threads.Lock类 提 供 了 锁 以 保 证 互 斥。

在 临 界 代 码 区 的 两 端 执 行 Lock.acquire()和Lock.release()即可保证同时只有一个线程访问临界代码区,条件变量建立在锁之上,由threads.Condition实现,它是用来保证同步的工具。每一个条件变量拥有一个锁变量 (该锁变量亦可被执行 acquire 和 release 操作, 多个条件变量可共享同一个锁变量)。当处于临界区内的拥有某锁L的当前线程对与锁L联系的条件变量执行sleep操作时,该线程失去锁 L并被挂起。下一个等待锁 L的线程获得锁 L(这个过程由调度程序完成)并进入临界区。当拥有锁 L 的临界区内的当前线程对与锁 L 联系的条件变量执行 wake 操作时 (通常调用wake之后紧接着就是Lock.release),等待在该条件变量上的至多一个被挂起的线程 (由调用sleep引起) 被重新唤醒并设置为就绪状态。若执行wakeall操作,则等待在该条件变量上的所有被挂起的线程都被唤醒。

threads.condition已经实现了一个条件变量 (采用信号量实现),题目要求用屏蔽/禁止中断的方法再实现一下条件变量(写在 threads.condition2中)

 public class Condition2 {
* Allocate a new condition variable.
* @param conditionLock
* the lock associated with this condition variable. The current
* thread must hold this lock whenever it uses <tt>sleep()</tt>,
* <tt>wake()</tt>, or <tt>wakeAll()</tt>.
public Condition2(Lock conditionLock) {
this.conditionLock = conditionLock;
this.waitedThreads = new LinkedList<KThread>();
} /**
* Atomically release the associated lock and go to sleep on this condition
* variable until another thread wakes it using <tt>wake()</tt>. The current
* thread must hold the associated lock. The thread will automatically
* reacquire the lock before <tt>sleep()</tt> returns.
public void sleep() {
Lib.assertTrue(conditionLock.isHeldByCurrentThread());//确定当前进程Held the Block
boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();
} /**
* Wake up at most one thread sleeping on this condition variable. The
* current thread must hold the associated lock.
public void wake() {
Lib.assertTrue(conditionLock.isHeldByCurrentThread());//Test if the current thread holds this lock.
boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();
if (!waitedThreads.isEmpty())
} /**
* Wake up all threads sleeping on this condition variable. The current
* thread must hold the associated lock.
public void wakeAll() {
while (!waitedThreads.isEmpty()) {
} private LinkedList<KThread> waitedThreads;
private Lock conditionLock;


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