

// A class to track various object activities
#ifndef NOISY_H
#define NOISY_H
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
using std::ostream;
class Noisy{
//设置一些static变量用来跟踪所有的创建,赋值(使用运算符operator=), 拷贝构造和析构操作
static long create, assign, copycons, destroy;
long id;
Noisy() :id(create++)//
cout << "d[" << id << "]" << endl;
Noisy(const Noisy& rv) :id(
cout << "c[" << id << "]" << endl;
Noisy& operator=(const Noisy& rv){//赋值运算符operator=
cout << "(" << id << ")=[" << << "]" << endl;
id =;
return *this;
//为了支持排序和查找,Noisy 必须有运算符operator< 和 operator=
friend bool operator==(const Noisy& lv, const Noisy& rv)
return ==;
friend bool operator<(const Noisy& lv, const Noisy& rv)
return <;
cout << "~[" << id << "]" << endl;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Noisy& n)
return os <<;
friend class NoisyReport;
//Ojects of type NoisyGen are funciton objects(since there is an operator())
//that produce Noisy objects during testing
struct NoisyGen{
Noisy operator()(){
return Noisy();
//a singleton will automatically report the statistics as the program terminates
class NoisyReport{
static NoisyReport nr;
NoisyReport(){}//private constructor
NoisyReport& operator=(NoisyReport&);//disallowed
NoisyReport(const NoisyReport&);//disallowed
//beause we only want one report printed at program termination.
//It has a private constructor so no additional NoisyReport objects can be created
//it disallows assignment and copy-construction,
//and it has a single static instance of NoisyReport called nr.
//the only executable statements are in the destructor, which is called as the program
//and static destructors are called.
//the distructor printss the statistics captured by the static variables in Noisy
cout << "\n.................\n"
<< "Noisy creations: " << Noisy::create
<< "\nCopy-Constructions: " << Noisy::copycons
<< "\nAssignment: " << Noisy::assign
<< "\nDestructions: " << Noisy::destroy << endl;
long Noisy::create = , Noisy::assign = , Noisy::copycons = , Noisy::destroy = ;
NoisyReport NoisyReport::nr;
//using Noisy.h, the following program shows a vector overflowing
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int size = ;
if (argc >= ) size = atoi(argv[]);
vector<Noisy> vn;
Noisy n;
for (int i = ; i < size; i++)
cout << "\n clearning up" << endl; }


Note that the use of reserve( ) is different from using the vector constructor with an integral first argument; the latter initializes a prescribed number of elements using the element type’s default constructor.


vector<Noisy> v(100)这用形式调用100次构造函数


The deque also allows random access with operator[ ], but it’s not quite as fast as vector’s operator[ ].


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