

User manual: http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/index.html#intro

1.Installing the certificate in Firefox

Choose the following options:
1.Tools / Options
2.Advanced / Certificates
3.View Certificates
5.Import ...
6.Browse to the JMeter launch directory, and click on the file ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, press Open
7.Click View and check that the certificate details agree with the ones displayed by the JMeter Test Script Recorder
8.If OK, select "Trust this CA to identify web sites", and press OK
9.Close dialogs by pressing OK as necessary

2.Installing the certificate in Chrome or Internet Explorer

Both Chrome and Internet Explorer use the same trust store for certificates.

Browse to the JMeter launch directory, and click on the file ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, and open it
Click on the "Details" tab and check that the certificate details agree with the ones displayed by the JMeter Test Script Recorder
If OK, go back to the "General" tab, and click on "Install Certificate ..." and follow the Wizard prompts

3.Installing the certificate in Opera

Tools / Preferences / Advanced / Security
Manage Certificates...
Select "Intermediate" tab, click "Import..."
Browse to the JMeter launch directory, and click on the file ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.usr, and open it


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