Let's take a closer look at using Javascript's built in Array reduce function. Reduce is deceptively simple and when harnessed correctly can achieve very powerful results. By leveraging reduce, we can answer a variety of questions on a single, simple data set. In this lesson, we'll look at how you might useArray.prototype.reduce to:

  • Sum an array of numbers
  • Reduce an array of objects to a sum of a given property
  • Group an array of objects by key or a set of given criteria
  • Count the number of objects in an array by key or a given set of criteria
let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];


numbers.reduce(function(preVal, curVal, index, array){
console.log({preVal, curVal, index, array});
return curVal;
}); /*
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 2,
index: 1,
preVal: 1
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 3,
index: 2,
preVal: 2
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 4,
index: 3,
preVal: 3
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 5,
index: 4,
preVal: 4
} */

reduce() start from the second value in the array.

If there is no return value which will be passed to the next object as a previous value, then the next previous value will be undefined:

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];


numbers.reduce(function(preVal, curVal, index, array){
console.log({preVal, curVal, index, array});
}); /*
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 2,
index: 1,
preVal: 1
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 3,
index: 2,
preVal: undefined
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 4,
index: 3,
preVal: undefined
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 5,
index: 4,
preVal: undefined

You can give another parameter to let it start from the first element of the array:

numbers.reduce(function(preVal, curVal, index, array){
console.log({preVal, curVal, index, array});
return curVal;
}, "start"); /**
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 1,
index: 0,
preVal: "start"
[object Object] {
array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
curVal: 2,
index: 1,
preVal: 1

Sum up an number of array:

let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];


var sum = numbers.reduce( (preVal, curVal) => preVal + curVal);
console.log("sum: " + sum); /*
Sum: 15

Example 2:

let people = [
name: 'Joe mins',
yearsExperience: 1,
dapartment: 'IT'
name: "Sally koral",
yearsExperience: 15,
dapartment: 'Engineering'
name: "Bill Fork",
yearsExperience: 5,
dapartment: 'Engineering'
name: 'Jane James',
yearsExperience: 11,
dapartment: 'Manager'
name: 'Bob Super',
yearsExperience: 9,
dapartment: 'IT'
]; console.clear(); var yearsExperience = people.reduce( (sum, curVal) => sum + curVal.yearsExperience, 0); console.log(yearsExperience); //41

Group by object:

let people = [
name: 'Joe mins',
yearsExperience: 1,
dapartment: 'IT'
name: "Sally koral",
yearsExperience: 15,
dapartment: 'Engineering'
name: "Bill Fork",
yearsExperience: 5,
dapartment: 'Engineering'
name: 'Jane James',
yearsExperience: 11,
dapartment: 'Manager'
name: 'Bob Super',
yearsExperience: 9,
dapartment: 'IT'
]; console.clear(); var departmentExperienceYears = people.reduce( (groupByObject, employee) => {
let dapartment = employee.dapartment;
groupByObject[dapartment] = 0;
groupByObject[dapartment] += employee.yearsExperience;
} return groupByObject;
}, {}); console.log(departmentExperienceYears); /*
[object Object] {
Engineering: 15,
IT: 1,
Manager: 11


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