定义了DbRepository<TEntity>:IRepository<TEntity> ,SimpleDbContext继承了DbContext, UnitOfWork:IUnitOfWork,

当已经存在数据库的时候,可以使用Entity Framework Power Tools 来反向生成Model,和Map对象,非常方便

张占岭 的ef系列:http://www.cnblogs.com/lori/archive/2013/01/31/2887396.html

.NET 开源项目 http://www.cnblogs.com/acdomain/p/2014-csharp-top-25.html

蒋金楠(Artech) 很多系列都不错

领域驱动设计与entityFreamwork http://www.uml.org.cn/zjjs/201301285.asp#2

引用 http://diaosbook.com/Post/2012/12/9/performance-issue-in-select-one-or-few-colums-via-entityframework

自从我用了EF,每次都很关心是否有潜在的性能问题。所以每次我写LINQ查询,都会使用SQL Profiler看一下实际生成的SQL语句,以便发现潜在的性能问题。也强烈建议大家这么去做,以免日后软件大了出了问题很难查。




context.Post.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == postId).Hits;

我期待着他们只去数据库里筛选Hits这一列的数据,然而,通过SQL Profiler会发现,这两条语句居然把全部列都给select出来了,访问Hits的操作实际是在内存中进行的。



context.Post.Where(p => p.Id == postId).Select(p => p.Hits).FirstOrDefault();
LINQ to SQL最终生成的native sql是这样的:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1)
[Extent1].[Hits] AS [Hits]
FROM [dbo].[Post] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[Id] = @p__linq__0-61EDA559F804'




var query = from ..... // 建立查询,但不执行
var result = query.ToList(); // 立即执行查询

三、IQueryable, IEnumerable



public IEnumerable<EdiBlog.Core.Entities.Post> GetAllPost()
    return context.Post;

var myResult = postDa.GetAllPost().Where(...)
但这时,很不幸的是,where语句中的条件并不是转换为native sql去执行的,它是在内存中筛选的。这是一个比较阴的性能问题。所以文章一开始我就建议大家多用SQL Profiler看看自己的LINQ是怎么执行的。


public IQueryable<EdiBlog.Core.Entities.Post> GetAllPost()
    return context.Post;


“IEnumerable: IEnumerable is best suitable for working with in-memory collection. IEnumerable doesn’t move between items, it is forward only collection.

IQueryable: IQueryable best suits for remote data source, like a database or web service. IQueryable is a very powerful feature that enables a variety of interesting deferred execution scenarios (like paging and composition based queries).”


IQueryable returns a "queryable" that is a query you could still be enriched before really sending it to the server.

IEnumerable returns a list that is the actual querying took place and you get the results. ToList is isued to force running the query and returning these enumerable results...

So in short :
- use IQueryable if you want to return a base query that could be further enhanced before running it server side (by enumerating its items)..
- use IEnumerable/ToList if you want to return a list that has been retrieved from the db


这个是最容易被坑,也是非常严重的一个性能问题。当我们需要统计符合某条件的记录的条数时,我们希望SQL语句是SELECT COUNT(*) ... 这种形式的。然而下面这个看似很自然的写法却会导致不希望的结果:

context.Category.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == categoryName).Posts.Count;
这是我博客里用来统计某分类下文章数目的语句,当然,因为发现性能问题,现在已经不是这么写了。它产生的SQL并不是SELECT COUNT,而是分成2条。下面是SQL Profiler抓到的:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1)
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
[Extent1].[DisplayName] AS [DisplayName]
FROM [dbo].[Category] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[Name] = @p__linq__0)',@p__linq__0=N'ASPNET'

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
[Extent2].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent2].[Title] AS [Title],
[Extent2].[Slug] AS [Slug],
[Extent2].[PubDate] AS [PubDate],
[Extent2].[PostContent] AS [PostContent],
[Extent2].[Author] AS [Author],
[Extent2].[CommentEnabled] AS [CommentEnabled],
[Extent2].[IsPublished] AS [IsPublished],
[Extent2].[Hits] AS [Hits],
[Extent2].[Rators] AS [Rators],
[Extent2].[Rating] AS [Rating],
[Extent2].[ExposedToSiteMap] AS [ExposedToSiteMap],
[Extent2].[DisplayFrom] AS [DisplayFrom],
[Extent2].[DisplayTill] AS [DisplayTill],
[Extent2].[LastModifyOn] AS [LastModifyOn],
[Extent2].[PublishToRss] AS [PublishToRss]
FROM  [dbo].[PostCategory] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Post] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[PostId] = [Extent2].[Id]
WHERE [Extent1].[CategoryId] = @EntityKeyValue1',N'@EntityKeyValue1 uniqueidentifier',@EntityKeyValue1='3FEB11A2-6E36-4DCE-8C02-614BEF7ACC62'

