用了很一段时间的Modelsim,用TCL脚本仿真,开始注意起来它,看了些资料,有一个问题始终让我很困惑,那就是花括号 的用法,今天Google了一下,觉得有一点豁然了,记录一下。为了不让自己的翻译影响大家理解,先给出原文,再翻译一下。



SQUARE BRACKETS are used to define a block that's run BEFORE the rest of the command on the current line, and the result is substituted into the line.

CURLY BRACES are used to define a block that's deferred - in other words it may be run AFTER the rest of the command on the current line.





In Tcl, both Curley braces and double quotes can be used to hold a block of program or data together as a single unit / parameter ... but there are differences .

a) Curley braces can stretch over a number of lines, with new lines within the block being simply a part of the block. So they're ideal for defining blocks of code.

b) Curley braces can be nested - since there are different open and close characters, blocks within blocks are written easily and naturally, which is quite impractical with double quotes!

c) the biggest difference is that double quoted blocks are evaluated at the time they are encountered by the language parser, but curley braces are deferred until they are (perhaps) evaluated later under the control of the command of which they form a part.


a)     花括号可以延续到若干行,可以在块内包含若干的新行。所以花括号很适合用来定义代码块。

b)     花括号可以嵌套。因为花括号左(open)右(close)不同的字符表示,所以块中嵌套的块可以被容易自然的书写,这时使用双引号是不实际的。

c)     最大的不同是TCL语言解释器在遇到双括号内的块时就进行估值,但是花括号是延期的,块在由它形成的不同的命令的控制下延迟估值。(翻译不太好,看原文)


set sample 5

proc demo {} {global sample; return $sample}

proc omed {} "global sample; return $sample"

set sample 27

puts "Curley braces - defer substitution until block is run"

puts [demo]

puts "Double quotes - just grouping; substition at definition time"

puts [omed]

puts [info body demo]

puts [info body omed]



顺便说一下,在有些资料里说TCL中的流程控制语句是说TCL对花括号的要求很严格之类的说法,其实TCL的“保留字”都是命令,命令和参数之间肯定得有空格,而且要换行又要保持命令的格式就得用花括号了,所以对于for之类的命令换行前都得有个open braces。


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