

package org.cryptocoinpartners.schema;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import org.joda.time.Instant; /**
* @author Tim Olson
@Entity //实体,在数据库中会创建表格
public abstract class MarketData extends RemoteEvent { protected MarketData(Instant time, @Nullable String remoteKey, Market market) {
this(time, Instant.now(), remoteKey, market);
} protected MarketData(Instant time, Instant timeReceived, String remoteKey, Market market) {
super(time, timeReceived, remoteKey);
this.market = market;
} @ManyToOne(optional = false)
public Market getMarket() {
return market;
} // JPA
protected MarketData() {
} protected void setMarket(Market market) {
this.market = market;
} private Market market;//市场





package org.cryptocoinpartners.schema;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Cacheable;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Index;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
import javax.persistence.PostPersist;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.FeeMethod;
import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.PersistUtil;
import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.RemainderHandler; /**
* Represents the possibility to trade one Asset for another at a specific Exchange.
* @author Tim Olson
@Entity //表格
@Cacheable // 缓存
@NamedQuery(name = "Market.findByMarket", query = "select m from Market m where exchange=?1 and listing=?2") // 命名查询
@Table(indexes = { @Index(columnList = "exchange"), @Index(columnList = "listing"), @Index(columnList = "active") }) //编织索引
public class Market extends EntityBase { public static Collection<Market> findAll() {//查询全部市场数据
return PersistUtil.queryList(Market.class, "select m from Market m");
} /** adds the Market to the database if it does not already exist */
public static Market findOrCreate(Exchange exchange, Listing listing) {
return findOrCreate(exchange, listing, listing.getPriceBasis(), listing.getVolumeBasis());
} @PostPersist
private void postPersist() { //PersistUtil.detach(this); }
public static Market findOrCreate(Exchange exchange, Listing listing, double quoteBasis, double volumeBasis) {
// final String queryStr = "select m from Market m where exchange=?1 and listing=? 2";
try {
return PersistUtil.namedQueryOne(Market.class, "Market.findByMarket", exchange, listing);
} catch (NoResultException e) {
final Market ml = new Market(exchange, listing, quoteBasis, volumeBasis);
return ml;
} /**
@return active Markets for the given exchange
public static Collection<Market> find(Exchange exchange) {
return PersistUtil.queryList(Market.class, "select s from Market s where exchange=? 1 and active=?2", exchange, true);
} /**
@return active Markets for the given listing
public static Collection<Market> find(Listing listing) {
return PersistUtil.queryList(Market.class, "select s from Market s where listing=?1 and active=?2", listing, true);
} @ManyToOne(optional = false)
public Exchange getExchange() {
return exchange;
} @ManyToOne(optional = false)
public Listing getListing() {
return listing;
} @Basic(optional = false)
public double getPriceBasis() { return listing.getPriceBasis() == 0 ? priceBasis : listing.getPriceBasis(); } @Transient
public int getScale() { int length = (int) (Math.log10(getPriceBasis()));
return length;
} @Basic(optional = false)
public double getVolumeBasis() {
return listing.getVolumeBasis() == 0 ? volumeBasis : listing.getVolumeBasis(); } /** @return true iff the Listing is currently traded at the Exchange. The Market could have been retired. */
public boolean isActive() {
return active;
} @Transient
public Asset getBase() {
return listing.getBase();
} @Transient
public Asset getQuote() {
return listing.getQuote();
} @Transient
public int getMargin() {
return listing.getMargin() == 0 ? exchange.getMargin() : listing.getMargin(); } @Transient
public double getFeeRate() {
return listing.getFeeRate() == 0 ? exchange.getFeeRate() : listing.getFeeRate(); } @Transient
public FeeMethod getMarginFeeMethod() {
return listing.getMarginFeeMethod() == null ? exchange.getMarginFeeMethod() : listing.getMarginFeeMethod(); } @Transient
public FeeMethod getFeeMethod() {
return listing.getFeeMethod() == null ? exchange.getFeeMethod() : listing.getFeeMethod(); } @Transient
public double getMultiplier() {
return listing.getMultiplier(); } @Transient
public double getTickValue() {
return listing.getTickValue(); } @Transient
public double getContractSize() {
return listing.getContractSize(); } @Transient
public double getTickSize() {
return listing.getTickSize(); } @Transient
public Asset getTradedCurrency() {
return listing.getTradedCurrency(); } @Transient
public String getSymbol() {
return exchange.toString() + ':' + listing.toString();
} @Override
public String toString() {
return getSymbol();
} public static Market forSymbol(String marketSymbol) { for (Market market : findAll()) {
if (market.getSymbol().equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
return market;
return null;
} public static List<String> allSymbols() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
List<Market> markets = PersistUtil.queryList(Market.class, "select m from Market m");
for (Market market : markets)
return result;
} public static class MarketAmountBuilder { public DiscreteAmount fromPriceCount(long count) {
return priceBuilder.fromCount(count);
} public DiscreteAmount fromVolumeCount(long count) {
return volumeBuilder.fromCount(count);
} public DiscreteAmount fromPrice(BigDecimal amount, RemainderHandler remainderHandler) {
return priceBuilder.fromValue(amount, remainderHandler);
} public DiscreteAmount fromVolume(BigDecimal amount, RemainderHandler remainderHandler) {
return volumeBuilder.fromValue(amount, remainderHandler);
} public MarketAmountBuilder(double priceBasis, double volumeBasis) {
this.priceBuilder = DiscreteAmount.withBasis(priceBasis);
this.volumeBuilder = DiscreteAmount.withBasis(volumeBasis);
} private final DiscreteAmount.DiscreteAmountBuilder priceBuilder;
private final DiscreteAmount.DiscreteAmountBuilder volumeBuilder;
} public MarketAmountBuilder buildAmount() {
if (marketAmountBuilder == null)
marketAmountBuilder = new MarketAmountBuilder(getPriceBasis(), getVolumeBasis());
return marketAmountBuilder;
} // JPA
protected Market() {
} protected void setExchange(Exchange exchange) {
this.exchange = exchange;
} protected void setListing(Listing listing) {
this.listing = listing;
} protected void setActive(boolean active) {
this.active = active;
} protected void setPriceBasis(double quoteBasis) {
this.priceBasis = quoteBasis;
} protected void setVolumeBasis(double volumeBasis) {
this.volumeBasis = volumeBasis;
} private Market(Exchange exchange, Listing listing, double priceBasis, double volumeBasis) {
this.exchange = exchange;
this.listing = listing;
this.priceBasis = priceBasis;
this.volumeBasis = volumeBasis;
this.active = true;
} private Exchange exchange;//交易所
private Listing listing;//挂牌清单
private double priceBasis;//基准价格
private double volumeBasis;//基准量
private boolean active;//是否活跃
private MarketAmountBuilder marketAmountBuilder;



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