

将 KindEditor 的源文件添加到项目中,建议放到 /Scripts/kindeditor 目录中,其中只需要有 lang目录、plugis目录、themes目录和kindeditor-min.js文件即可。



<textarea id="HD_Content" rows="20" name="HD_Content"></textarea>



fileManagerJson: '@Url.Action("FileManager", "KinEditor")',  //浏览文件方法
uploadJson: '@Url.Action("Upload", "KinEditor")'           //上传文件方法

const string SavePath = "/UploadFile/"; #region uploadJson
// GET: /KindEditor/Upload
public ActionResult Upload()
var saveUrl = SavePath; //定义允许上传的文件扩展名
var extTable = new Hashtable
{"image", "gif,jpg,jpeg,png,bmp"},
{"flash", "swf,flv"},
{"media", "swf,flv,mp3,wav,wma,wmv,mid,avi,mpg,asf,rm,rmvb"},
{"file", "doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,htm,html,txt,zip,rar,gz,bz2"}
}; //最大文件大小
const int maxSize = ; var imgFile = Request.Files["imgFile"]; if (imgFile == null)
return ShowError("请选择文件。");
} var dirPath = Server.MapPath(SavePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))
//return ShowError("上传目录不存在。" + dirPath);
} var dirName = Request.QueryString["dir"];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
dirName = "image";
} if (!extTable.ContainsKey(dirName))
return ShowError("目录名不正确。");
} var fileName = imgFile.FileName;
var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
if (extension == null)
return ShowError("extension == null");
} var fileExt = extension.ToLower(); if (imgFile.InputStream == null || imgFile.InputStream.Length > maxSize)
return ShowError("上传文件大小超过限制。");
} if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt) ||
Array.IndexOf(((String)extTable[dirName]).Split(','), fileExt.Substring().ToLower()) == -)
return ShowError("上传文件扩展名是不允许的扩展名。\n只允许" + ((String)extTable[dirName]) + "格式。");
} //创建文件夹
dirPath += dirName + "/";
saveUrl += dirName + "/";
if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))
var ymd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
dirPath += ymd + "/";
saveUrl += ymd + "/";
if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))
} var newFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss_ffff", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + fileExt;
var filePath = dirPath + newFileName; imgFile.SaveAs(filePath); var fileUrl = saveUrl + newFileName; var hash = new Hashtable();
hash["error"] = ;
hash["url"] = fileUrl; return Json(hash, "text/html;charset=UTF-8");
private JsonResult ShowError(string message)
var hash = new Hashtable();
hash["error"] = ;
hash["message"] = message; return Json(hash, "text/html;charset=UTF-8");
} #endregion #region fileManagerJson
// GET: /KindEditor/FileManager
public ActionResult FileManager()
//根目录URL,可以指定绝对路径,比如 http://www.yoursite.com/attached/
var rootUrl = SavePath; //图片扩展名
const string fileTypes = "gif,jpg,jpeg,png,bmp"; String currentPath;
String currentUrl;
String currentDirPath ;
String moveupDirPath ; var dirPath = Server.MapPath(SavePath);
var dirName = Request.QueryString["dir"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
if (Array.IndexOf("image,flash,media,file".Split(','), dirName) == -)
return Content("Invalid Directory name.");
dirPath += dirName + "/";
rootUrl += dirName + "/";
if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))
} //根据path参数,设置各路径和URL
var path = Request.QueryString["path"];
path = String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? "" : path;
if (path == "")
currentPath = dirPath;
currentUrl = rootUrl;
currentDirPath = "";
moveupDirPath = "";
currentPath = dirPath + path;
currentUrl = rootUrl + path;
currentDirPath = path;
moveupDirPath = Regex.Replace(currentDirPath, @"(.*?)[^\/]+\/$", "$1");
} //排序形式,name or size or type
String order = Request.QueryString["order"];
order = String.IsNullOrEmpty(order) ? "" : order.ToLower(); //不允许使用..移动到上一级目录
if (Regex.IsMatch(path, @"\.\."))
return Content("Access is not allowed.");
} //最后一个字符不是/
if (path != "" && !path.EndsWith("/"))
return Content("Parameter is not valid.");
if (!Directory.Exists(currentPath))
return Content("Directory does not exist.");
} //遍历目录取得文件信息
string[] dirList = Directory.GetDirectories(currentPath);
string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(currentPath); switch (order)
case "size":
Array.Sort(dirList, new NameSorter());
Array.Sort(fileList, new SizeSorter());
case "type":
Array.Sort(dirList, new NameSorter());
Array.Sort(fileList, new TypeSorter());
Array.Sort(dirList, new NameSorter());
Array.Sort(fileList, new NameSorter());
} var result = new Hashtable();
result["moveup_dir_path"] = moveupDirPath;
result["current_dir_path"] = currentDirPath;
result["current_url"] = currentUrl;
result["total_count"] = dirList.Length + fileList.Length;
var dirFileList = new List<Hashtable>();
result["file_list"] = dirFileList;
foreach (var t in dirList)
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(t);
var hash = new Hashtable();
hash["is_dir"] = true;
hash["has_file"] = (dir.GetFileSystemInfos().Length > );
hash["filesize"] = ;
hash["is_photo"] = false;
hash["filetype"] = "";
hash["filename"] = dir.Name;
hash["datetime"] = dir.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
foreach (var t in fileList)
var file = new FileInfo(t);
var hash = new Hashtable();
hash["is_dir"] = false;
hash["has_file"] = false;
hash["filesize"] = file.Length;
hash["is_photo"] = (Array.IndexOf(fileTypes.Split(','), file.Extension.Substring().ToLower()) >= );
hash["filetype"] = file.Extension.Substring();
hash["filename"] = file.Name;
hash["datetime"] = file.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
} return Json(result, "text/html;charset=UTF-8", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
} private class NameSorter : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
if (x == null && y == null)
return ;
if (x == null)
return -;
if (y == null)
return ;
var xInfo = new FileInfo(x.ToString());
var yInfo = new FileInfo(y.ToString()); return String.CompareOrdinal(xInfo.FullName, yInfo.FullName);
} private class SizeSorter : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
if (x == null && y == null)
return ;
if (x == null)
return -;
if (y == null)
return ;
var xInfo = new FileInfo(x.ToString());
var yInfo = new FileInfo(y.ToString()); return xInfo.Length.CompareTo(yInfo.Length);
} private class TypeSorter : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
if (x == null && y == null)
return ;
if (x == null)
return -;
if (y == null)
return ;
var xInfo = new FileInfo(x.ToString());
var yInfo = new FileInfo(y.ToString()); return String.CompareOrdinal(xInfo.Extension, yInfo.Extension);
} #endregion



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