View.ShowHeading Method (Word)

office 365 dev account|Last Updated: 6/12/2017


1 Contributor

Shows all headings up to the specified heading level and hides subordinate headings and body text.


expression . ShowHeading( Level )

expression Required. A variable that represents a View object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Level Required Long The outline heading level (a number from 1 to 9).


This method generates an error if the view isn't outline view or master document view.


This example switches the active window to outline view and displays all text that's formatted with the Heading 1 style. Body text and all other types of headings are hidden.

With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
.Type = wdOutlineView
.ShowHeading 1
End With

This example switches the window for Document1 to outline view and displays all text that's formatted with the Heading 1, Heading 2, or Heading 3 style.

With Windows("Document1").View
.Type = wdOutlineView
.ShowHeading 3
End With

See also


View Object


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