1. 引入Chisel3
2. 继承自Module类
3. 定义输入输出接口
val nickel = Input(Bool())
a. 使用Bool()创建布尔型数,位宽为1;
b. 使用UInt创建无符号整型数;
c. 使用Input/Output表示接口方向;
d. val 关键字表明定义的变量是所属匿名Bundle子类的数据成员;
4. 内部连接
1) 创建5个状态:val sIdle :: s5 :: s10 :: s15 :: sOk :: Nil = Enum(5)
2) 使用when判断逻辑嵌套实现状态机;
5. 生成Verilog
也可以使用sbt shell执行:
6. 测试
7. 附录
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._ // Problem:
// Implement a vending machine using 'when' states.
// 'nickel' is a 5 cent coin
// 'dime' is 10 cent coin
// 'sOk' is reached when there are coins totalling 20 cents or more in the machine.
// The vending machine should return to the 'sIdle' state from the 'sOk' state.
class VendingMachine extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val nickel = Input(Bool())
val dime = Input(Bool())
val valid = Output(Bool())
val sIdle :: s5 :: s10 :: s15 :: sOk :: Nil = Enum(5)
val state = RegInit(sIdle)
when (state === sIdle) {
when (io.nickel) { state := s5 }
when (io.dime) { state := s10 }
when (state === s5) {
when (io.nickel) { state := s10 }
when (io.dime) { state := s15 }
when (state === s10) {
when (io.nickel) { state := s15 }
when (io.dime) { state := sOk }
when (state === s15) {
when (io.nickel) { state := sOk }
when (io.dime) { state := sOk }
when (state === sOk) {
state := sIdle
io.valid := (state === sOk)
} object VendingMachineMain {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
chisel3.Driver.execute(Array("--target-dir", "generated/VendingMachine"), () => new VendingMachine)


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