF string (old: GIFEncoder)
* @param array $frames An array of frame: can be file paths, resource image variables, binary sources or image URLs
* @param array $durations An array containing the duration of each frame
* @param integer $loop Number of GIF loops before stopping animation (Set 0 to get an infinite loop)
* @return string The GIF string source
public function create($frames = array(), $durations = array(), $loop = 0)
if (!is_array($frames) && !is_array($durations)) { throw new \Exception($this->version.': '.$this->errors['ERR00']);
} $this->loop = ($loop > -1) ? $loop : 0;
$this->dis = 2; for ($i = 0; $i < count($frames); $i++) { if (is_resource($frames[$i])) { // Resource var $resourceImg = $frames[$i]; ob_start();
$this->frameSources[] = ob_get_contents();
ob_end_clean(); } elseif (is_string($frames[$i])) { // File path or URL or Binary source code if (file_exists($frames[$i]) || filter_var($frames[$i], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { // File path $frames[$i] = file_get_contents($frames[$i]);
} $resourceImg = imagecreatefromstring($frames[$i]); ob_start();
$this->frameSources[] = ob_get_contents();
ob_end_clean(); } else { // Fail throw new \Exception($this->version.': '.$this->errors['ERR02']);
} if ($i == 0) { $colour = imagecolortransparent($resourceImg);
} if (substr($this->frameSources[$i], 0, 6) != 'GIF87a' && substr($this->frameSources[$i], 0, 6) != 'GIF89a') { throw new \Exception($this->version.': '.$i.' '.$this->errors['ERR01']);
} for ($j = (13 + 3 * (2 << (ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 }) & 0x07))), $k = TRUE; $k; $j++) { switch ($this->frameSources[$i] { $j }) { case '!': if ((substr($this->frameSources[$i], ($j + 3), 8)) == 'NETSCAPE') { throw new \Exception($this->version.': '.$this->errors['ERR03'].' ('.($i + 1).' source).');
} break; case ';': $k = false;
} unset($resourceImg);
} if (isset($colour)) { $this->colour = $colour; } else { $red = $green = $blue = 0;
$this->colour = ($red > -1 && $green > -1 && $blue > -1) ? ($red | ($green << 8) | ($blue << 16)) : -1;
} $this->gifAddHeader();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->frameSources); $i++) {
$this->addGifFrames($i, $durations[$i]);
} $this->gifAddFooter(); return $this->gif;
} // Internals
// =================================================================================== /**
* Add the header gif string in its source (old: GIFAddHeader)
public function gifAddHeader()
$cmap = 0; if (ord($this->frameSources[0] { 10 }) & 0x80) { $cmap = 3 * (2 << (ord($this->frameSources[0] { 10 }) & 0x07)); $this->gif .= substr($this->frameSources[0], 6, 7);
$this->gif .= substr($this->frameSources[0], 13, $cmap);
$this->gif .= "!\377\13NETSCAPE2.0\3\1".$this->encodeAsciiToChar($this->loop)."\0";
} /**
* Add the frame sources to the GIF string (old: GIFAddFrames)
* @param integer $i
* @param integer $d
public function addGifFrames($i, $d)
{ $Locals_str = 13 + 3 * (2 << (ord($this->frameSources[ $i ] { 10 }) & 0x07)); $Locals_end = strlen($this->frameSources[$i]) - $Locals_str - 1;
$Locals_tmp = substr($this->frameSources[$i], $Locals_str, $Locals_end); $Global_len = 2 << (ord($this->frameSources[0 ] { 10 }) & 0x07);
$Locals_len = 2 << (ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 }) & 0x07); $Global_rgb = substr($this->frameSources[0], 13, 3 * (2 << (ord($this->frameSources[0] { 10 }) & 0x07)));
