sudo aptitude install wmi-client

Example of usage is;

wmic -U DOMAIN/administrator%password // “Select * from Win32_Service”

Lists all services, the first line it spits back is the fields which you can use this SQL like language  to filter, so to see only the names of the services installed we’d do:

wmic -U DOMAIN/administrator%password // “Select Name from Win32_Service”

Or Name and State:

wmic -U DOMAIN/administrator%password // “Select Name,State from Win32_Service”

Or for just one service in this case the UPS service:

wmic -U DOMAIN/administrator%password // “Select Name,State from Win32_Service where name=’UPS'”

The language for the queries is called WQL and a reference is available here over at MSDN.

Hope this helps, this is only in Hardy as far as I’m aware.


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