项目中有用到艺术字,美术通过 bmfont64 将字体导给我了,结果发现在应用上 空格不显示 如图:

下面是改过的 BitmapFont 类 在laya.core.js 里面

class BitmapFont {
constructor() {
this._fontCharDic = {};
this._fontWidthMap = {};
this._maxWidth = 0;
this._spaceWidth = 10;
this.fontSize = 12;
this.autoScaleSize = false;
this.letterSpacing = 0;
loadFont(path, complete) {
this._path = path;
this._complete = complete;
if (!path || path.indexOf(".fnt") === -1) {
console.error('Bitmap font configuration information must be a ".fnt" file');
ILaya.loader.load([{ url: path, type: ILaya.Loader.XML }, { url: path.replace(".fnt", ".png"), type: ILaya.Loader.IMAGE }], Handler.create(this, this._onLoaded));
_onLoaded() {
this.parseFont(ILaya.Loader.getRes(this._path), ILaya.Loader.getRes(this._path.replace(".fnt", ".png")));
this._complete && this._complete.run();
parseFont(xml, texture) {
if (xml == null || texture == null)
this._texture = texture;
var tScale = 1;
var tInfo = xml.getElementsByTagName("info");
if (!tInfo[0].getAttributeNode) {
return this.parseFont2(xml, texture);
this.fontSize = parseInt(tInfo[0].getAttributeNode("size").nodeValue);
var tPadding = tInfo[0].getAttributeNode("padding").nodeValue;
var tPaddingArray = tPadding.split(",");
this._padding = [parseInt(tPaddingArray[0]), parseInt(tPaddingArray[1]), parseInt(tPaddingArray[2]), parseInt(tPaddingArray[3])];
var chars = xml.getElementsByTagName("char");
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
var tAttribute = chars[i];
var tId = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue);
var xOffset = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("xoffset").nodeValue) / tScale;
var yOffset = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("yoffset").nodeValue) / tScale;
var xAdvance = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("xadvance").nodeValue) / tScale;
var region = new Rectangle();
region.x = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("x").nodeValue);
region.y = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("y").nodeValue);
region.width = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("width").nodeValue);
region.height = parseInt(tAttribute.getAttributeNode("height").nodeValue);
var tTexture = Texture.create(texture, region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height, xOffset, yOffset);
this._maxWidth = Math.max(this._maxWidth, xAdvance + this.letterSpacing);
this._fontCharDic[tId] = tTexture;
this._fontWidthMap[tId] = xAdvance;
parseFont2(xml, texture) {
if (xml == null || texture == null)
this._texture = texture;
var tScale = 1;
var tInfo = xml.getElementsByTagName("info");
this.fontSize = parseInt(tInfo[0].attributes["size"].nodeValue);
var tPadding = tInfo[0].attributes["padding"].nodeValue;
var tPaddingArray = tPadding.split(",");
this._padding = [parseInt(tPaddingArray[0]), parseInt(tPaddingArray[1]), parseInt(tPaddingArray[2]), parseInt(tPaddingArray[3])];
var chars = xml.getElementsByTagName("char");
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
var tAttribute = chars[i].attributes;
var tId = parseInt(tAttribute["id"].nodeValue);
var xOffset = parseInt(tAttribute["xoffset"].nodeValue) / tScale;
var yOffset = parseInt(tAttribute["yoffset"].nodeValue) / tScale;
var xAdvance = parseInt(tAttribute["xadvance"].nodeValue) / tScale;
var region = new Rectangle();
region.x = parseInt(tAttribute["x"].nodeValue);
region.y = parseInt(tAttribute["y"].nodeValue);
region.width = parseInt(tAttribute["width"].nodeValue);
region.height = parseInt(tAttribute["height"].nodeValue);
var tTexture = Texture.create(texture, region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height, xOffset, yOffset);
this._maxWidth = Math.max(this._maxWidth, xAdvance + this.letterSpacing);
this._fontCharDic[tId] = tTexture;
this._fontWidthMap[tId] = xAdvance;
getCharTexture(char) {
return this._fontCharDic[char.charCodeAt(0)];
destroy() {
if (this._texture) {
for (var p in this._fontCharDic) {
var tTexture = this._fontCharDic[p];
if (tTexture)
this._fontCharDic = null;
this._fontWidthMap = null;
this._texture = null;
this._complete = null;
this._padding = null;
setSpaceWidth(spaceWidth) {
this._spaceWidth = spaceWidth;
getCharWidth(char) {
var code = char.charCodeAt(0);
if (this._fontWidthMap[code])
return this._fontWidthMap[code] + this.letterSpacing;
if (char === " ")
return this._spaceWidth + this.letterSpacing;
return 0;
getTextWidth(text) {
var tWidth = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = text.length; i < n; i++) {
tWidth += this.getCharWidth(text.charAt(i));
return tWidth;
getMaxWidth() {
return this._maxWidth;
getMaxHeight() {
return this.fontSize;
_drawText(text, sprite, drawX, drawY, align, width) {
var tWidth = this.getTextWidth(text);
var tTexture;
var dx = 0;
align === "center" && (dx = (width - tWidth) / 2);
align === "right" && (dx = (width - tWidth));
var tx = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = text.length; i < n; i++) {
tTexture = this.getCharTexture(text.charAt(i));
if (tTexture) {
sprite.graphics.drawImage(tTexture, drawX + tx + dx, drawY);
tx += this.getCharWidth(text.charAt(i));
tx += this.getCharWidth(text.charAt(i));




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  2. Websphere 系列的https证书的配置说明
  3. NOI模拟赛 Day1
  4. ThinkPHP 3.2.3 Pager分页
  5. markdown编辑器实现笔记
  6. img图片下有个间隙是为什么
  7. 什么是IP地址、子网掩码、路由和网关
  8. Android BaseAdapter Gallery 画廊视图 (左右拖动图片列表拖至中间时图片放大显示)
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  11. spring boot 项目部署在阿里云上
  12. webapi xml序列化删除&lt;string xmlns=&quot;http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/&quot;&gt;标签
  13. python中的深浅copy
  14. linux下定时执行任务的方法
  15. 数位dp D - Count The Bits
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  18. VUE.js 简单引用
  19. python实战博客
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  1. JAVA字符配置替换方案
  2. Python排序函数用法
  3. 关于Android手机CPU不同架构的问题
  4. C++异常之二 基本语法
  5. Pandownload网页版复活
  6. apache重写URL时,排除静态资源
  7. 四、testNG.xml 简单介绍
  8. 【Tomcat 源码系列】Tomcat 整体结构
  9. 【震惊】padding-top的百分比值参考对象竟是父级元素的宽度
  10. react第十八单元(redux中间件redux-thunk,redux工程目录的样板代码,规范目录结构)