$Locals_rgb = substr($this->frameSources[$i], 13, 3 * (2 << (ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 }) & 0x07))); $Locals_ext = "!\xF9\x04".chr(($this->dis << 2) + 0).chr(($d >> 0 ) & 0xFF).chr(($d >> 8) & 0xFF)."\x0\x0"; if ($this->colour > -1 && ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 }) & 0x80) { for ($j = 0; $j < (2 << (ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 } ) & 0x07)); $j++) { if (ord($Locals_rgb { 3 * $j + 0 }) == (($this->colour >> 16) & 0xFF) &&
ord($Locals_rgb { 3 * $j + 1 }) == (($this->colour >> 8) & 0xFF) &&
ord($Locals_rgb { 3 * $j + 2 }) == (($this->colour >> 0) & 0xFF)
) {
$Locals_ext = "!\xF9\x04".chr(($this->dis << 2) + 1).chr(($d >> 0) & 0xFF).chr(($d >> 8) & 0xFF).chr($j)."\x0";
} switch ($Locals_tmp { 0 }) { case '!': $Locals_img = substr($Locals_tmp, 8, 10);
$Locals_tmp = substr($Locals_tmp, 18, strlen($Locals_tmp) - 18); break; case ',': $Locals_img = substr($Locals_tmp, 0, 10);
$Locals_tmp = substr($Locals_tmp, 10, strlen($Locals_tmp) - 10); break;
} if (ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 }) & 0x80 && $this->imgBuilt) { if ($Global_len == $Locals_len) { if ($this->gifBlockCompare($Global_rgb, $Locals_rgb, $Global_len)) { $this->gif .= $Locals_ext.$Locals_img.$Locals_tmp; } else { $byte = ord($Locals_img { 9 });
$byte |= 0x80;
$byte &= 0xF8;
$byte |= (ord($this->frameSources[0] { 10 }) & 0x07);
$Locals_img { 9 } = chr($byte);
$this->gif .= $Locals_ext.$Locals_img.$Locals_rgb.$Locals_tmp;
} } else { $byte = ord($Locals_img { 9 });
$byte |= 0x80;
$byte &= 0xF8;
$byte |= (ord($this->frameSources[$i] { 10 }) & 0x07);
$Locals_img { 9 } = chr($byte);
$this->gif .= $Locals_ext.$Locals_img.$Locals_rgb.$Locals_tmp;
} } else { $this->gif .= $Locals_ext.$Locals_img.$Locals_tmp;
} $this->imgBuilt = true;
} /**
* Add the gif string footer char (old: GIFAddFooter)
public function gifAddFooter()
$this->gif .= ';';
} /**
* Compare two block and return the version (old: GIFBlockCompare)
* @param string $globalBlock
* @param string $localBlock
* @param integer $length
* @return integer
public function gifBlockCompare($globalBlock, $localBlock, $length)
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { if ($globalBlock { 3 * $i + 0 } != $localBlock { 3 * $i + 0 } ||
$globalBlock { 3 * $i + 1 } != $localBlock { 3 * $i + 1 } ||
$globalBlock { 3 * $i + 2 } != $localBlock { 3 * $i + 2 }) { return 0;
} return 1;
} /**
* Encode an ASCII char into a string char (old: GIFWord)
* $param integer $char ASCII char
* @return string
public function encodeAsciiToChar($char)
return (chr($char & 0xFF).chr(($char >> 8) & 0xFF));
} /**
* Reset and clean the current object
public function reset()
$this->gif = 'GIF89a'; // the GIF header
$this->imgBuilt = false;
$this->loop = 0;
$this->dis = 2;
$this->colour = -1;
} // Getter / Setter
// =================================================================================== /**
* Get the final GIF image string (old: GetAnimation)
* @return string
public function getGif()
return $this->gif;
} //图片资源写入数组,支持如下图片资源。
$frames = array(
); // 设置图片转换快慢,数值越小越快,数组个数和frames对应。
$durations = array(40, 80, 40, 20); $gc = new GifCreator();
$gifBinary = $gc->create($frames, $durations, 0); file_put_contents('./ceshi.gif',$gifBinary);


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