回顾第一条我所讲过的。不难发现。在FirstOrDefault(...)之后访问的属性,都是在内存里进行的。所以,当我们访问Category.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == categoryName)的时候,就生成了第一条SQL语句。紧跟其后的“.Posts”是Category对象的导航属性,EF会用lazy load去加载这个category所有的post,所以就生成了第二条SQL语句。再紧接其后的Count就自然而然在内存里进行了。

如果要让代码尽量去生成LINQ to SQL,有个很简单的原则,就是尽量用LINQ、Lambda表达式,这样EF才可能帮我们翻译。C#里的Count有两种。Enumerable.Count()是方法,List.Count是属性。一旦一个东西变成了List,你再去Count,就必定是在内存里进行的了。


context.Post.Count(p => p.Categories.Any(q => q.Name == categoryName));
这时,Count()接受了一个lambda表达式,LINQ to SQL就能准确翻译为“SELECT COUNT”了:

SELECT [GroupBy1].[A1]  AS [C1]
FROM   (
           SELECT COUNT()      AS [A1]
           FROM   [dbo].[Post]  AS [Extent1]
           WHERE  EXISTS (
                      SELECT  AS [C1]
                      FROM   [dbo].[PostCategory] AS [Extent2]
                             INNER JOIN [dbo].[Category] AS [Extent3]
                                  ON  [Extent3].[Id] = [Extent2].[CategoryId]
                      WHERE  ([Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[PostId])
                             AND ([Extent3].[Name] = 'ASPNET')
       )                AS [GroupBy1]

Entity Framework 6 (& SQL Server Compact) (5)–Entity Framework 6 extensions

This is a list of some of all the nice Entity Framework 6 extensions out there that expand the functionality of the Entity Framework 6 runtime. Code generator tools and Frameworks using Entity Framework are not included here, only libraries that extend DbContext or similar.

The EF team has lists of Tools and 3rd party EF providers here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/ee712907

Please let me know if I have missed anything, and I will add it to the list.

Store Functions for EntityFramework CodeFirst 
Why: This project uses the basic building blocks to build end to end experience allowing using TVFs in Linq queries and invoking stroed procedures without having to drop down to SQL. 
Project: https://codefirstfunctions.codeplex.com/ 
NuGet: Coming soon

Interactive Pre-Generated Views for Entity Framework 6 

Why: An alternative is a solution where views are created dynamically only when needed (i.e. views don't exist or are out dated) and then persisted and made available for use by other instances of the same application (be it running in parallel or the same application after a restart). This is exactly the problem Interactive Pre Generated Views project is trying to solve. 
Project: https://efinteractiveviews.codeplex.com/ 
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EFInteractiveViews

Entity Framework 6 Contrib 

Why: https://ef6contrib.codeplex.com/documentation 
Project: https://ef6contrib.codeplex.com/ 
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EF6.Contrib/

Entity Framework Extended Library

Why: Batch Update and Delete, Future Queries, Query Result Cache, Audit Log 
Project: https://github.com/loresoft/EntityFramework.Extended 
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EntityFramework.Extended/ and 


Why: EntityFramework.Utilities provides some batch operations for using EF that the EF team hasn't yet added for us. (CUD) 
Project: https://github.com/MikaelEliasson/EntityFramework.Utilities 
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EFUtilities/


Why: Bulk insert extension for EntityFramework. Insert large amount of data over 20 times faster than regular insert. Supports DB first and code first. 
Project: https://efbulkinsert.codeplex.com/ 
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EntityFramework.BulkInsert-ef6

Trackable Entities 
Why: Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 project templates and NuGet packages for client-side entity change-tracking and server-side persistence with Entity Framework extensions. 
Project: https://trackable.codeplex.com/ 
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/TrackableEntities.EF.6/


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