【总结】两种 NIO 实现:Selector 与 Epoll

我想用这个话题小结下最近这一阶段的各种测试和开发。其实文章的内容主要还是想总结一下 NIO Socket ,以及两种不同操作系统实现 NIO 的方式, selector 和epoll 。



用java来开发NIO socket的程序,最先要理解的还是各种概念。

通道channel,在NIO socket中使用到的通道有三个,SocketChannel、ServerSocketChannel、DatagramChannel。前两种基于TCP,最后一种一种用来实现UDP的通信。ServerSocketChannel不做任何数据上的处理,只是提供通道,负责连接。SocketChannel职责和net包下的socket类似,只不过这里是以通道的形势来对接。




The Selector class manages information about a set of registered channels and their readiness states. Channels are registered with selectors, and a selector can be asked to update the readiness states of the channels currently registered with it. When doing
so, the invoking thread can optionally indicate that it would prefer to be suspended until one of the registered channels is ready.


This abstract class provides the common methods needed to implement channel selectability. It's the superclass of all channel classes that support readiness selection. FileChannel objects are not selectable because they don't extend from SelectableChannel.
All the socket channel classes are selectable, as well as the channels obtained from a Pipe object. SelectableChannel objects can be registered with Selector objects, along with an indication of which operations on that channel are of interest for that selector.
A channel can be registered with multiple selectors, but only once per selector.


A SelectionKey encapsulates the registration relationship between a specific channel and a specific selector. A SelectionKey object is returned from SelectableChannel.register( ) and serves as a token representing the registration. SelectionKey objects contain
two bit sets (encoded as integers) indicating which channel operations the registrant has an interest in and which operations the channel is ready to perform.

Selector 管理被注册的通道的集合的信息和其就绪状态,同时也更新通道的就绪状态。并且一个通道可以被注册到多个选择器上,而对于同一个选择器则只能被注册一次。

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.Iterator; public class SelectSockets {
private static final int PORT = 8082; private ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { SelectSockets ss = new SelectSockets(); ss.go();
} public void go() throws IOException { System.out.println("listening on port:" + PORT); ServerSocketChannel ssc = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ServerSocket ss = ssc.socket(); Selector selector = Selector.open(); ss.bind(new InetSocketAddress(PORT)); ssc.configureBlocking(false); ssc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); while (true) {
int n = selector.select(); if (n == 0) {
} Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey key = iter.next();
if (key.isAcceptable()) {
ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel) key
SocketChannel client = server.accept();
register(selector, client, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
System.out.println("Accept client:" + client);
if (key.isReadable()) {
} protected void register(Selector selector, SelectableChannel channel,
int ops) throws IOException {
if (channel == null) {
channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.register(selector, ops); } protected void readData(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
int count;
while ((count = socketChannel.read(buffer)) > 0) {
buffer.flip(); while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
} buffer.clear(); if (count < 0) {
} private void acceptClient(SocketChannel channel) throws IOException {
buffer.put("you have already connected server!".getBytes());
buffer.flip(); channel.write(buffer);
} }

上面的代码就是一般的 NIO 服务器端实现的过程。 当然对于一个企业级的应用这样的代码肯定是太单薄了,仅仅就 selector 而言, 我们是不是能共通过用多线程的方式来增强他的处理能力?是不是只有一个线程在跑 selector ,让这一个线程处理那么多的连接有点儿过意不去。答案并不是和你想的一样 :

For the first scenario, in which you want to bring more threads into play to service channels, resist the urge to use multiple selectors . Performing readiness selection on large numbers of channels is not expensive; most
of the work is done by the underlying operating system . Maintaining multiple selectors and randomly assigning channels to one of them is not a satisfactory solution to this problem. It simply makes smaller versions of the same scenario.



模式就和上图上描述的一样,但是我的疑问来了,这样和线程池下的服务端连接好像看起来并没有多少大的优势。同样还是要启那么多的线程去处理这些业务。这也是我最近一直想从 mina 源码中找到的答案,可是还是没有发现我想要的,它也是通过 IoSession 用原型模型的方式来实现并发的。不过我估计 Mina 应该是有异步的实现,这样也会对性能上有影响。具体还有待研究。


l  如果是做大文件的传输,切分的性价比其实比连续传的性价比高不了多少,虽然像迅雷这样可以分好多块传输,但那毕竟是 P2P 的结构,文件本来就松散的。考虑到切分再校验再重组,这样还不如切大块,然后顺序传。

l  尽量将指令和传输分开,指令可以加密,然后更具协议,返回端口和地址让服务器端做到分布式的处理。

l  还有就是客户端是否要用非阻塞模式,客户端如果不是做出 P2P 模式的,而且能用多线程解决问题的,就没必要用非阻塞的模式,因为非阻塞模式的发送和接收的时机很难控制,特别是用原生的 NIO 写的 socket 。

l  在做两端通信的时候,特别是不同语言写的程序和不同操作系统下,要注意字节序(高有效和低有效)和进制的问题。

l  Mina 这样的框架很好,如果再配上 protobuf 这样的多平台序列化工具,可以很好的实现自定义协议的通信。自己订协议的好处就是安全,而且能做应答机制。

Epoll是Linux下多路复用IO接口select/poll的增强版本,它能显著提高程序在大量并发连接中只有少量活跃的情况下的系统CPU利用率,因为它会复用文件描述符集合来传递结果而不用迫使开发者每次等待事件之前都必须重新准备要被侦听的文件描述符集合,另一点原因就是获取事件的时候,它无须遍历整个被侦听的描述符集,只要遍历那些被内核IO事件异步唤醒而加入Ready队列的描述符集合就行了。epoll除了提供select/poll那种IO事件的电平触发(Level Triggered)外,还提供了边沿触发(Edge






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